OT Polly's Pity Party

You are all invited. Dress: very casual. We have replaced all of the light bulbs with 25 watt dim ones and no one will be able to see what you're wearing anyway. Today's trip was to the dermatologist. There is a burned off place (yeah, right ... they call it 'frozen' but that's only for the moment) on my back, face, arms, left hand and both legs. I am 'on fire'. A good thing about living in The Swamp is that nobody much hears or cares when I scream. We once thought that the danger of skin cancer was reserved for the fair-skinned. Not So. We had a dear young friend who ignored a 'funny' spot. It killed him Quickly. So. See your friendly dermatologist if you suspect you should. And come to my pity party. I am absolutely miserable and Mama always said, "Misery loves company". Suggestions for the refreshments list is open; we'll start with freshly baked bread, cheese and both fine wine and whine. Poor Polly

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Polly Esther
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Poor, poor, Polly! I am truly sorry you are in pain! Can you use the Neosporin Plus (for pain relief) on your burns? Barbara in rainy SC

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Bobbie Sews More

Oh, dear. Do you have a stash of chocolate to see you through?

Would something like aloe lotion help? Maybe some benadryl to let you sleep?

G> You are all invited. =A0Dress: =A0very casual. =A0We have replaced all of= the

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Ginger in CA

RSVP would be yes. I'd love to roll around in the muck with you. I'm a terrible cook so my offering should be fine whine. I had a skin cancer spot removed from the bridge of my nose about 20 years ago, back when I was still a little vain. I was always in a constant quandary about whether to let people stare at a bandaid or stare at a scab until it healed. My BFF told me she'd wear her Indian Princess wig to work, and that would create a diversion, so no one would notice the huge scab on my nose. Now that's a friend. You can't even see the spot now. The dermatologist told me it was likely caused from sun damage back when I was a kid! Thanks for posting this though. Excellent advice not to ignore anything "funny."


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I have some very nice mupirocin which does okay. The dermatologist's annual attack is just very traumatic for us. I guess we'll never ever get over losing that precious young daddy who put off a funny spot that turned dark and was itchy. Being a great beauty takes a lot of effort; ask Sophia Loren if you don't believe me. I guess I just needed a little sympathy and wanted to remind you that skin cancer is Fast. It's something you just must not ignore. Furthermore. I asked our fine young dermatologist what help there was for my hair. ( It's as soft as a bunny rabbit.) He thought biotin might be helpful. Anyone tried it? Polly

"G> You are all invited. Dress: very casual. We have replaced all of the

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Polly Esther

What a beautiful friend. How wonderful that she would offer to wear her Indian Princess wig to make your bandaid so no one would notice. God bless her and may we all have really good friends like that. Once upon a time I scratched my eye and had to wear dark glasses (mostly to hide the gooey gummy goo I had to use) until it healed. My buddies at work wore dark glasses too. We were all quite a sight. A reminder to us all to BE a good friend. Polly


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Polly Esther

I'm sorry you are feeling bad but I am glad you are taking care. Dad has gone through the same process for years. It stinks but beats the alternative. Gentle hugs to you and Mr. Esther. Taria

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Oh Polly!

Sign me up for the pity party! I'll bring homemade bread (made my first attemp using my new breadmachine last night and it's yummy!). And while we're on the subject, remember other screenings that are not pleasant, but can save your life; get you mammograms, papsmears, and colonoscopies done on schedule!!!

Claudia (who is facing a LONG 48 hours on call)

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((((( Polly )))))) My dear, I'm so proud of you for going to the dermatologist and doing what had to be done. I'm sorry it hurts so much. I know it sounds weird, but I've been told by a friend that drinking a lot of water helps with the pain of 'freezing' the spots off. (I once had a 'freeze' of a bad spot done, but it was -- um, out of sight, shall we say. I was young and it hurt like you know what and I did not handle it gracefully.) I suspect you've exhausted the list of over the counter pain relievers. Did your doctor not prescribe ANYTHING for the pain? If not, I would certainly call his office in the morning early and let them hear what the swamp is ignoring. I betcha he's come across with something to ease the pain.

In the meantime, you have all my sympathy. Have plenty of whine with the cheese and bread and then some wine, too.

Do you have to go back for more? Did he get all the 'spots'? I hope so. I'd be there with you at the pity party if I could. I know how to toss one of those parties in great style.

Soft hugs, Sunny

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How bizarre that it should coincide so closely with Showtime's new series about the same subject... sort of. (Haven't seen it.)

Fudge. Definitely fudge.

Our thoughts/prayers/positive healing are with you.


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Dr. Zachary Smith

((((((((((Gentle Polly Hugs))))))))))

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Oh Polly -- I know how tough those treatments are. My DM has undergone several -- and she has given me the play-by-play as she recovers from each one.

I hope you heal quickly! And I'll be happy to pass the SPF 75!

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Kate in MI

I'm still in my nightie - but with 25 watt bulbs I should be fine!! I'll come and bring some Thorntons chocolates or Bendincks mints.

So sorry you are hurting; but the good thing is it won't last all that long - you know from experience that it will be over.

Perhaps a loud piece of Beethoven on your piano would help distract you! . In message , Polly Esther writes

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Pat S

Polly, I'll bring a hot passionfruit souffle! I've just this minute made three. It is my 58th birthday today and my DH's 57th (I love a younger man!). You can't have the crispy twice cooked duck legs though 'cos I've only got two!

Hope your healing happens quickly and I'll catch up with you at the party later! After our dinner.

Hugs Bronnie

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I'll come, please. As long as I don't have to leave the house.

I'll bring the dips and troughs!

I'm physically healthy, but I wish to all heaven there was a bandaid to put in my leaden head. I'm still the 1-in-4 and I hate it. I hate it with a passion.

And if I could pull myself together, at least I'd be useful as a pair of curtains! :/

But my sympathy for the sorely bits, and a gentle hug for your pain.

Nel (Gadget Queen)

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It looks as though you have nearly a houseful now, but count me in anyway. I'm making a triple berry crisp for dinner tonight, and will be happy to bring that to go along with the whine and wine.

I hope your night was comfortable and that you're feeling less misery this morning!

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Louise in Iowa

Poor Polly,

I'm so sorry that you are sore and hurting but very happy that you went to the doctor to get your 'spots' taken care of before they turned into something nasty.

Can you put anything on the sore areas? When I was undergoing radiation treatment, I got a direct order from the doctor to keep the area covered under a light layer of Aquaphor lotion at all times.


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Now that was fun. Quilters do know how to throw a party, don't we? Polly

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Polly Esther

As many of you know, Dec 2008 I had surgery for malignant melanoma on my arm. The 34 stitch scar is finally fading to a stil-there-but not- so-in-your-face, I am going to have a tattoo of thread with needle on one end of scar, and thread with knot on the other end of scar, done ;))

In April this year I has squamous cell skin cacer removed from my forehead. The wonderfully large bandage was quite a sight to behold for the first 48 hours. It was during the work week. So I dressed it up with smiley face stickers, which made all the attorneys do a double take and left them speechless [quite a feat!] Then when it came off and I had stitches for a week [wanted purple suture material but had to settle for basic black], I simply told everyone that my brains had been leaking and they had to sew me back up. That scar is still very visible.

Ginger in CA skin cancer moves quick If you suspect something, get it checked out and insist. That's how both of these were caught.

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Ginger in CA

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