OT - pen pal stuff

My friend has just gotten her first letter from her first pen pal. I'm going to help fix her up with a way to write back. She's as happy as a kid in a candy store! And she has no idea that anyone else is planning on writing. I do thank those of you who volunteered to pen pal with her, from the bottom of my heart. And now, I leave her this afternoon pondering on the wonder of getting a letter from - Australia! - - grin!

Karen, Queen of Squishies

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Karen, Queen of Squishies
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Yay! Was it okay? I've been trying to get hold of a small box to fill with a few treats unique to our country. I now have one so who knows what could turn up?!

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Sharon Harper

She couldn't quite make it all out, and I haven't seen it yet. I'll go over it with her tomorrow, and if I think of any tips to make it easier for her, I'll pass 'em on. You sound like you're having as much fun as she is! : )

Karen, Queen of Squishies

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Karen, Queen of Squishies

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Pat in Virginia

Yes, she has macular degeneration.

Karen, Queen of Squishies

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Karen, Queen of Squishies

My mother-in-law has this, too. She has a tiny bit of sight in one corner of one eye and she manages to make out a little bit of writing via a CCTV gadget which is also called a scanner I think? She puts her letters on its 'table' and watches the screen. Her magnification has to be great, so she can't comfortably read a letter, but she can make out where it's from and roughly what it's about. So she can tell enough to know whether it is urgent. It is a wonderful device. Perhaps you or your friend could bear it in mind, if her condition worsens?

She writes with felt tip, in large letters, on white paper or board - shopping lists etc. . In message , "Karen, Queen of Squishies" writes

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Yes, I have a shopping assignment to find her a special pen to write with so she can answer Sharon. I love this! Thanks, Pat.

Karen, Queen of Squishies

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Karen, Queen of Squishies

Just a smiley face on a postcard would be okay!

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Sharon Harper

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