OT: I identify with.....

snipped-for-privacy@aol.com said

Topic drift alert:

Right now, I can't think of anyone who is like me but here's a list of people I would've liked to emulate:

Anna Pavlova Nelson Mandela Madame Curie Eleanor Roosevelt Ghandi Martin Luther King Golda Meir

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On 11/4/06 11:01 AM, "LizardGumbo" wrote:

Thanks - I kept remembering Mary, and for whatever reason (possibly the many dirty martinis of last night at the bad hockey game) I couldn't remember the last name. How embarassing.

And just the other day - the precocious 17 yr old goddaughter, I and her mother were discussing perceptions of art, color, light, and differences in painting techniques, etc. First we talked about pointilism (Georges Seurat - Sundayin the Park...), then were talking about how light works and the different ways of painitng materials and how light affects what you see, how different people see differently (we are science geeks) and why. I was telling her about a Renoir painting that I'd only seen as a print for many years (the girls at the piano, which a neighbor/friend - the most geeky person I knew until college, had over her piano when we were in jr hi, high school. I hated that picture - it just seemed flat, boring, etc. Then I was telling her about my first trip to the Musee d'Orsay (where the Impressionists live in Paris), the museum was arranged chronologically rather than just by artist - helping to see the development of the movement. Anyhow - up in one of the upper floors is a room with several Degas paintings - the dancers, the quite famous little dancer bronze, and in that room - IIRC- some Renoirs (might be next room). And on the wall - that painting of the girls at the piano. I was completely awestruck - it was amzing - and seeing it in person so to speak completely overwhelmed me - and threw on some light in my head about the ability of an artist to use light. The difference between my friends framed print, and the original - it was night and day. It just amazed me - and honestly is one of the things I remember that affected how I would study, look at art. But, to the point of Mary Cassatt - we were actually talking about the Impressionist salon, and Mary Cassatt was one of the topics - so - thanks for the remembering.


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Excellent choice. And what about Margaret Mead - those amazing anthropolical studies - as long as we're talking Margarets.


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Oh ya!!


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Cheryl Isaak

I know about the dieing part, but she was so brilliant. Cheryl

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Cheryl Isaak

True, but apparently, though I have a passion for helping, I have gotten the reputation for not being compassionate . I still don't get that one, though maybe it's because I don't put up with too much "porr me" pity parties...you know, where you do everything you can to help a person but they won't do anything ot help themselves??

I have another ancestor that I think is somebody good to identify with...not sure how well-known she is, but still:

Lucy Skidmore Scribner, founder of Skidmore College - In 1911, the club was chartered under the name "Skidmore School of Arts" as a college to vocationally and professionally train young women.

She was my greatx3-Aunt. My family is in the process of setting up a scholarship for her desecndants/relatives that so that they can go to school there. Too bad we moved to VA, but you never know, my children could end up going to school there one day.


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off kilter quilter

short response...



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Slightly longer response - DITTO to the power of ten!


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Pat P

LOL well, at least I can say that I'm relatively normal in that regard...can't I??


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off kilter quilter

It is hard to deal with those who insist on playing the constant victim, throwing drama queen tantrums and self-pity parties. For my own sanity, I had to cut some friends out of my life because they turned into that type. I still love them, but I can't cope with the daily dramas anymore.

I like your choice, btw....and where in VA? I'm in NoVA, out in the rural crescent of Prince William County.


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Works for me! It's nice to have someone in one's family tree to look up to! I wish I'd known a great-great-aunt. She died when I was an infant, but all the stories make her sound like a really great old broad!


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LARGE snip!!!

It certainly doesn`t do to press her switch! LOL!

No doubt we could all have a moan about something, but fortunately most of us aren`t that way inclined.


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Pat P

Well, if you know that, then why did you participate in the switch-pressing?

Fact is, cetain members of this group have repeatedly accused me of doing nothing to help myself, while completely unaware of how MUCH I had already tried. I don't report in this group every time I try something new and it fails. But the assumption is, invariably, that I'm doing nothing, and not that everything I've tried has not helped.

The real blame falls on the medical/pharamaceutical profession, which haven't come up with an effective treatment, and not on the patients who cannot use a cure that doesn't exist.

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Karen C - California

Well, I say we live in "WaynesDraft", but our address is actually in Waynesboro. The reasoning behind my name for our area is that, when driving down one of the main roads, you pass the sign for Stuarts Draft before you get to the street I live on. Plus, the schools (elem, mid, hs) are all listed as being in Stuarts Draft, and they are only .2 mile away from my house!!!

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off kilter quilter

Karen C - California wrote:

I have never accused anybody here of not doing enough - at least not consciously. I was referring to those who know they have to do "X" and are physically capable of doing "X", in order to get to outocme "Y", but who would much rather prefer to sit around bitching and moaning. THOSE people are the ones I was referring to in my post.

Currently, my mother falls into that category - she seems bent on taking HER mother's place with all the griping and moaning, guilt trips, etc. that she pulls. Maybe she does have anxiety attacks, maybe she does have fibromyalgia, maybe she is jut a little nutso.....I've know her all my life, and she has steadily increased her ailments as we have moved to different areas - when we were in Panama, she didn't really have the time to complain about herself because her mother was dying, then getting better, then dying, then getting better....yes, she called long distance nearly every other day to reverse what she had said in her last phone call. SHe is VERY good at psychological warfare, but I don't have time to play her silly little games anymore. The health and well-being of my children, husband, and myself are much more important than playing her games. Sad, since I'm an only child, but I just own't put up with it anymore. Just recently, she decided to try and convince me that *I* had caused her to have an anxiety attack. What happened was that I told her we were all waiting on her so that we could go to dinner....30 minutes later, she decides to go take a bath (!!!), but stops to see what magazine I'm reading!!!! Hello??? Hungry children who wouldn't eat if we gave them a snack!! I told her that it was whatever one had come in the mail that day and she had hungry people waiting for HER, so why didn't she just get her shower and she could look at the magazine later....she then told my son later on that she had fallen asleep curled up on the bathroom floor because she was having an anxiety attack...you DON'T say something like that to a 6yo!!!

Now, I need to quit smoking, I know I need to quit smoking, and I know what I need to do (what works for me). I don't grumble and groan about it because that would be foolish and idiotic on my part. I also need to lose weight, know what I need to do, and am capable of doing what I need to do.....I just don't feel like doing it right now. But I'm not griping to everybody about how my life sucks because I'm not losing weight or smoke free....big frigging whoop! If I did that, then I would be one of those people I initially mentioned

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off kilter quilter

Why Anne Hutchinson? What in particular do you identify with?

I have Hutchinson ancestry and have seen someone connect my Hutchinson deadend with her, but I think they're dreaming since so few of her children survived to have descendants.

Rosemary in Melbourne, Australia whose grandfather came from New England

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Rosemary Peeler

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She was certainly a woman that made her own way.....

It is possible, if unlikely. I seriously doubt the relationship of one side of my family to Pepin the Great.....


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Cheryl Isaak

I have equally serious doubts about my relation to Hugh Capet....wasn't he another of Charlemagne's sons? French history not my forte!

Mom has been working on the geneology for both sides of my family, and someone had a chart leading to Hugh Capet from a real ancestor we shared. Mythical I'm sure! lol


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