OT - electric toothbrush

It is always in your best interest to keep the toothbrush in your mouth while it is running. Do not, under any circumstances, remove the toothbrush while it is on, to turn around and answer your husband. Why he would ask a question that actually requires an answer, while standing there watching you brush your teeth is an entirely different subject, or why I actually answered him. I had no idea such a small amount of toothpaste could fly everywhere - shower doors, bathmat, toilet lid, 2 walls, floor, my hair and all over my shirt. Did I mention I had just taken a shower, and the house cleaners were there yesterday and everything looked so good. Oh well, at least it was only toothpaste and nothing worse. It does clean up. I hope this isn't a hint of what the rest of the day will bring.

Sherry Starr

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Sherry Starr
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Good luck with the rest of your day. I hope it goes better for you. Thanks for the laugh though.


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Charlotte Hippen

At least you didn't have a three year old that poured his red juice in the waterpic and "let 'er rip"!! That was over 35 years ago and I still it remember it soooooooo well. I saw the "splat" that shot down the hall and hit the fridge as soon as I heard the machine turn on and realized he wasn't sitting at the table (all within a split second) where I put him while I did dishes.


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Thanks for the chuckle and the gratifying news that I am not the only person that does this sort of thing...

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Debi Matlack

Oh, what a scream! And how well I can relate! I recently started using an electric toothbrush (courtesy of Dr. Rochelle, if she told me to brush my teeth while standing on my head, I would try it.....she's that good a dentist!) and made the mistake of taking it out of my mouth one morning before turning it off. Close-Up toothpaste spatters the prettiest pink onto walls, mirror, countertop, etc!

LOL and thanks for the funny.

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Carolyn McCarty

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Pat in Virginia

I loved that story!! Pami

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Also up high where the cat can't lick it....mine did that to me once!! I hang mine up now!! Pami

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