how to reduce stash

I know that most if not all of you would be more than willing to give my extra fabric a home, but I am really in a pickle here. Last summer I had an "episode" (we'll leave it at that, it's a *really* long story) and ended up buying more fabric than I can use any time soon. An example - one day I received in the mail 16 BOLTS of fabric. Apparently I bought the entire line. I also have various fabrics that I *just* bought yardage of.

So, the problem is, how to get rid of it. I've tried ebay but unfortunately (for me) it is a buyers market right now and people don't even want to pay wholesale prices for fabric. Not that I want to get rich from any of this but I'd like to at least come close to breaking even (I did pay wholesale for most of it).

I'm wondering if there is maybe a site for selling fabric, or if there is a secret to getting a decent price for fabric on ebay, or something to that effect. I can't return any of the fabric - mostly because I can't remember where I bought it but also because most of it has been cut.

Any ideas? Please? I'm going to go crawl under a pile of fabric and whimper as I fondle it lovingly.


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they have a classified area where you can list things, and it is made up of over 100K sewists of all kinds.


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I've heard good things about Etsy.

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have you checked to see if there is any kind of stuff like that on craigslist in you area?

do you belong to a guild? maybe there are other groups in your area? even ask on here see if anyone is near you and interested

Cheers Anne

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Anne Rogers

A year or two ago -- one of our regular posters found it necessary to liquidate most of her stash. If I remember, she posted (or emailed... I can't remember) a list of what she had (type, color, yardage...etc) and the price she wanted and we responded by email if we were interested.

I know this was through RCTQ -- and at least a couple of years ago. Does anyone else remember this?

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Kate G.

Perhaps you could try rec.crafts.textiles.quilting.marketplace? I don't know how things are selling these days, but it was quite 'active' when I last had a look. . In message , writes

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Do you have pictures of your fabric in Webshots?

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Boca Jan

I think that's a *GREAT* idea - I know I'm looking for more fabric (who isn't?? Except for the OP, of course! LOL!). :-)

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That's a great idea. I'll try really hard to get pictures of what I have and measure the amounts. I'll go start working on that right now.


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Listing it here on RCTQ is NOT the appropriate forum.

Listing it on RecCraftsTextileMarketplace is. Then post a "Hey, look for my list on RCTMarketplace" note here to re-direct traffic over there. Because this is a non-commerical newsgroup, while Marketplace is for selling things. And buying things. ;-P

Good luck! R/Sandy

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Sandy Ellison

A local quilter sold off her stash of long yardage. She set a certain price per yard and invited guilt members to come to her home on a specific date. Later, she had a fabric only garage sale, advertised and open to public. The fabric was sold as is; buy the whole piece or not at all, as she did not cut to order. The prices were *very* reasonable and yes, I forced myself to buy some. Good luck. PAT in VA/USA

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Pat in Virginia

Whoops! I wasn't trying to encourage anyone to break the rules ... I was just seconding another post as being a good idea (translation: I wanted to make sure that I had a crack at buying some goodies!).

'Sides, I think we'd have an easier time trusting her goods (and her trusting us) than a bunch of strangers.

But really, I wasn't trying to be a jerk. :-(

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I know that... and agree with the rules -- but am trying to remember what we did a couple of years ago... I know something was done... cuz I bought a lot of the fabric.

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Kate G.


Never thought you were anything but kind & friendly, Connie. ;-)

Just informing/reminding a not-too-frequent poster that there's an easy way to post "for sale" items. Now, does she have that list ready to email to all inquirers yet? Not that any of us is impatient ... to shop for fabric... .

Btw, our guild allows members to place paid ads in the guild newsletter. It's an inexpensive way to get the attention of hundreds of quilters.


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Sandy Ellison


What colors, please?


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Sandy Ellison

*whew* I really didn't want to offend or encourage anyone to break the rules! I'm really glad it wasn't taken that way!!!

Actually, *I* took your advice and mentioned my blog on the marketplace (though I'm not sellin' anything). I figured "what the heck!?" :-)

Impatient for fabric? Bite your tongue!! If we buy any, it's merely to help out a friend!!

Would it be okay if those who were interested placed our names (and munged e-mail addies, of course) in a post with a subject specific to wantin' to see her fabric?(did that make sense??)

Ours offers that, too ... but we don't have that many members ... usually it's nice, but sometimes, well, I wish we had more! :-)

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Which line did you buy? Are there any pictures? I could be tempted to buy - decent price too!

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Sharon Harper

I'm a little late in reading this thread, BUT.... You might want to contact

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They sell on line and through ebay, and I know that they have bought out stores/ebay sellers. They sell mostly on line and have just recently opened to retail on site.

AND they are only 5 MILES FROM ME !!!!

They let me and some of my guild members into their "not set up for retail" store and we had to use flash lights because they aren't well lighted. It was amazing, so much fabric and they have ordered all of the new Hoffman challenge fabric line.

Bonnie, in Middletown, VA

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Bonnie Patterson

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