OT: What a night!

My next door neighbor (also my landlady) invited me to a go to a cooking class with her and her husband and a few other people she knows. So I said yes. It was awesome. We made fresh pasta (mmmmm) got to try 2 different sauces, had wonderful pears, wine, bread, etc. So that was cool thing number 1.

Cool thing # 2 - my NDN/LL is also a Realtor. So I was kinda joking around and said - well if you know of somewhere that has land and a creek let me know. She said there's lots here (some very pricey!!). Then she said - oh there's a place on (Tink will like this name) Spook's Branch Road. I looked at here and said where? I had been past that road Saturday and thought to myself that it would be a really cool pace to live. eerie.

Cool thing #3 and beady related. I wore one of my necklaces tonight (just sorta hoping) and she commented on how great it was. The manager of the real estate office was also there- and just loved it my necklace and my ring (PMC). She wanted to know if I had any made up (I said of course - ok so I have a few but I can make plenty) - she wants to put them on display in the work room at the real estate office. Shriek!!!!! And NDN/LL is going to some kind of gathering for women starting small businesses that you bring what you do/make to and she's going to get me invited to that. WOW. So now I'm stoked and a little scared!

Only downer is I went kitty hunting and couldn't find it tonight. I'll try again tomorrow.

Kathy K

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What great opportunities.


PS. If kitty hasn't come to you yet, she probably either has a home or has become feral, preferring to be wild, and possibly no longer able to be tamed.


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Christina Peterson

Well the cat came up and ate last night. I didn't stay long tonight - too tired, just did a quick look into the bushes as I drove through the parking lot. But you could be right. I'll probably try a few more days just to make sure.

I really should have gotten the carrier out first last night. Lesson learned.

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WOW. Isn't it amazing how you do all this prep work, and nothing seems to be happening, and then all of a sudden everything happens at once and it all comes together, all because you were *ready* when the oppportunity arrived? Good for you!

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Kalera Stratton

So very true.


"Kalera Stratton" wrote

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Christina Peterson

I know.. It was funny 'cause I was thinking the other day about needing some motivation to get my butt in gear. Think I found it :)

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