OT: tomorrow is looking yucky with a capital Y

In the morning I start fasting for a colonoscopy on Tuesday morning. Nothing wrong, just I can't ignore the fact that every medical person in my sphere is bugging me to do this mighty thing as I turn 55 in a week or so and that apparently is some magic number that requires a thorough plunging through of one's nether regions. Sigh. I hate fasting. I get wretched headaches and sometimes throw up. I'd appreciate any good thoughts or prayers anybody can spare in my direction. I know it's not exactly something dire, but ... I am dreading the discomfort of the prep.

Sunny wondering why they can't let me be awake for the procedure but anesthetize me for the prep

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Damned skippy. I have no idea the origin of that expression but I think it means you are absolutely unequivocally right. There was a time (more coming here than you ever wanted to know) when I had breast cysts that had to be drained with a hypodermic to see if they were suspicious. The procedure was exceeding uncomfortable - got more into the category of excruciating. Anyhow . . . it crossed my mind that I would be lots happier having that done at my dentist's office where at least they would make me happy/drunk with laughing gas. I love that stuff. Twice a year when they clean my teeth I get to be legally totally bombed - and with a bubblegum flavored nose cone too. Looks like the proctologists need to get their act together. Tell 'me I said so. Polly

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Polly Esther

Not fun, but so necessary and so underestimated by so many. I'm due for my repeat this year; will continue having as often as it takes if that way I can avoid having to go through what my mother did.Hope your headaches stay within manageable limits.


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Hi Sandy, I went through one just last year and my doctor told me to add some cordial to the prep stuff. It did make it taste better just a little. I also could only manage just over half and that was find so the doctor said.

Good luck, my thoughts are with you.

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Di Maloney

It always surprises me the differences in the medics/dentists approach to these procedures acording to geography. Here we do teeth cleaning without any analgesia (and it HURTS) and local anaesthesia for flexible sigmosography; none for the rigid version. Besides the indignity, which in my case was treated with utmost care, neither were more than very-uncomfortable. And they gave me hot buttered toast and tea afterwards.

I could watch the camera doing its thing on a big screen, and it was, frankly, fasinating. It was all pink and clean and silky looking, not yuk at all, which surprised me. It was nice to know that everything was hunkydory in the plumbing department. It isn't done here as a regular screening, only if it is deemed necessary. Breast squishing is done though, DG!

Good luck with the thing. Just relax, as they say! Who thought you could? It's similar to the gyny exams. >>>shudder

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Nel, I've never had anesthesia for teeth cleaning -- and yes, it does hurt. I don't mind mammograms. For some reason I don't really experience pain -- just the discomfort of being squeezed. I had a colon scope when I was 12 or so, with no anesthesia, just a doctor telling me that I had better not make a fuss. I didn't.

What I'm dreading the most is the prep --- fasting, and I'm not taking a liquid. Ive got something like 50 pills that I take by the fistful. Only solids I'm allowed from wake-up time Monday until the party's over Tuesday. ROFL.

Everybody have a good day. I'm heading to bed.

Love and thanks for the prayers, Sunny

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Wot Nel sed! In spades.


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Thanks for the comfort and good advice. Sandy, I'm doing the pills. No way on earth I could drink that much liquid in that short time. I would throw it right back up. This I know from sad past history with medical tests.

I'm really hungry, but trying to not think about it, and everywhere I look there are fast food ads. Good Lord, does our entire economy run on overeating??? No wonder we're a nation of people who all need to drop a few. I know I do, and this has been somewhat eye opening. I'm staying away from fast food completely now. I have not been big into it, but this turns my stomach.

Well, hugs to all. I'm heading to the bathroom area to stay for the day. computers are too far downstairs, LOL

Hugs, Sunny

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Oh dear, that sounds quite unpleasant (never had one yet), but I figure cancer is a good deal more so. Anyway, I had a cystoscopy and gastroscopy both without anaesthesia and found them infinitely dreadful. My gastroscopy was an ambulant job; I choked and retched all the way through it and had to go back to work again after that. If I ever should need one again I'd beg them on my knees to put me to sleep first. The cystoscopy left me with an overwhelming need for a wee for about an hour, although there was nothing to 'wee' left in me. I suspect that is what will happen to you, too. Well, not wee, but the other thing. U-oh, I hope I didn't offend anybody in here with my open 'continental' way of putting things. Begging your pardon if so, but it's only natural, isn't it? Anyway, I'm thinking of you and keep my fingers crossed.


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Ursula Schrader

Ursula, fear not -- at this point if I haven't made peace with the notion of natural body functions I'm in BIGGGGGGGG trouble. LOL I've had cystoscopy as well. Yes, you describe it all too well. Makes me squeeze my muscles just remembering. Thanks for the crossed fingers. I'm thinking I may need it. Now I'm gonna sign off the computer for the time being. Sticking upstairs for the duration.


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I had to work the day before my last one, so it definitely wasn't a lot of fun. I was able to start the fasting at 4PM the day before because of the time of the appointment, but definitely not a happy camper, not getting any coffee the next morning ;) One time I had to have a turn-around, when both colonscopy and endoscopy are done at the same time. Great until I woke up in the middle of it all.

We are sitting in circle for you, that all will be fine for you.

G> Ursula, fear not -- at this point if I haven't made peace with the

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Ginger in CA

Don't know about the dentist Polly! I do not mind general procedures there; but tomorrow (YOUR Tuesday) I am having a tooth extracted. Not looking forward to that at all. I asked the pharmacy today if there is a mild relaxing sedative; but she said she wouldn't recommend sleeping pills. I said, oh well, I'll just have to self-medicate and down a stiff whiskey prior. Everyone within earshot laughed!

So I need good wishes too.....

Hugs to Sunny Bronnie

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FWIW: I was "advised" before my procedure to use a straw to drink the liquid! Then it doesn't (didn't) touch all those taste receptors on your tongue, so it's swallowed sooooo much easier! ME-Judy

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