OT, Storm at Sea and long

So, where to even begin. I've been so busy, and have not really wanted to write about things yet.

I've been back from Michigan and Dad's funeral since Oct 24. Just finally catching my breath from everything. Grades were due two days later for conferences the following week on the 30th and 31. To say the least, I had a huge pile of papers from being gone 7 days so there were a couple of late nights grading. My students were so quiet and concerned and helpful and understanding while I got back on track. I was beginning to question if they really were teenagers.

On top of all of this, I had also signed an extended contract to write curriculum for three new classes at the Career/Tech center that opens next year. That is due today for review before I have to present the week after Thanksgiving. I just emailed it off for pre-review. I really just need some time this weekend to read and sew. I think it will be so.

Anyways, everything went as well as could be expected as far as your Dad dying and all of that. Hindsight is always 20/20 and so many things had happened over the past couple of months that were good. Bert and I had dinner with my folks in August before flying back north and I got a big going away hug from Dad, rather than the usual handshake. The family also had a reunion the week after Labor Day, Mom and Dad had only been back about two weeks from visiting my sister and BIL in TN and had had dinner with my other Sister and BIL and Niece and Nephew and cut their hair the day before he left, and I had called to talk to him that day as well. The best part, and a bit sad, is that he had just gotten an elk and unbelievably had gotten cell phone reception in the mountains in Colorado and called Mom to describe to her where he was, (she had been there before, too), that he had gotten one and so on. They talked for about a half hour and had a really good conversation. About three hours later he was gone. How wonderful that they talked. His poor hunting buddy had to leave dad on the mountain overnight to go get help. He is still having a really hard time.

What is so frustrating is that he was in such good health. Not overweight, great blood pressure, good sugar, and low cholesterol. He was the healthiest of all his siblings, and the youngest. Go figure.

In spite of all the tears, we really had some good laughs. Sitting on the floor and going through pictures was good therapy and people commented on all the good pictures we displayed. There were also so many stories and laughs and more laughs. Being a barber, Dad knew most everyone in the community and there were always jokes and stories. Over 100 people came to the visitation and 215 to the service. What a testament and we felt so good about that. Our family has been known for giving a good event, whether a meal between services on music Sunday at church, my sisters weddings, and now a funeral. We are still getting comments that it was really different but so good. The hymns were favorites of Dad's that were uplifting, not the old dirges, we choose other than the usual scripture, and the minister relayed lots of our stories about Dad and we had people outright laughing during the service. That was okay though, because every picture we found of Dad, he was smiling.

Both of my parents were/are planners and organizers, so while Mom has to now deal with being a widow, there is very little to worry about in getting the finances and other things in order. Everything was all set up. They had just revised several things this summer and were just intent on enjoying retirement.

So, now I am sorting through memories and wearing a new coat that Dad had just gotten for his Birthday and had never worn. It is helping me to feel close. What else can I do? It will just take time.

You're probably wondering how this is going to be on topic. Well, I have not been back there in the fall since I had built this shed, so now I have a picture of it.

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It is the shed that Mom wanted that I built for me. Mom and Dad got me this book of Fabric Balls by Jinny Beyer this summer for my Birthday. I hadn't even shared the picture with them yet, but now it is posted here.
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They are quick and easy and so much fun. Easy take-along projects. Lastly, and most sad, is the picture of the Storm-at-Sea quilt that I asked Dad to take a picture of for me the last time we talked. Well, obviously I took it myself. You'll have to scroll to the bottom to see it.
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While I was not the son that my Dad expected to have, we had come around to understanding each other and truly enjoyed each others company. I'll miss being the carpenters assistant and picking his brain of a wealth of knowledge. No more woodworking gifts or pictures that he thinks would make a good quilt. Heavy sigh.

Tonight, hug those you love and don't sweat the small stuff. Life is too short.

Thanks for letting me ramble.

Steve Alaska

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I am so glad you had so many good memories to comfort you. Your dad sounds like a wonderful man.

My own dad has been gone for nearly 30 years now, and I find I am thinking of him more and more - how he would be amused by this, or would laughingly disapprove of something else. We had almost nothing in common in our day-to-day lives but he is the benchmark against which I now measure so much that is truly important to me.

You're right. Life is too short. Enjoy every minute you are blessed with, and when you lose a loved one (and we all do) treasure those memories you have. For as long as you remember them they are not truly gone.

(((HUGS))) Steve

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This post is a wonderful tribute to your father's life and love for you. I also bet you just feel you were not the son he wanted you to be. I bet he was proud to call you his son and proud of you, too.

I know it is so hard to lose a loved one. I lost my mother almost two years ago and sometimes I just go to the webpage I have in her memory and sit there and look at her pictures and cry. Today/now yesterday happened to be one of those days. Some people say it gets easier, I do not think it does, I think you just learn to deal with it.

I am so happy for you that you have the wonderful memories. I have those too and they sure make things a lot easier.

Prayers for you and your family,

Jacqueline in KY

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Jacqueline from KY


What a wonderful tribute to your dad. He sounds like a very warm, fun fellow--a true blessing to family and friends.

Glad you are beginning to regain your equilibrium. Just take it slow and easy. Things will keep falling into place. Got to admit, I was very impressed with your students. Wow! What a good group.

While you may not have been the son your dad "expected" to have, I bet you are the son he was "glad" to have, and loved very much. Keep yourself wrapped in his coat. It will give you strength.


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