Library Question for Nann

I just found out today about Downloading audio books from the Library, which I think is an absolutely wonderful idea. You can read it for a week and then, what? It disappears from your computer, I guess.

But I don't understand the concept of taking turns with the audio books. The library has one copy of the book and if I, or someone else downloads it, nobody else can download it until my week is up?

Why would they do that? Copyright issues?


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It's the terms of the license. Sort of like software: you buy a copy of the disc, but the way it's programmed, you can only download it so many times. And, yes, if it could be loaned out infinitely then they'd have to make it so expensive no library could buy it, so they restrict it to one loan at a time.

Glad your library is participating!

Nann ....another audio format that is really neat is Playaway -- MP3 format, one book per Playaway. Weighs a couple of ounces.....

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Just got one of the Playaway books today! I love it--it is really light and fits in my pocket while I'm sewing. I only saw a few of these at my library but sure hope they get a lot more. Love the library!

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Donna in NE La.

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