OT newsy news

Ok, I'm back, posting my update as promised. Keep two things in mind when reading this....1) I am nearly incapable of posting a short post so this will be long and 2) like everything else in life, reading or deleting this is a choice. That said, on with the update.

Hmmmmmmm, where to start. I think I'll do this by topic lest I confuse myself.

The pregnancy:

(I'm sure this is the biggest question of them all LOL) According to one doctor, I have 2 weeks and 3 days left. According to my regular doc, I could go at any time. According to the midwife that I saw last night (was having contractions and we thought it "was time" despite the fact that my water is still intact), I'm in very early labor now, slowly, very slowly, dilating. I was sent home until "your water breaks or you can't stand up because of the pain with the contractions, and the contractions are less than two minutes apart". Like I said in a previous post, I feel like I'm an elephant that has a gestation period of 22 months. I haven't felt like sitting at the sewing machine and working on anything. The curtains for her room still aren't done....but as you will see in a bit, its probably a good thing right now.

I have arranged and rearranged her room about a zillion times, packed and repacked her bag, and have spent a lot of time fondling all the neat home made clothes, blankies, sheets, and towels that people have sent me. I did manage to weasel my way out of a baby shower sponsored by my mothers office. (I already have one kid, I don't think that another baby shower would be appropriate)

Much to my mothers protests, I'm still planning on having my tubes tied. Pregnancy is hard on me, and right now I'm miserable. I really love kids, but two is enough for me. If we change our minds in the future (about having more kids) we will adopt.


Not much has changed. If anything, she is more delusional and a lot more crazy. When we went to PA for DH's uncles funeral, we didn't contact her. She found out we were there anyway. I was so stressed about it that I went into preterm labor. Apparently, she thinks that she has some kind of right to be in the hospital when I am in labor. She went postal on her sister because no one told her that I was in the hospital with p/t labor, and stated that its her *right* to know and was her *right* to be there (ok, does one really have a right to go into a labor room when her daughter in law is desperately trying to NOT have a baby just so that she can berate and yell and scream at what a horrible person she thinks the daughter in law is?? I don't think so). (Now before any of you start hopping up and down because I refuse to give her any rights to me or my kids, remember that this is a woman that has tried her best to get her son to divorce me after less than a year of marriage. This is a woman that doesn't ask about how I'm doing, how the pregnancy is doing, or about how her son is doing. This is a woman that has called me every four letter curse word in the english language (and a few of the 5 letter ones as well) because I asked her to leave in April and she didn't want to go. This is a woman that refused to go to her sisters husbands funeral because she would not be the focus of attention. This is a woman that refuses to acknowledge over half of her nieces and nephews because she doesn't like their parents, and the kids, admittedly are a little hyper and a lot out of control. This is a woman that has falsely accused me of sleeping with everything with a pulse behind my husbands back. This is also a woman that tried to tell her son that the baby that I'm pregnant with is not his (he knows damn better than that). This is a woman that has a chip on her shoulder the size of Mount Everest and thinks that everyone, everywhere, owes her something just because she exists. In her mind, the universe revolves around her. This is also a woman that beat her 3 year old son bloody with a crib slat cause he had an accident and peed his pants.) She also informed her sister that DH and I should not have stayed in her house, that we should have gotten a hotel room. (We tried to, but you don't win if you try to argue with Aunt Moose. We gave in and stayed at her house.) She refuses to apologize on the grounds that she "has said or done nothing wrong" (calling your sons wife a F****** B**** and a F****** Wh*** isn't wrong? Especially when you say it to your son's face??? ok lady, whatever). This is a battle that will probably last for years, and no, our relationship will never be the way that it used to be.

Ok, The Big News.

DH is in the army, and his job is an Armor Crewman (he drives a tank). The army recently put out a request for Armor Crewman, ranking E4 and above to transfer to Alaska for their new Striker Vehicles. DH is submitting the paperwork today for a transfer. We will probably be in Alaska within 8 months. Very few people knew of this until now, as I asked them to keep mum about it. He hadn't decided until a little while ago that we were going. Since his chain of command doesn't have a problem with letting him go, there is less red tape that we have to wander through. His 1st sergeant sees no reason why they wouldn't transfer him, he has 6 years active duty, has never had a disciplinary problem, has a clean record, top secret clearance, is promotable, dependable, and has a lot of soldiers that look to him as a role model. To be perfectly honest, I'm looking forward to it. Come to think of it, we all are.

Quilty/Crafty news

I haven't done much sewing lately due to lack of energy and how short my arms seem to have gotten since the last time I sat at the sewing table. I do have a few things in the works, but probably won't get to them for some time because of Ellies impending arrival. I fondle all my favorite fabrics on a regular basis and wish that I had the energy to sew, but it just aint happenin. I joined the ornament swap, and my little guys are nearly done. I'll be posting on their doneness (is that a word???) in private emails to the rest of the swappers at a later time.

Hmmmmmm, I can't think of anything else right now. My next big post will probably be about the arrival of Ellie, but I promise, I'll leave out the really gory details (yes we are taking the digital camera, and I'll post pictures on the net (place yet to be determined).

Hugs Karlee in Kansas (hmmmmmm, Karlee in Alaska doesn't sound right....not yet anyway lol!!!)

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Karlee in Kansas
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Are you sure that your MIL is not my mother????

Sounds like your pregnant days are coming to and end. Here is wishing you and the family all the best for Ellie's safe arrival.

As for the name change-- how about Karlee in Kold Alaska?

Debbi in SO CA

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Hi Karlee, I hope you can enjoy the rest of your pregnancy and welcome a beautiful new daughter into your family. I have been married 30 years and I also had a MILFH. We moved from NY to AZ to get away from her and if we had not she would have killed our marriage for sure. We were young and needed time to grow up. I came from a very different family than that of my husband. This anger and meaness was a reality check for me. I finally got the guts up after 13 years to tell her off. (very long slow fuse I guess). Remember that your number 1 priority is YOUR family. Don;t let her make you sick with her problems. Good luck on your move and the new arrival. Linda in Plano Tx.

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You have lots of positive stuff to look forward to. That little one will arrive in her own sweet time! Try to relax as far as you can.

Hmm... Alaska might not be quite far enough to get away from the MILFH... Could you try for an exchange trip to Tasmania? ;) Hang on a minnnitt... You live on the base, don't you? The Army could bar her! Had this happen to a bad fella relative of a school friend of mine: turned up to pester his military cousins and got slung in the jug for a couple of nights for trespassing unasked on MOD property! Then they charged him for his board and lodging...

Here's hoping all goes well for you.

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Kate Dicey

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Oh my wordy! What news! I'm with you on the tubes tied thing. I would have had mine done after the arrival of DD2 but DH put "the boys on the block" as he says instead. We are planning to be foster parents once the DDs are a wee bit older and life calms down some. I'm with you on the MIL thing too - you shouldn't have to put up with that. And as for Alaska - My baby's moving further awaaaaaaaay! . You will have the time of your lives up there. Hugs to all three of you and extra snuggles to Ellie when she arrives. I'm proud of you Karlee, and proud to call you friend and cyber-kid.

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Sharon Harper

Wow, you have a LOT to look forward to Karlee! Thanks for the update. It's good that both you and your husband understand it is HER problem and NOT YOURS. More distance will help too. Moving with a new baby is not going to be fun or easy but Alaska sounds great! Hope all goes well for you guys. How about Karlee in Kanuukland?

kitty in phx ~could use something catchy myself. hmmm...~

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I' ve got a lot of nice rellies in Tassie please don't send her there!!!!!

She sounds a bit like my MIL not quite FH but DH told her to get out of our lives 10 years ago (mainly because of all the lies she has told etc )which she did, but then she tells people that she treats all her grandchildren the same !!!!! Duh DH is the only son (with 6 sisters) and our DS is the only one who can legally carry on the family name and she has never tried to make contact

Dee inOz

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No, it was KARLEE and fambly I was thinking of sending for a while to get away from her! Military exchange tour type thing. Tasmania looks so nice on in the pix I see. I know all our antipodean quilters would make her welcome.

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Kate Dicey

Karlee, I'm just catching up on the week's posts. Hope little Ellie makes an appearance soon! Sounds like things are way to stressful for you right now. I'll keep you in my prayers.

But you forgot to mention something important. Are there any LQS in Alaska? If not we'll have to send you lots of stash.


Karlee >Ok, I'm back, posting my update as promised. Keep two things in mind when

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Maureen Wozniak

Of course we'd welcome her and family! Tassie's weather is a lot like England's, if she'd like a bit warmer she'd be better off further north...

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