OT Tip for pet hair removal from upholstery

I read somewhere- wish I could remember where to give credit where it's due- that to remove pet hair from furniture you can put a rubber glove on your hand, mist it with a bit of water just to dampen it and then stroke the glove over the upholstery. The hair will ball up and you can easily dispose of it. It works! Next to try it on my black slacks before I go to work. Damp slacks are better than hairy slacks, right? VBG

Leslie & The Ever-Shedding, Sleeping-on-The-Furniture Furbabies in MO.

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Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.
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Maggie, the happy-go-licky Airedale Terrier, is not allowed up on the furniture. But, she does brush by the furniture, (white cotton couches), so thanks for the hint.


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Work? Did I miss something?

Karen, Queen of Squishies

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Karen, Queen of Squishies

Long ago, hubby decided that Buddy (the Wonder Dog - a Black Lab mix) isn't allowed on the couches or bed ... but I can almost guarantee you that the moment we leave the house, he tours the high spots. He especially loves my son's bed (go figger - maybe it's because my son loves giving him treats??).

I know this because of the "mini-Buddies" he leaves on hubby's pillow and and side of the bed. DS's bed gets it's own share of fur kitties. :)

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I was going to ask the same thing. Gen

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Just my usual 'job'. I work all day every Sat. answering phones at a real estate office- the regular gal does Mon. thru Fri. I've been doing that for over four years now. I also fill in when she needs time off for whatever reason. I enjoy being back in the business world and keeping my skills 'sharp'- altho I could never work full time with my health issues. And the pay makes my monthly truck payment! VBG

Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.

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Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.

My dog Clara is a mixed breed who sheds A LOT. However, she is crippled from birth with a twisted, skinny, little-hair front leg, frozen ankle, and deformed foot. She has never known anything else and gets around just fine! However, she can't jump up on furniture, which I think is just fine. The down side is that she can't jump to get into a vehicle, either. I had a much-loved Jeep Wrangler, and when Clara got too heavy for me to pick up, it was a choice of get rid of the Jeep or get rid of the dog. So -- I now have a 4-door Dodge Neon, and she only needs a butt-boost for that. However, Clara has a double coat and sheds enough to supply an art school with paint brushes, and I am continually running the vaccuum. She adores the rugs I had shipped home from Turkey, and has her favorite spots on each for naps. I have two "neat sheet"s I alternate every week to cover her bed, and toss them into the laundry to de-hair and clean them. (I cut open the "neat sheet"s to remove the weights, stitched them back up, and can run them through the dryer.) In some ways my life would be so much simpler without Clara, but it wouldn't be any fun, either!

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Thanks for the tip, Leslie, we don't have any pets anymore but my friend and neighbour has a housefull of little dogs and I always seem to be wearing black when I visit ;o( My DD1 has two Jack Russells that seem to shed bucket loads. I find little white hairs stuck in the most curious of places.

Wendy in Nsw

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Well then, I guess that's okay, what do you think, Gen?

Karen, Queen of Squishies

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Karen, Queen of Squishies

Guess we'll let her keep it, at least till the truck's paid off!!!!!!!!! Gen

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You are so smart to be doing that, Leslie. Saturdays are so precious to regular gals and not terribly important to us stay-at- homes so I know you are a great blessing to her. Furthermore, this should keep your social skills sharpened. My ability to monitor 3 conversations at once or to stay around anyone I find to be obnoxious are nearly gone. Maybe I should go spend a Saturday evening at the police station every now and then. Yes. That would do it. Polly

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Polly Esther

Try dryer sheets.


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ROFLOL - if I can walk out of the house with less than 50% pet hair on me, I am ecstatic. Come to think of it, if it only has one or three grease spots on it I'm happy too!

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Sharon Harper

I keep a sticky roller thingy hanging right by the front door. I use it on guests when they leave. I try to tell them not to wear black clothing when they come to my house, but they don't listen.


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