OT Finnicky QI.....

I just had to replace a phone because Ji-chan had chewed the cord enough to wreck it. Boy was I annoyed to find that the nice $35 phone I had bought had a molded in cord that could not be replaced! On the other hand all the numbers and stuff had worn off the buttons so using anything but numbers was an adventure.

We pounce on him and give him what for whenever we catch him chewing cords. I have a terror of waking up some morning to discover a fried cat next to the TV or some such.

Before we lived here I had tons of houseplants, all of which promptly died when moved here. Not enough light. Now that we have the upstairs too, I have almost a mini-greenhouse on the stair landing. It has a corner made of 3 and a half or 4 foot on a side windows. Before the lemon grass Jiji would go after the culinary herbs or the tub of peacock orchids. He killed my pot marigolds dead, and just mowed the dittany of crete right down. Then I tried putting out a pot of cat grass to keep him out of the glads if and when he got out there (peacock orchids=abyssinian gladiolus), glads are supposed to be bad for cats. It worked pretty well. Then I seeded the lemon grass into the pot that used to have the salvia divinorum in it (never did get that to bloom). Apparently lemon grass is a greater delicacy than oats, rye, or barley so far as Jiji is concerned. That surprises me really. I thought cats did not like citrus, and east indian lemon grass is very lemony with much citral in it. As soon as the lemon grass came on he was going through all manner of contortions to get at it. I swear he has opened new portals through the cat dimension to get out there at it.


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Oh, I'd forgotton the lemon grass... I had a big patch of it with a squashed bit in the middle, usually filled by a 15lb Marmalade cat! :D Lemon scented mog, anyone?

He'd have sold his granny for catnip too, if he could! None of my other cats has been at all interested in catnip.

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My dogs eat black walnuts from the back yard. Can you imagine how bad that has to taste?

I don't even like them much cleaned, let alone with that nasty shell.


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I love your stories, Nightmist. You tell a good tale.


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