A bit off topic

One of my friends here lost a close relative in just such an accident. She suffocated under a pile of bags in a house packed floor to ceiling in every room with "stuff".

When they went to clear the house they found literally thousands of bars of unopened soap, over 100 pairs of new jeans still in their bags (most of them not the lady's size!), and similar massive stockpiles of things all through every room in the house. Apparently she had not been able to get into her bedroom for months, and so had slept in a chair.

Most of the rooms in the house could not be accessed and they had to "unpack" them from the door in.

I currently have a load of junk in my big shed that belongs to an elderly man with a similar disorder. In one box there are dozens of cigarette boxes, each meticulously packed with used matches. That is typical of the stuff he stored here, and those were the "treasures" he couldn't bear to part with when he moved house! I dread to think what it will take to get him to clear all this stuff out.

I originally told a friend he could store stuff in the shed but I had no idea he would allow someone else (an old man he felt sorry for) to dump this rubbish here. We are both currently trying to figure out how to get the stuff removed. The elderly man's family is objecting to us "upsetting" him, and I can understand that, but . . . . . . . . they could always come round and clear out the 3 or 4 truckloads of rubbish for him! It's not a high priority ATM, but I don't want to get stuck with a bill for rubbish removal. Worst case scenario is that my friend clears it all out, but I keep telling him that that is not fair on him and that he needs to get the family to do something.

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Mine too!

I feel ever so much better about my housekeeping skills now!


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Its a bit difficult over here with taxes and such, most women can find work today in regular jobs with benefits........they don't need jobs anymore that are 'illegal'...

If you want tot take someone in a legal position, the paperwork is overwhelming.......even if you could find one.

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Granny Waetherwax

sounds about normal to me hehehe

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Ahhhh... my house looks pristine compared to that :-)

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Shhhttt.........(wispermodus) every one is away, the cats and dogs are sleeping (as so is the chaos in my kitchen) on the second floor my washmachine is washing a little thick quilt I made this weekend as a front of a cushen, it dindn't come out as I wanted but it will do for the first I made with a machine....the embroiderymachine embroiders daisies in a light salmon on black satin........it's heaven out here.........

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Granny Waetherwax

hehehe no need to whisper here - the kids are at ex's now for the night (as they are every Monday) and I have no pets (the mice here don't count as pets due to the fact that they are not cadged and are certainly not white) peace reigns for now though I am going to have to do some cleaning today so I can baste the quilt for the European Quilt Championships in Waalre in October

I take the day off from cleaning normally LOL

woo hoo for the cushion though - it sounds wonderful! finished is good and if you can't see mistakes from a galloping horse you have done a good job ;-)

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It's a big fat cushion and it's finished, the stuffing needs another beating but I put it on the site anyways:

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Granny Waetherwax

Granny Waetherwax wrote in news:C13D4DDA.101A0% snipped-for-privacy@danuta.nl:

Ah! My cleaner is certainly not illegal. & she doesn't work "in the black". They have facilitated the paper work process here so that it is as easy as can be. I pay the social charges for her through a system set up specifically for domestic works. So she is paying into her retirement & unemployment accounts. I don't pay alot into it but with all her clients it adds up.

Even with 'regular jobs with benefits', there are always domestic workers!

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mini Mini

Most domestic workers here, don't want to legal.......

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Granny Waetherwax

I learned to love purple, every thing was always black, so I added purple and friends to my wardrobe and now I get from all my family and friends everything in purple.......:)

In my work I love al colors, but I have to admit to have some problems with greens.......my mother's house was green, the sofa's, the chairs, the carpets, the drapes.........even the toiletseat was green........

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Granny Waetherwax

just think, one little mouse chewing on one little match, That would get it moved at my house....

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Vikki In WA State

I feel Jason's pain: my mother's house was worse than that! Roberta in D, learned some worthwhile lessons growing up!

"~KK in BC~" schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:0fzRg.20760$KA6.12884@clgrps12...

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Roberta Zollner

OMG!! That's beautiful. I really do have to learn to use my embroidery machine!! Who wants to do my mending, so I can un-bury the machine?

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TerriLee in WA

That is so pretty!!

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Donna in NE La.

Oh Granny that is lovely, beautiful, as a matter of fact. You make me wish I was much more advanced than working on a plain ole 4 square block, but then it is my first. I want to do pretty things like that.



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and other fun things

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This is absolutely simple, there is one block in the middle and 16 smaler blocks aroud it. The big one in the middel is a little embroidery and I diveded the rest of the space with simple machinestitching in the same color, the 16 blocks I embroidered with mostly freebie designs.

After piecing it together I handquilted the stiched lines in the color of the fabric. The fabric is a unbleeched cotton.

If you don't have an embroidery machine you can applique some flowerpieces fabric to get a simular effect.

I'm not advanced but I love a romantic feel to something and look at pictures of lots of victorian and Art nouveau pictures and designs and try to make it work without to much work:))

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Granny Waetherwax

Well there is that new automatic shower cleaner......... maybe I could put a couple up on the wall in each room and press the buttons before we go for our morning walk to get coffee and go the park. It would work, wouldn't it?

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I wish..........

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Granny Waetherwax

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