OT - personal knowledge

J ~

I went through my FB today and deleted a lot of people who I didn't really know and that they were friends of friends. BUT.........when I did that, it totally screwed up my main page. I know for a fact that there were at least

3 people on there who have birthdays today and they disappeared. I know I didn't delete them because they are friends on here. Thankfully, there were people who wished 2 of them a HB and I followed there but whomever the 3rd one is I'M SORRY and I hope you had a wonderful birthday.
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Cindy Schmidt
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Did one of you say you know Marilyn Brown in person?

Karen, Queen of Squishies

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Karen, Queen of Squishies

Someone said they knew a Marilyn Brown. It seems all the one on FB is doing is collecting "friends" with nearly 800 so far. I asked via message why she wanted me as a friend and got no real answer other than she was working on a baby quilt and relied on friends to take care of her farm because she didn't have time. I deleted her from my list.

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That's sort of why I was asking also. I tried to talk with her via message, and she was so vague I got nothing. Thanks,

Karen, Queen of Squishies

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Karen, Queen of Squishies

If I don't recognize the name in a friend request I send a message asking how we know each other. Sometimes it's someone whose married name I didn't recognize, or sometimes it's someone I know from a "chat" name. Frequently I get no reply and can easily delete their request.

I usually send a brief note with a friend request, especially when sending it to someone who knew me before my nickname (not a gender change, LOL) and my married name.

I also have a Twitter account, but only for reading others' notes (it's great for breaking news!) I can understand why someone would choose to follow me if I already follow them, but where do some of the others come from?

Bert > Someone said they knew a Marilyn Brown.

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Grandma Bert

Yes, I know "a" Marilyn Brown and have for years and years.... but it is NOT the same MB who is asking to be friends on FB.

Donna in WA

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then your MB doesnt count for us on facebook. i've just deleted that MB from my friends list. i thot Jenn in Tacoma knew her but seems her MB is also a different one from the one befriending no harm done tho, i hope.


"Lelandite" wrote ... Yes, I know "a" Marilyn Brown and have for years and years.... but it is NOT the same MB who is asking to be friends on FB. Donna in WA

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Jeanne ~

Nope - their gone. It was so weird. There was a total of 4 people on my birthday list. After I did this, I am down to 1. I went into my friends list and hit the big old X and deleted them and it asked me if I was sure I wanted to do that and I said yes.

So, when I realized the birthdays were gone, I went back into my list to double check and the 2 that I remembered are still there. ?????????????????????????

Cindy from MO (Soon to be GA)

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Cindy Schmidt

if you didnt delete them their, birthdays ought to still show. are you sure? how'd you delete them? sumpin just aint right with that somehow. hmmmmm. am i still there? ya wont miss my birthday, i removed it from my info. sokay, nothing i want for my birthday can be made or bought for me and wishing me a happy birthday has lost its appeal anymore. j.

"Cindy Schmidt" wrote ... J ~ I went through my FB today and deleted a lot of people who I didn't really know and that they were friends of friends. BUT.........when I did that, it totally screwed up my main page. I know for a fact that there were at least

3 people on there who have birthdays today and they disappeared. I know I didn't delete them because they are friends on here. Thankfully, there were people who wished 2 of them a HB and I followed there but whomever the 3rd one is I'M SORRY and I hope you had a wonderful birthday.
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