Graeco-Latin square, again

This took me rather a long time to put together, so I'd better post it so somebody else can use it. This is the arrangement for a 10x10 Graeco-Latin square. The one I'm in the middle of putting together uses outer squares of 10 fabrics the right way round (the capital letters) with an inner square of the same 10 fabrics reversed (the lower-case letters).

Bb Ih Jg Af Ca Ej Gi Dc Fd He Hi Cc Ib Jh Ag Da Fj Ed Ge Bf Gj Bi Dd Ic Jb Ah Ea Fe Hf Cg Fa Hj Ci Ee Id Jc Ab Gf Bg Dh Ac Ga Bj Di Ff Ie Jd Hg Ch Eb Je Ad Ha Cj Ei Gg If Bh Db Fc Ig Jf Ae Ba Dj Fi Hh Cb Ec Gd Cd De Ef Fg Gh Hb Bc Ii Ja Aj Df Eg Fh Gb Hc Bd Ce Aa Ij Ji Eh Fb Gc Hd Be Cf Dg Jj Ai Ia

To repeat the idea: every one of the 100 possible pairings of inner and outer square colours occurs exactly once. Each of the inner and outer colours occurs once in every row and every column.

You can swap any two rows or any two columns and it's still a Graeco-Latin square. I swapped rows around so that the blocks with the darkest outer colour lined up in a diagonal - if you call that one A, the result was

Ac Ga Bj Di Ff Ie Jd Hg Ch Eb Je Ad Ha Cj Ei Gg If Bh Db Fc Ig Jf Ae Ba Dj Fi Hh Cb Ec Gd Bb Ih Jg Af Ca Ej Gi Dc Fd He Hi Cc Ib Jh Ag Da Fj Ed Ge Bf Gj Bi Dd Ic Jb Ah Ea Fe Hf Cg Fa Hj Ci Ee Id Jc Ab Gf Bg Dh Df Eg Fh Gb Hc Bd Ce Aa Ij Ji Eh Fb Gc Hd Be Cf Dg Jj Ai Ia Cd De Ef Fg Gh Hb Bc Ii Ja Aj

Trying to meet any other design constraints by shuffling rows or columns around is next to impossible.

Pinning labels with these two-letter codes on them onto the blocks before putting them together made final assembly quite simple.

You can get Graeco-Latin squares for every size except 6x6.

==== j a c k at c a m p i n . m e . u k === ==== Jack Campin, 11 Third St, Newtongrange EH22 4PU, Scotland == mob 07800 739 557 CD-ROMs and free stuff: Scottish music, food intolerance, and Mac logic fonts

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Jack Campin - bogus address
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What an achievement. Congratulations Jack. I know it's been in your mind for ages. You certainly have stickability >g< Thanks for sharing your results. Don't know that I'll ever make this one, though! I have nevertheless printed out your solution.

Whereas, the tessellations really call to me. . In message , Jack Campin

- bogus address writes

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Wow, all I can say is I want very much to see a photo once you've finished. I can't really see it in my head, but I imagine it will be stunning.


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After you posted about this a while back I decided it was the perfect pattern for a quilt for my math whiz husband. I'm in the 'gathering fabric' stage - the inside square will be 'eye-spy' with 10 novelty fabrics that are significant for him and the outsides are another 10 fabrics. Interestingly it doesn't take very much of each fabric but it will take a lot of organization to make sure I put it together right! I like your code idea!

Yours will be done before mine for sure - I'm looking forward to seeing the final quilt :)


Jack Camp> This took me rather a long time to put together, so I'd better

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I hope you didn't spend *too* much time - there are several images of these available via google image search (so (((Sunny))), if you're really chomping at the bit, check them out... ;-)


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A colour image is no use for labelling your blocks when you're assembling the thing (you're unlikely to use the same colours as the ones you find on the web). You need letters or numbers for that. And the presentations I could find all used two separate tables, which is also not what you want.

==== j a c k at c a m p i n . m e . u k === ==== Jack Campin, 11 Third St, Newtongrange EH22 4PU, Scotland == mob 07800 739 557 CD-ROMs and free stuff: Scottish music, food intolerance, and Mac logic fonts

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Jack Campin - bogus address

I respectfully disagree. Ten colors aren't all that many, and the colors are diverse enough to identify readily (unless one is colorblind) by assigning a letter or number to each one on a list, and then transposing them to your grid diagram. YMMV.

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