OT - The things mums do (homework et al)

After silently congratulating myself for being ultra organised for DD2s end of term show and tell/homework (dress up as a fairytale character) today I went into a hive of frenetic and panicked activity.

The Sleeping Beauty dress that was supposed to be in DD2s wardrobe had (I forgot) been tossed out to charity at the beginning of 2007 cleanout. The fairy wings which would have made a good back-up Tinkerbell costume were tossed a couple months later in another clean up.

What do I do????????????

After searching the internet for half an hour for DIY fairytale costumes whilst being encouraged with the "I want to start this weeks homework on Sunday" (what is it?) - I need to draw what I'm wearing! Eeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkk!!!!

Whilst sitting idly wondering what on earth to do I found a one size fits everyone make your own pirate skirt. Pirates? Ahoy me laddies, wasn't Aladdin a pirate? Treasure hunter? Not a far stretch - and he had a cutesy little thing called Jasmine with him. Okay so she wore harem pants but she could wear a skirt right?

Good excuse to rootle madly through stash for some shades of blue batik yardage (just happened to have the EXACT right amount!). Now, grab some white. Guesstimate daughters height on husband's leg. Cut the panels. Ask husband to measure around DD2s hips. Cut waistband to approximate length. Pin panels on. Sew Panels. Guess I should hem some of this fabric, right? Only the waistband, it's only being used once!!

Make nice tie up top (one panel of fabric, hemmed top and bottom, with tie ups which wrap around) in matching shades of blue. Hmmm how does skirt do up/stay up. Buttons. Done!

Call in DD2 to try on. Perfect fit. "Oh it's Jasmine" says DD1 - how in hell did she guess that? Even I had no idea!

DD2 loves it. Success.

I am a good mummy. I am a good mummy. And we didn't buy a costume either! Yep, I am a good mummy.

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Sharon Harper
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Don't you know that "Mummies" can do anything and 5 things at the one time, while cooking dinner for 6 - after all, they were little girls too and as they grow older, have never lost their imagination and talent for 'making do'.

Mummies rule.

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Sharon, you are what good mummies are all about.........can pull anything out of thin air and it will be just darn fabulous. Good onya, girl...take a well-deserved bow.

Wendy in Nsw

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I think those emergencies leave permanent marks on mummies. Even now, there's about 5 yards of gold lamé and some cord carefully waiting in the closet in case Caesar or Cinderella must be clothed on an hour's notice. I am ready. Polly

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Polly Esther

Whew! So glad it all worked out in the end.

- dlm. disorganised in central mA

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- dlm.

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I'll see your gold lamé & cord, and raise you 3 yards of "leopard" fur (DD was "Padme" one year, DS was a leopard-clad barbarian), 6 different feather boas (3 pink, 1 blue and 2 white), three "bags" of loose feathers (angel wings one year), that strange multi-colored wispy cotton (fairy wings another year) and OODLES of craft felt.

We do Halloween obsessively here. Complete with "dressing up" the entire house, the dog (poor thing), using a smoke machine, eerie sounds on a CD ... more than I can list. :)

Hubby LOVES Halloweenie!! :)

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Good Lord, Hon!! And what name do you go by when you're not wearing the gold tiara (with the little red star) and your magic lasso??

I really hope that your family and YOU realize what an awesome lady you are!! :)

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Sharon, my hat is off to you! I'd *never* have been able to come up with something like that -- and so quickly!

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LOL...yep, you are a good mummie. I'll gladly trade you next time there is an emergency costume need for a visit to the ER.....I can handle sitting in the ER for 4 hours better than trying to make a last minute costume. Still not sure why since most of the customer and family sewing has been in the realm of costumery .

good job mum!

Larisa (who did spend 4 hours in the ER wed night-thurs morning)

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Well done Sharon for creating such a crowd pleaser so quickly.

Larisa - hope all is OK now, or at least on the mend.


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Lizzy Taylor

When the kids were little we sort of worked out an arrangement here. DH did urgent care visits for stitches and I did broken bones. I didn't like the blood and broken bones seemed to always happen in the daytime. Those kids need to get cooperative Larissa. Hope they are ok now.

Good work Sharon. You are a good mom. Taria

off kilter snipped-for-privacy@somwherequiet.net wrote:

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Don't forget the celluclay, moulage, box of half coat hangers, half coil of boughten wire for when you figure out the coat hangers were a bad idea, the roll of plaster cloth that appeared out of nowhere, the half pots of poster paint, partially used halloween make-up from as long ago as 1990, enough loose hair to make a herd of calico cats, and glitter.

Somewhere around here I think I still have the red thrift shop boots from when DD1 went out as the Scarlet Witch, and the costume from when in a moment of desperation I got the two eldest girls up as clothes poles complete with laundry strung between them.

We used to get dry ice from the ice cream factory and use it in a shop vac (with water) on reverse for a smoke machine. Then they quit selling dry ice.

DH is already planning the layout of tombstones in the front yard, and trying to convince me to do a lawn sculpture of a zombie rising out of the ground. He has been working on the spooky mix disc already. He collects scary sounds all year long.


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If the kidlet recognizes it immediately with only one fitting it was an outstanding job.

Go Sharon! Yeah!


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Thanks Wendy, and everyone! I just hope the dratted thing holds together for long enough!!!

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Sharon Harper

Pure luck that one! I was tempted to make harem pants but the only recipe....er pattern I could find was a bit much for me!!

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Sharon Harper

Pit Slave is the name and kartings the game! LOL - I'm usually covered in grease on a weekend, so she was lucky she caught me on a friday night so the costume is still clean!!

Me awesome? I think not!

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Sharon Harper

Who needed the ER????? Are they all right?? Are you alright???

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Sharon Harper

LOL - I was very tempted to head for the nearest Spotlight (our TSWLTH) but DH wouldn't let me, plus I wanted to save my pennies for our upcoming holiday (14 days to take off time!). I always knew that fabric would come in handy!

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Sharon Harper

DS..came home with a fever of 101.5, but by 10pm, even after taking meds, it was up to 104.7! DH and I grilled him until he was angry with us to make sure that he hadn't eaten anything that he wasn't supposed to have (last time his temp was this high was his atypical allergic reaction!). It took from 1015pm until midnight to get him back to the actual ER to be seen, and from then until 140am for the doctor to come and look at him . They didn't take any bloodwork or anything, just said keep giving him tylenol and motrin and send him back to school...yeah right.

He stayed home thursday and friday morning, it was back up to 103.7 and we went into the walk-in hours at his docs office.....same thing..did a strep culture (negative) ordered a chest xray (fine) and left him at that. His regular doc said that there is a virus going around that nobody has been able to pinpoint as to it's exact cause, but it includes high fever, runny stools, and body aches....and that is usually lasts around 5 days. So, Thomas may not go to school on Monday either if it hasn't broken by then.

Bek isn't sick yet, but both Ken and I are feeling a little off....oh well, we are parents, we are strong....we are really flippin' tired!!


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