Breathable Computer Covers

Computer covers have evolved to meet the demands of those using PCs and monitors in harsh, dusty conditions. Computer Dust Solutions has a breathable cover for the CPU, and a monitor cover made from the same breathable non-woven polyester material but with a clear, see-through vinyl front. These computer dust covers and monitor covers are designed to be used while the computer is running.

Regarding temperature increase, these breathable covers do increase the internal CPU temperature about 2 degrees C. Not too significant considering the increase in temperature and other damage dust can do to sensitive electronics.

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The iMac sits here in 1/2 sleep mode w/ a little white light pulsing on-off-on-off-on.... I can just imagine coming into the room and seeing this thing breathing in & out & in ... YIKES! Wouldn't have time to grab a stop-watch to see how long it takes me to get out the front door!

...polyester: yum!

R/S --th> Computer covers have evolved to meet the demands of those using PCs

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Sandy Ellison

i dont live where its hot and dusty. well we get our share of dust i guess. i dont leave the computer turned on at night nor when i'll be away from it for long periods, wasting energy when in 'stand by' mode and our electricity rose by 9.6% last yr, going up another 9.1% this yr and will rise again every yr for the next ten yrs til its double what it was just a few yrs back. soon we'll be going without it most of the day i'm afraid or finding a way to make our own. hmmmmm. every appliance that sits in stand by mode will use about $20 a yr just waiting for me to use's, videos, cd players, washing machine, clothes dryer, dishwasher, microwave(with its clock), radio alarm clock (i dont need the alarm and rarely listen to the radio), even our stove with clock is switched off at the wall above it when not being used to conserve energy. ok, not all of those sit in standby mode(depends on the type of machine) but most do and why pay to know the time in every room of the house, sometimes more than once in a room. argh. i can tell the approx time by the position of the sun, close enough for me. oh yea, puter covers, dont need any, ta very much, jeanne

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