Felter machine

Further to Boca Jan's earlier question regarding felting accessories - while browsing earlier today, I came across a home felting machine from Babylock called "Embellisher". Felting is its only purpose in life - no thread usage at all - no stitches - only a machine to run the felting needles -- shaped like a basic sewing machine. I guess its for the avid felter?

I also researched the US prices for the Brother 1500 felting accessory (for some reason called a 'feltscaper' down south?) and found it for half the Canadian price with free shipping in the US - guess what else my sister is bringing home from her vacation?

jennellh (change the mail to news)

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I saw the nice lady on, I think, Simply Quilts, felting too. I'm really eager to know how your adventure goes. Anxiously awaiting the details of this very interesting quest, Polly

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polly esther

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I have decided on a hand felter. It is a bunch of felting needles in a holder and you pierce the wool by hand. This way I can try it out cheaply. I am just curious on the procedure and sure don't want to spend money on a machine to do it. Who's got the time????? I am on the doorstep of a 1/2 time job which should really cut into my time with large rotary cutter. Oh well, I have to have the means to support my "habit" (all that fabric costs $$$)

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Boca Jan

Make sure you get the newer Clover spring loaded hand felter, Jan. It is so much easier than the one with the wooden handle (Colonial, is the brand I think). With the Clover tool you just pounce (boiing, boiing, boiing!) all over your piece. With the wooden handled one, you must punch in and then pull out. It gets tiring very fast.

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< here's a picture of the Clover tool. You will also need the mat.
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$sessionid$X5VSP0IAAF41UP4SY5NBIHR50LD3OEPO?CATID=82328&PRODID=154987Have fun and show us what you make. I bought a jacket in a thrift shop that has a beautiful needle felted design on it. I should take a pic and post it for inspiration. It's really neat.KJ

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Thanks, that is good information. I will be going to my LQS soon and I'll check. If not, I can always go to Joann's.

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Boca Jan

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