OT: public rest rooms hygiene question

I got to say that they can be a "life saver" at the market. If DS requests item A and it's out of stock and he needs tomorrow's lunch for a field trip... C

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Cheryl Isaak
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Well , i got to a shop and saw a Book on sale , that might have been of interest to my daughter , but i had no clue if she got it , thus i phoned her to ask That 1 question. mirjam

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Well , i got to a shop and saw a Book on sale , that might have been of interest to my daughter , but i had no clue if she got it , thus i phoned her to ask That 1 question. mirjam

But I bet you took it outside to call her, didn`t you?


Reply to
Pat P

Cheryl wrote:-

So - what would you (and he) have done before cellphones, for goodness sake? Now I KNOW you are far more practical than that, Cheryl! Would it REALLY have mattered so much to either of you if you`d had to substitute something else - or, horror of horrors, if he`d actually had to go without! ;-)


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Pat P

"Pat P" wrote

There are days when I am working in the bookstore and some people's cellphones ring, and ring, and ring.....usually some really stupid ringtone, too....and I want to pick up the intercom and yell "for heaven's sake answer your damned phone!" Dawne

Reply to
Dawne Peterson

How would you like what happened to me just this week. I had a salesperson here the other day to discuss a serious situation. Her "STUPID" cellphone is programmed to ring like the chimes of a doorbell.

Every time she got a phone call (which was too often) Puff went flying to the front door, barking his welcome for an imagined visitor.

I finally made her put it on vibrate so he could get some rest.


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"Lucille" wrote

Poor Puff!! My late lamented fierce old Susan would have been frothing at the mouth at the 3rd ring. Can't imagine a saleperson being do inconsiderate. Dawne

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Dawne Peterson

I guess she hadn't visited anyone with a dog before and didn't have the problem before Monday. To her credit, she was apologetic and promised to change it when she got to her office.

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Poor Puff! Cellphones are definitely a mixed blessing, aren`t they?


Reply to
Pat P

He's gone on Weight Watchers with DH and the "old choices" aren't coming in the house of late.

Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

If Puff were a puppy, it'd have been funny.

Worst ringtone ever - some poor woman had a prankster redo her ring as "Your phone is ringing B*tch". I'm assuming said prankster died when she got her hands on hime

Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

I had a customer the other day who phone kept ringing and she kept apologizing, her son's doctor needed to talk to her about something but was constantly "called away" mid call.

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Cheryl Isaak

Cheryl wrote

Bet she answered very quickly until she could change it. (And I have heard that kind of thing deliberately chosen--some people think it is funny) When DD catches students with their cellphones on in class she confiscates and reprograms them. As she explains to them, their phones inconvenience the class, and this inconveniences them. Nothing pernament, but changes the screensaver (pretty flowers for the guys), ringtone (no more hip-hop. Opera maybe), and, most fun, working language (so the menu might come up in, say, Danish). Similar embarrassment until student finds time to reprogram. Dawne

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Dawne Peterson

She ran out of the room pushing buttons as she went. It was the only amusing thing that day. I know what I'd have done to DS if he did something like that to mine.

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Cheryl Isaak

It would appear that public lavatories are a relatively safe haven as "...research by the University of Arizona last year found the average office desktop harboured 400 times more bacteria than the average office toilet seat. They also found that, compared to men, on average women have three to four times the amount of germs in, on and around their work area..."

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Bruce Fletcher (Stronsay, Orkn

Well now you've done it, Bruce. Just when we were having a resurgence of posts, a portion of the group will be off to boil their keyboards. Ah well, at least we will have Pat! Dawne

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Dawne Peterson

The British Medical Journal seems to think that a bit of dirt does no harm and may even be beneficial, see

A Google for the words "dirt", "obsession" and "allergy" produces 64,000 hits, most of which seem to agree with the BMJ Bruce

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Bruce Fletcher (Stronsay, Orkn

"Bruce Fletcher (Stronsay, Orkney)" wrote

There was a discussion on a radio show the other morning, and I was completely aghast at the contortions people described for use of public washrooms---pulling their sleeves over their hands to touch doors, flushing with their feet (!!).....(now am afraid to check the store washroom last thing at night for fear of finding foot-flushing customer has slipped and drowned)


Reply to
Dawne Peterson

Some years ago, there was an article about a pop music diva who kept a large supply of baggies in her purse so she could put one over her hand whenever she needed to use a public restroom. ROFLMAO

Nowadays, since it's no longer environmentally-correct to use that many baggies, I suspect top performers have as part of their omnipresent posse someone whose sole function in life is to soil their hands touching door knobs, faucets, etc.

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Karen C in California

Biodegradable doggie poop bags should solve that issue quite nicely.


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Dr. Brat

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