OT The doctor is IN Woo Hoo

You might remember that last week or thereabouts I mentioned that I was going to try and swap an appointment I had with the doctor to DH because of his navel hernia.

Well I got out the sharp and pointy teefs, polished them up and made the phone call.

My preperations were for naught, there has been a change in the immediate management of the clinic and they wouldn't do it. They said it sounded serious and they wanted to see him sooner. Would next Tuesday at 4:00 be all right? Knock me over with a feather!

So today was next Tuesday. DH girded his loins (I made sure he was wearing clean underwear), and made the trek up the hill. The doctor took one look at him and said she didn't need to examine him to confirm a hernia, because she could see it. She did examine him to see how bad it was, she guesses 3+ inches with a curve at the end. She admonished him about lifting, explained how to safely push the hernia back when it pooks out, emphasized what to go to the emergency room for, and told him to stop at the desk for appointments for a pre-anesthesia physical and to see a thoracic surgeon. Then she asked him to wait because someone from administration was going to need to speak to him. A few seconds later DH heard her "speaking very forcefully" to someone down the hall, and the admin rep was with him before he got his shirt back on. The rep wanted to know about the two examinations where he had come in to see about the hernia before this exam. So he told her, the first time the PA poked him in the tummy and said there was nothing to worry about, the second time the PA didn't even do that much. Just told him that if it was a hernia he wouldn't be able to push it back in. At that point the admin rep (an RN in a previous life) threw her pen into the air and exclaimed that there is a specific name for that kind of hernia and it is the easiest kind to fix, if it is not left unattended to get bad. She told DH that there was going to be an inquiry, because obviously some people had not performed up to snuff, and that at least on the second visit he should have been refered rather than brushed off.

So DH is going to be repaired, and hopefully some heads will roll about his poor treatment previously.

NightMist Yeah!

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Diana Curtis

NightMist I'm sure you are both so relieved this evening! I'm glad your DH is finally getting proper medical attention, and I sincerely hope someone will have to answer for previous "treatment".

Hugz Patti in Seattle

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Patti S

Way to go and good for your DH! Let us know when the surgery will happen so we can all send good vibes, etc.

Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.

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Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.


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What a shame the Big Pointy Teef were not needed! ;)

I am very glad to hear that your DH will be fixed sooner rather than later. Hug him gently for me! Hernias are Not Nice.

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Kate Dicey

Thanks for letting us know, we'll be praying. Sounds like it's finally going well, and will continue to do so.

Karen, Queen of Squishies

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Queen of Squishies

That's wonderful news!


"NightMist" wrote in message news: snipped-for-privacy@news.madbbs.com...

You might remember that last week or thereabouts I mentioned that I was going to try and swap an appointment I had with the doctor to DH because of his navel hernia.

Well I got out the sharp and pointy teefs, polished them up and made the phone call.

My preperations were for naught, there has been a change in the immediate management of the clinic and they wouldn't do it. They said it sounded serious and they wanted to see him sooner. Would next Tuesday at 4:00 be all right? Knock me over with a feather!

So today was next Tuesday. DH girded his loins (I made sure he was wearing clean underwear), and made the trek up the hill. The doctor took one look at him and said she didn't need to examine him to confirm a hernia, because she could see it. She did examine him to see how bad it was, she guesses 3+ inches with a curve at the end. She admonished him about lifting, explained how to safely push the hernia back when it pooks out, emphasized what to go to the emergency room for, and told him to stop at the desk for appointments for a pre-anesthesia physical and to see a thoracic surgeon. Then she asked him to wait because someone from administration was going to need to speak to him. A few seconds later DH heard her "speaking very forcefully" to someone down the hall, and the admin rep was with him before he got his shirt back on. The rep wanted to know about the two examinations where he had come in to see about the hernia before this exam. So he told her, the first time the PA poked him in the tummy and said there was nothing to worry about, the second time the PA didn't even do that much. Just told him that if it was a hernia he wouldn't be able to push it back in. At that point the admin rep (an RN in a previous life) threw her pen into the air and exclaimed that there is a specific name for that kind of hernia and it is the easiest kind to fix, if it is not left unattended to get bad. She told DH that there was going to be an inquiry, because obviously some people had not performed up to snuff, and that at least on the second visit he should have been refered rather than brushed off.

So DH is going to be repaired, and hopefully some heads will roll about his poor treatment previously.

NightMist Yeah!

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The Brown Family

I bet Polly's 'gators are feeling a bit peckish now that the flood waters are receding ... Bet they could do with a "medical personnel snack",

I'm glad someone finally started to do the right thing at your clinic.

)O( Anne > You might remember that last week or thereabouts I mentioned that I

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Anne in CA

Wonderful news! I'm so glad it's finally being straightened out and that your DH will soon be in good shape again. :)

Reply to
Sandy Foster

I was almost disappointed. Being The Official Goddess of Making Paperwork Junkies and Recalcitrant Admin Types Wet Themselves and Fall Down Begging For Mercy, I like the chance to exercise my skills and influence now and again.

Go delicately with that word "fixed".

Don't want him bolting or anything.


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Fixed as in mended rather than like the cat! ;)

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Kate Dicey

Finally - you can sure tell a professional when you finally get to meet one, can't you.

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