I really liked this

Kate, imo, your situation applies to the "allergy" category, although I realize what you are talking about doesn't constitute an allergy in the classic sense. If eating certain foods causes illness, then being "picky" is totally understandable.

But I've been to people's houses where some of the guests (usually relatives) were turning up their noses wanting to know what the "green stuff" was in the casserole. Okay, so if a person doesn't like "green stuff", then don't eat it, but there is no reason to act offended because it made an appearance on the buffet table.

Best regards, Michelle in Nevada

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Michelle C.
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What is Guy Fawkes Night?

Best regards, Michelle in Nevada

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Michelle C.

I am a long time Alan Moore fan, so I looked it up long since. (G) Among other things Mr. Moore wrote "V for Vendetta".

"Remember, remember the fifth of November, The gunpowder treason and plot, I see no reason Why the gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot."

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The original type: one big one made in the roasting tin after taking the roast out:

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The little sort that are more common now:
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The recipe:
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(remember, and imperial pint is 20 fl oz)

And what you can do with a giant Yorkshire pud if you are minded to be a bit daft:

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The celebration of a monumental failure, in classic English tradition. Guy Fawkes and a bunch of Catholic discontents tried to blow up the Houses of Parialment when the king was there (James vi & I), but were betrayed and failed. They were all horribly put to death. We celebrate each year with a bonfire topped with an effigy of Mr fawkes and lots of firework, on November 5. For some background history:

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Us Scots also celebrate as the English failed yet again to get rid of a Scots king (he was ours before we let them have him! ;) )

No feasts as such, but things like hot chestnuts, baked potatoes and black peas are traditional accompaninemts, along with the drinking of mulled wine and ale.

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Well quite! :)

If it's a buffet, it's easy to do some vegetarian stuff, some coeliac friendly things, and plenty that is lactose free, low fat, or all at once! I tend to serve several simple dishes with lots of vegetables and/or salads, fresh bread rolls, potatoes and rice, and let folk dig in as they will. Things get labeled for clarity, and I tend to warn the kids not to gobble up all the things made for people with special diets before they have had their fill.

If it's a sit down meal, poached or baked whole salmon, new potatoes, and a selection of fresh veg suits most people, and if I think there may be fish haters, I might roast a chicken as well. It's very little extra trouble to shove a bird in the oven and make gravy, after all.

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Mmmmm! If it wasn't such a long jaunt, I'd invite myself for dinner at your house. :-)

Best regards, Michelle in Nevada

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Michelle C.

How interesting! I figured Guy Fawkes was an important guy in English history, but I supposed since he'd earned a celebration, he was a good guy. In fact, quite the opposite!

Thanks for the explanation.

Michelle in Nevada

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Michelle C.

Thanks for the interesting links! :-)

Michelle in Nevada

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Michelle C.

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Thanks Kate! I must admit, I got a kick out of the guys using a pudding for a boat. :-)

Michelle in Nevada

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Michelle C.

The more the merrier!

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Classic case of being the idiot that got caught! :D

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We also have cheese rolling races, bog snorkeling, and Morris Dancing...

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Hmmm. Kate, you're blowing the stereotypical idea of the Brits being all stiff upper lip and all that. ;-) These all sound equally as silly, entertaining and fascinating as the Yorkshire pudding boat. I can tell, we're missing out here across the pond. I'll admit bog snorkeling sounds particularly icky though! LOL!

Michelle in Nevada

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Michelle C.

Not to mention Black Pudding Throwing and Gurning.

And the Goodies doing Ecky-Thump.....

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?v=SuP1eycaA6c ;-)


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Lizzy Taylor

The Goodies were so much better than Monty Python...

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Oh Lizzy, thanks for the reminder about The Goodies. I watched them in high school and so enjoyed them! And yes, Benny Hill and Monty Python too. :-)

Best regards, Michelle in Nevada

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Michelle C.

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