OT: QI issues

Years ago we brought kittens into a house with a small dog. There were no problems.

Now, the original kitties went over the rainbow bridge long ago. As did Snowball, the puppy.

We have two dogs, nearing ten years old each. We introduced a new QI, Mieshka, to our home.

They are *NOT* getting along at ALL!

I am at a loss. We've had Mieshka now for about 6 weeks. She was young when we got her (five weeks) though she was weaned (she was the earliest to wean in the litter).

I tried to 'introduce' them early, by holding the kitten and then letting the dogs smell my hand, and vice-versa. Mieshka hisses and spits if she is anywhere NEAR them. Mind you, these are not big dogs. Cupcake is a ten year old Shi-Tsu, and Chica is an eight year old Bichon-Jack Russel mix.

I had read somewhere on the internet that the kitten should be acclimated to the dogs by 8 weeks old, or it would be more difficult. Well, difficult it will be, since Mieshka is well on her way to three months!

For now, Mieshka has the run of the house, while my poor puppies stay confined in the kitchen. When I get home, I try and spend time with the puppies, but the cat is definitely now the Queen.

Does anyone have any ideas as to how to stop the spitting, barking, scratching and other 'bad' behaviors? I am concerned mostly for Cupcake (shih-tsu eyes are so 'out there' for scratching!) and for Mieshka (DH says Chica had her by the neck one day when he tried to co-mingle them).

I would love to have all my QI's feel loved and safe.

Lisa in NJ

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I didn't think of caging the cat (never bought her a carrier). But you are right, that might be an issue for the dogs -- QI's *ARE* like our kids in many ways, and jealousy abounds.

Both dogs are female, and spayed. Mieshka is a calico -- female only -- and will be spayed at the proper age. The vet will send a reminder when she is old enough.

I had this pretty picture in my mind of the kitten curling up with the dogs, as our other pets used to do. I *DO* hope this happens. I would of course want it sooner rather than later.

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are> some good tips to try with your integration. =A0I think that your pups> need to have the run of the house while the kitten is caged for a> while. =A0The dogs have been friends for a long time and each will be> protective of the other until they realize that they still rate highly> with you and your husband. =A0Their lives and their perception of their> lives should not be altered so much that they feel they are about to> be pushed out the door. =A0It is almost like a senior parent being made> to feel that the home is no longer their refuge. =A0The kitten only see> 2 bigger playmates especially when alone in the house with them. =A0Are> all three of them spayed/neutered - hormones do play a part in animal> cohabitation...jennellh>

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They really will adjust. I've been through this several times.


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Lenore L

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