What would it take to make your mom perfect?

She'd be in California instead of Arkansas . . . I'd be there instead of here.

Thanks for posting this -- I got a big kick out of it!


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Jewitch...I think it would be the same with my boyfriend...We live in Vacaville, she lives in HotSprings. Well, Ken wouldn't live out there (he says crazy drivers, go fig!), and could make *NO WHERE* what he is doing now (and after we buy the house, we will be pinching pennies again, LOL!). His mom used to live in Antioch, and says she couldn't live out here again because of the earthquakes...hmmm, earthquakes or tornadoes...Both Ken and I will take California! Hehehe!


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Mary Rurup

Me too. Especially the shoplifing episode...


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Deirdre S.

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "Mary Rurup" :

]earthquakes or tornadoes...Both Ken and I ]will take California! Hehehe!


----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you;it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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Mary, I grew up in North Central Arkansas -- It was home until I was

  1. I've lived in San Bernardino County for almost 5 years now. I've been in worse earthquakes in Arkansas (twice) than anything I've experienced here so far, but I do miss the snow. It's true that wages are better here, but you can buy a house you wouldn't be ashamed to live in for less than 0,000 where my parents live. On the downside, though, the only place to buy beads is at Wal-Mart. There isn't even a Michel's or a JoAnn's in town. Springfield, MO is a two hour drive, so that wouldn't exactly be considered an LBS. However, it might be a new career for me . . . retail shop owner!


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What I meant was OR I'd be there instead of here . . . the point was I MISS HER!

Actually, Sooz-Sweets, I think I'd love NoCal. You actually have seasons up there, don't you? Like, they are functions of time, not space? I've been here almost five years, and I still can not get used to the fact that during certain times of the year I can snowboard (well, *I* can't, but some people can) in the morning and surf in the afternoon. It's just a matter of driving in different directions.

BTW, was that an invitation?


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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from Jewitch :

]Springfield, MO is a two hour drive, so ]that wouldn't exactly be considered an LBS. However, it might be a new ]career for me . . . retail shop owner!

i was JUST in Springfield! the only retail places we visited were the fishing/hunting supply store and the zoo named after us, but it's definitely a nice town!

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you;it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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BassPro Shop! They have handgun cases (at least in the catalogue) for $4.99 -- and the are perfect for carry a project (although you have to be careful in Southern California!)


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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from Jewitch :

]BassPro Shop! They have handgun cases (at least in the catalogue) for ]$4.99 -- and the are perfect for carry a project (although you have to ]be careful in Southern California!)

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pics i took on our trip.i was astounded. oh - and if you see a bald/nearly bald head in any of the pictures, it's probably one of my kid brothers.

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you;it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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Thanks for sharing the pics; it feels like "old home week." Isn't that place a trip? It's like half shopping and half wildlife preserve, huh???


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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from Jewitch :

]It's like half shopping and half wildlife preserve, ]huh???

exactly! and i was able to get my precious Fireline for a LOT less than i pay for it here. now i've got 1200 yards, which should keep me going for a while!

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you;it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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