Looking for Needlebook Pattern

Dare I say...... I'm beginning Christmas projects. A while ago, I ran across a pattern for a really pretty needlebook, thought I saved it, and alas, I did not. I remember it was tied closed with ribbon, and it opened up like a book. The left side had a "pocket" in it, so you could enclose an entire package of needles, and the right side had a felt? wool? panel, as a place to stick your "loose" needles. It had batting in it too. This exact pattern isn't necessary, but I'd like to find something similar? Free is great, but I'll pay for a pattern if there's one out there? Anyone? TIA.

Patti in Seattle

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Patti S
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Patti, did you check your browser history? did you do an 'image' check on google to see if the one you want shows up there. i'd try various wordings....needlebook, needlecase, free needlecase pattern, etc. all those in images and/or web should find ya something similar if not the exact one. heck you might find one you like even better than the one you found earlier. :) i'm looking now just cuz i like the look of those little needlecases. cheers, jeanne

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Hi Jeanne! I love them too - and they are just THE best things to give away for small gifts to co-workers, neighbors, and maybe even a few sister rctq'ers! The one I saw was kind of victorian looking, with bits of lace, tiny buttons and various "findings" on the cover. I'm sure I could probably sketch one out if worse comes to worse. I hadn't thought of looking in Google under images - please post again if you find something irresistible! Thanks, friend!

Patti in Seattle

From: snipped-for-privacy@unpickit.com (nzlstar*) wrote" Patti, did you check your browser history? did you do an 'image' check on google to see if the one you want shows up there. i'd try various wordings....needlebook, needlecase, free needlecase pattern, etc. all those in images and/or web should find ya something similar if not the exact one. heck you might find one you like even better than the one you found earlier. :) i'm looking now just cuz i like the look of those little needlecases. cheers, jeanne

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Patti S

Here's how I used to make these for bazaars:

  1. Make any sort of pretty cover, about 6" x 3.5" (with seam allowance folded in and pressed). Measurements don't have to be exact, you can use what works for you. A quiilted piece would be lovely! We had a lady who adored cross stitch and cranked out lots of embroidered ones.
  2. Cut a piece of felt just a smidgen smaller than the cover. If you want pockets, cut the felt wide enough to fold up and form the desired pocket depth. Stay stitch along the pocket edge and trim neatly with pinking shears, fold to the right size and press. If you want a stiff case, cut light card or thin template plastic into 2 rectangles 2.5" x 3" (a quarter inch smaller all around than the cover when it's folded in half.)
  3. Layer the felt over the wrong side of the cover. If using stiffener squares, place so they have a quarter inch clearance all around each half of the cover, secure with a little dab of fabric glue, and layer the felt on top. Slip the ends of 2 ribbons in between for ties.
  4. Stitch all around the edge of the felt. You can cover this with a fancy stitch (the reason for cutting the stiffener smaller).
  5. Cut a piece of felt for the "pages" about a quarter inch snaller all around than the cover, i.e. 5.5" x 3". Stay stitch around the edge and trim neatly with pinking shears. Press in half to make a visible fold.Open up and layer over the inside of the cover, sew down the fold line. Press well.

Takes longer to describe than to make! Roberta in D

"Patti S" schrieb im Newsbeitrag news: snipped-for-privacy@storefull-3153.bay.webtv.net...

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Roberta Zollner

Thank you Roberta.......... I'm going to print off your instructions and give it a go. Thanks for taking the time to write this!

Patti in Seattle

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Patti S

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