OT - for those who are holiday shopping!!!

Who is done? I am surely not, but did major damage to the credit cards today. DH, DS, DD are done, Mom and Dad are a joint gift with Dsister. All I need now, is to finish Dsister, DBIL and a few friends, plus aunt and uncle. I may just go get a gift card to Applebees for them.


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Cheryl Isaak
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Brenda Lewis

I hit Macy's on the way home from work and got some nice gifts. I am just about done except for the Gift certificates that have to be picked up next week. The week before Christmas I will also visit the Fudge Shoppe for my last minute chocolates. Yum.

I now have to get everything out and wrap and log it. I like to make sure that I spend evenly for the kids and that I am not missing anything.


working on Douglas Designs Amish Kits, one done and one to go!

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Mine`s long done - I start again in January, and do it all through the year! I`m cutting down on cards even more this year, though - the cost of postage is forever increasing - so people I see around most days will just get good wishes!

Pat P

Reply to
Pat P

Not done by a long shot, but with my birthday also in December, we've smoked the cards enough that Discover called to be sure the week's purchases were ours.

Karen E.

Reply to
Karen E

Discover calls us whenever DH orders from a particular company. And when BJ's Club was hacked into, they called us right away to let us know our information "might" have been compromised and sent new cards by Priority Mail the same day.

Both my DH and Dad have December birthdays - adds to the smoke factor big time!


Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

The shopping is done, but there's still stitching and shipping to be completed.

Reply to
Karen C - California

We won't go there!

A snow day tomorrow won't change anything! C

Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

I'm close. I'd be done except for Nutcracker. Now, I have to get through that before I'll have time to finish off the shopping. I've got a pretty good idea of the few things I have left, though.

Best wishes, Ericka

Reply to
Ericka Kammerer

I've got the shopping done - provided the UPS / FedEx/ USPS folks find their way to our door.

Fortunately, we've had most of our family agree to our giving to their named charity (in their name), instead of giving tangible gifts. That really works out nicely, and we get to take a tax deduction when that dreaded time rolls around. The only bad part about it is getting on a list of groups that solicit for charities.

Reply to
Phylis Maurer

I have done almost no shopping. In the past few years I have taken to giving gift certificates. I know some people consider them copouts, but I do try to be specific with them. One girl friend gets a GC to the salon where she gets her nails done for a manicure and pedicure. The bibliophile gets a Barnes and Noble GC. The greatgrandmother of the group, who insists the birds in the neighborhood that she feeds will only eat a very specific birdseed mix from a particular garden store, gets a GC to the garden store. The stitchers in the group are the easiest as they get GC to our LNS.

The toughest this year is my "Maryland" mom. She is retiring at the end of this school year. I am thinking along the lines of the "bouquet-a-month", but still not really sure. This is not going to be a terribly joyous Christmas for her with all the family issues/problems that have come to light this past month. Any ideas or suggestions?

Anne (> Who is done? I am surely not, but did major damage to the credit cards

Reply to
Anne Tuchscherer

What about a magazine subscription? When people retire they usually start cutting down on things like that, due to affordability.


Reply to
Catherine Milton

Reply to
Dianne Lewandowski

I am assuming this is the Mom friend with the very major issues.

How about a "promise slip" for a major day out? Could be the d> I have done almost no shopping. In the past few years I have taken to

Reply to
Gill Murray

Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

I'm probably going to get hate mail, but I do have to admit to being done, since last month. :)


Reply to
Margaret St. John

My mother is no doubt done! some days, I just wish I planned a bit better!


Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

If the "time out spent together" is a possibility, note Gertrude's at the Baltimore Museum of Art is doing "high tea" to highlight the "Monet in London" exhibit. That might be a good outing.

Sue (H> I am assuming this is the Mom friend with the very major issues. >

Reply to
Susan Hartman

Boy, wouldn't I love to go to that one!! I knew we should have stayed in Maryland, rather than in hot humid Horida!


Susan Hartman wrote:

Reply to
Gill Murray


Joan, barely started!!!

Reply to
Joan E.

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