Finished is Good, Right?

After a multi-year hiatus from quilting, I decided to dig out my fabric and have a little fun. I'm trying not to buy any fabric other than solids for sashing/binding or backing. I sorted through about a million 6-1/2" squares from the RCTQ Baseball Swap of many years past and challenged myself to see what I could do with a few of them. I took all of my black-on-white and white-on-black squares (not as many as I needed; had to cheat and buy a couple of FQs) and added one red square for a little spice. I hand stitched them into flying geese in a layout around a central red unit, used a solid black border, hand quilted, and voila! A 12"x12" mini-quilt. That's the good part. Unfortunately, I can tell I am quite out of practice. A few seams didn't quite line up, and it had an overall crooked look to it. A good application of the steam iron finally pressed that thing flat! Fortunately for all of you, I don't own a digital camera, so you won't have to look at it. But, hey, finished is good! At least that's what I'm telling myself....

For my next project, I took nine of the squares, made nine 4" Ohio Star blocks, added black sashing and borders and have almost completed a red/green table topper. It only lacks quilting in the borders and the binding. Then I will have finished TWO projects in the same year! Just might be a new world's record for me!

Frances (who would be a founding member of Procrastinators Anonymous, but keeps putting it off!)

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Woot, Frances! I think that's wonderful and would love to see pics of your work. As for procrastinating. .... when I get time I'll try to get around to it. (you're in good company)


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Finished is great!!! I have 4 unfinished items sitting and waiting for me after a couple years of non-quilting as well. I have enough fabric to open a store and scraps beyond scrapdom!! I WILL get back to them, I will! As a matter of fact, my husband decided to clean out some of his stuff he has been storing in my sewing room and soon I will be able to get back to it all :)

Congrats on the Finish!

~KK in BC~

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~KK in BC~



Way to go, Frances(Singer)!


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Sandy E

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