OT Re: Handbags

Some quilting friends were talking about this as if it was news. I don't get why this is such a surprise! My mama taught us back in the dark ages, to not put our purses and school bags where we put food. I have always followed that rule. In fact, I avoid putting bags on floors any how, though I realize it is sometimes unavoidable. Once I had someone arrive at my home and plop her purse on the buffet table where I had food and dishes set out for serving. I did not say UGH, but I thought it!! I just stated that the food might splash her purse, and suggested she put it on a bench. Boy, my sisters and I really appreciate the little things our Mom taught us. PAT in VA/USA

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Pat in Virginia
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Don't know 'bout you - but the older I get the more amazed I am at how much wisdom my mum had and tried SO hard to pass on. Back then I called it nagging.

Like many "rebels", as a teenager I swore I would never be like my mum. I am constantly surprised to hear her words coming out my mouth now lol.

I am sure she would have an "I-told-you-so" smile if she were still around to read this too.

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That struck a "great moment" of "Mommy-hood" for me, Cheryl. Sometimes I didn't have the time or was not in a place to explain to my kids when I told them to NOT do something... so I'd say, "Because I said so, that's why!!!" My DD swore that that was one thing she would Never, Ever say!! Well, one night, my DD called me (laughing her head off)... She said, "It just came out of my mouth before I could stop it!"


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I was shopping with my daughter (who enjoys being a grandmother of seven) and caught one of those 'Mommy' things. Usually, I set my purse in the toddler seat of the shopping cart and weave the cart's belt through the purse's straps. I know it won't disturb a mad bandit but it might slow them down 1/10th of a second anyway. When she saw me securing (somewhat) the purse, DD growled, "Don't DO that! Do you have any idea what's been in that seat?" Then she enlightened me with the number of germs, viruses, and other unspeakable stuff that little kids distribute. Oh my, how my own mother would have smiled to hear the lecture I got. Polly

"ME-Judy" That struck a "great moment" of "Mommy-hood" for me, Cheryl. Sometimes I

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Polly Esther

Reminds me of a sad story regarding the niece of a friend of mine. The little girl is about 3 years old, and both her parents are addicted to meth. They've been in and out of jail several times, and this child needs a new home. They were ready to adopt her, but wanted to have a medical exam first, mostly because of the pathogens carried by IV drug users, like hepatitis and HIV. Turns out this child at the rich age of 3, has MRSA, which has colonized. This is especially sad because not only will she carry the disease the rest of her life and face amputations and other outbreaks, but my friend would run the risk of contracting the disease, something he could not afford, due to his COPD.

Children in those cards will have diarrhea, which doesn't ever get cleaned up enough, IMHO, and then they mouth the handle of the cart, which has been touched by God Knows Who, and then we touch the carts. If you've ever wondered about those antibacterial wipes in the fronts of the stores, now you know why. Bleah!!!

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Mystified One

My grandson, even at 3.5 years, doesn't go into a shopping cart without Mom inserting the cart cover. Not only does it cover the seat entirely, but it covers the handle as well. He loves it too since it has all kinds of pockets where he can stash his little cars and dino figures. Plus it has a cup holder. Mom also wipes the handle and seat with the antibacterial wipes provided by the store before the cart cover even gets put on. The cover is washable as well and gets washed after their weekly shopping trip to the food store.

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I'm so thankful my "baby" is 40 years old. *sigh*

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