OT: Calgon Take Me Away

DD went back to college and left me with the cold she arrived with. On top of that this morning when I came downstairs to feed the cats and make coffee, the rug in front of the sink was damp. I gave a quick mental shout - please let a kitty have peed on it - but no. The drain pipe under the sink has given out. And yes, hubby has left me to deal with it. Though apparently guilt got the better of him as he's already called from work to apologize for running out on this problem.

Is it mandatory for me to find a pair of pants that expose things while I play plumber today? I hope not!

Donna in Virginia

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Poor baby - need help? I just got home from the fiasco of my jury duty (as in oh, you didn't actually have to come in today).


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I snorted pepsi thru my nose when I saw your header- my friend at work (together for some 20+ years) uses that expression for the same type of situations; it's become part of our vernacular in our 3 person office- I must use it at least once a week (also being the "owner" of a college aged daughter who gave me the cold from h-e-double hockey stix just last week.) Good luck with your plumbing- remember- there's always duct tape & a bucket until hubby comes home. Mary M

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This particular cold virus packs a whallop. Now I know why my DD wasn't her usual self when she arrived home. At least I sent her back to school healthy.

It took three trips to Home Depot - a place that is guaranteed to raise my blood pressure - before we finally had everything needed to correct our problem. I went the first time and realized I did not know enough to know what to purchase. Went to the bookstore and read some plumbing books. Met DH at Home Depot. Came home and fiddled around for a bit, but realized we had one connection that needed something bigger than what we had. We went to dinner, he went to Chorale rehearsel, I went back to Home Depot, and he did the job in less than an hour between 9-10 p.m. Yeah. I've done the dishes and run the dishwasher and no leaks.

But I think I still need that Calgon bath...

Donna in Virginia

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Do it girlfriend! C

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Cheryl Isaak

Please keep it at your end of the country. Thank you.

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Karen C - California

Donna in Virginia

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Hah - I think that it leapt across the lunch table to me the other day - as I've had the pounding headache, fortunately only slightly sore throat, and 1 night of fever since. Now down to just that "loggy" feeling, some sniffles, and not quite as awful ache.

Perhaps it's just rambling along the Atlantic coast - with our freakish weather. It was nearly 80 F yesterday, so I actually turned on the AC (we don't have blinds up on the upper family room windows yet), kept it on til now - as it will again be close to 80. However - it's supposed to snow

2"-4" on Friday, with temps dropping in the wee hours tonight - tomorrow morning.


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Keep it down there! I don't have time to be sick!

You have it too huh! 75 yesterday, rain this AM, snow tomorrow. AND just to keep it interesting, parent teacher conference Friday at 8AM, pick up coaches gifts late Friday afternoon and 8 AM hockey on Saturday - with heavy rains, possible flooding and topped off with 6+ inches of snow.

I just love mud season.....

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Cheryl Isaak

Exactly. I can't even think about mopping floors yet. But, there are big towels for doggie "towel time" by all the rear doors - and they definitely have mud on them.


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We never put a front walk in and with DS and DD using the front door (as opposed to coming in through the garage) multiple times daily, there is mud everywhere and I really have to keep up with it better!

Off to the day's madness - I'll tell you all about it later.


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Cheryl Isaak

But, there are big

Same here in MO - finally got rid of all the ice and snow, then we had over an inch of rain over the weekend - still drying out.

Related story: one of my dogs just *loves* to be toweled. All you have to say is "Paws Up!" and she's on her back, waving her legs, begging to be rubbed. When the other one has to be cleaned off, she keeps trying to get inbetween so she can be rubbed some more (we've learned to do her first lol). At least it makes bath time easier!


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That's great. We started Puckster with "towel time" and he loves it. Started because of the pool at the house we were in when we got him. He couldn't come back in until he'd been towelled off. And now, when he doean't want to come back in - one of the bribes is to call "towel time" . But he does immediately have to have a toy or something in his mouth - so he runs in, grabs a toy, and then calmly waits while he gets towelled off, and those big furry feet lifted and towelled off. I think they love the attention, etc. and the massagey kind of feel. Much better than wet dog smell! Especially as lately he's decided he's a 60# kitty and wants to be in my lap, in my stitching - on occasion actually nudging my lap frame and piece out of his way.


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Puckster makes an awfully big kitty. Elvis is bad enough at 20 lbs. I just put my stitching aside when I see him approaching with that look in his eyes. It means he seriously needs some loving. Of course that always send 1,000 pieces of cat hair flying through the air.

Donna in Virginia

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LOL - since you've seen him, you know. He's big enough to get up there, and not too big to fit - but definitely strong enough to push that frame out of his way when he wants a cuddle! Hard to resist when he then sticks his head right up on my chest with those big brown eyes wanting nothing but a big pet!


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