OT Well, Kinda OT - Mailing Woes and Christmas Shopping

To those who read of my long distance shopping woes a few weeks ago (lost, delayed, misdirected, etc), I am pleased to report - VICTORY!

BJ stuck with me through a horrendous series of misadventures and despatched my stuff when it finally reached her, and it has arrived Downunder. It was just days too late to be included in my sewing gifts for the classes (last one tomorrow night) but I can now lay claim to having begun my Christmas shopping for 2007.

Many many thanks BJ!

I am so jubilant about finally winning out over this that I may just continue on with my shopping for 2007, with a goal to have it all done and wrapped by Easter!! rofl

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Just remember to write yourself a list of what you wrapped. Otherwise, you'll be like me and not able to remember what you got for which person!!

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off kilter quilter

I bombed out twice today. The fleece I ordered to use for babies jackets and caps is too rough for tender skin. The jackets would have to be lined and that will double my trouble. To add insult to injury, the great price I found on batting isn't so great. The batting is too thin and has nearly bald spots. I'll have to use two layers to achieve any sort of warmth. Just one layer of the good stuff would have been a better price and heaps less trouble. Grrrrrr. I told DH if he hears a terrible racket out back, it was just me kicking, screaming and banging my head in the mud. Maybe a real hissy-fit is called for. Does anyone remember how you do that? Polly

Reply to
Polly Esther

WOOHOO! Good things come to those who wait...

and wait...

and wait...

and wait!!!!!

Repeat after me... patience IS a virtue!

Glad things arrived... eventually!

Kate in MI

formatting link

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Kate G.

My mom always forgot where she hid them. I remember one year we were opening gifts and mom was looking carefully at what we had opened and "hm-ing" to herself. She then disappeared. A few minutes later we heard "girls, come here! Santa left some more presents in the kitchen." And when we got there we saw a pile of presents in the sink. She said that there must not have been enough room under the tree.

She was quite the easter basket hide-er too. :-)


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Marcella Peek

I'm sorry about all of that.

I don't know about hissy fits, but I know it's quite uncomfortable to get your panties in a wad.


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Marcella Peek

Patience is a virtue, Rarest in the land. Seldom found in woman, Never found in man.

I have no idea who said that, too busy trying to remember the essential ingredients of a hissy. Polly

"Kate G." wrote ...

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Polly Esther


But I shop for gifts all year anyway and wrap all in one hit so they get tagged and labelled then. I have been known to buy two of the same thing for the same person (forgot I already had one) but I prefer to look at this as just confirming my choice of the right gift for that person.

My big problem is getting them all in the mail. A few missed this year so there will be some New Year surprises hitting the mail boxes next year lol. You know what they say - it's the thought that counts - and I did think about it!

I do NOT do Christmas cards at all. I try to ring or email, but I do not send cards. Stems from when I had 139 people working for me, plus fellow living-in officers, plus family and civie friends plus plus plus When I hit over

240 one year I drew a line in the sand and have not stepped over it since. I may send a letter or ring or email, but no cards!! (AARRRRRGH!!!!!! runs screaming to the liquor cabinet at the memory of that year!!!!)
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  1. run around in ever decreasing circles
  2. wave arms in maniacal manner
  3. wail, moan and/or scream unintelligibly

If you can't remember all this just upset a three year old or the nearest man, and then sit back and observe their demonstration. After watching you will probably feel relieved enough not to need your own tantrum anyway.

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Sometimes you get the bear, and sometimes the bear gets you. (A friend of mine used to say that.) What are the other sayings like that??? Something like "some days you're the .....? and some days ........ C'mon help me! Maybe I should just go to bed and sleep on it! Anyway....I guess the point is....sometimes it all goes to pot! It will be better tomorrow. (Wish I could say that for my printer that's on the fritz! I've gone through a whole cartridge of ink trying to unclog the nozzles. I guess that's what's wrong anyway!!!) KJ

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Oh geez, can I identify with that!!!! Too many times to count! KJ

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"CATS" wrote >

That's how we always act in the Swamp, Cheryl. Hardly a satisfactory release for this level of aggravation. Polly

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Polly Esther

Good luck with your printer! I thought I would save money by having mine repaired instead of buying a new one. The repair shop called and said it would cost as much to repair it as to buy a new one, bo I'm buying a new printer. Not exactly what I was planning on doing this time of the year.

Reply to
Donna in Idaho

Are you planning any building renovations in the coming weeks? Do you have any walls you can kick, punch holes in or demolish?

I used to watch the final car chase from "The Blues Brothers" - something very calming about watching 300-odd cars get wrecked in one car chase. Or maybe one of the fight scenes from "Highlander" where the occasional head gets lopped off!

How mad are you? Wanna go wrestle a 'gator? (Although if you are real mad the SPCA might get upset 'bout that lol)

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That's NOT what I wanted to hear!!! My not so old Maytag washer is going down the tubes...now my printer. Crap crap crap. At least printers aren't as much as a washing machine! Kj

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Polly my mother had hissy fits, too and you reminded me of her today, thanks ever so much for the reminder, not that I needed to be reminded, I think of her every day but this just made me smile, would you like to be my adopted mother, not that you are old enough to have had me or anything, but just need some one to think of as mother. And you do so much remind me of her.


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Jacqueline in KY

do all that first then drop to the ground kicking and screaming, making sure that the kicking makes you go round in circles. a bit of hair pulling is ok too - just make sure it's your own ;-)

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Reply to
Sharon Harper

Some days you are the dog, some days you are the hydrant

Some days you are the pigeon, some days you are the statue

Or John Denver?s song-

Some days are diamonds some days are stone

Sometimes the hard times won't leave me alone

Sometimes a cold wind blows a chill in my bones

Some days are diamonds some days are stones.

Lyrics to U2 Some Days Are Better Than Others

Some days are dry, some days are leaky

Some days come clean, other days are sneaky

Some days take less, but most days take more

Some slip through your fingers and onto the floor

Some days you're quick, but most days you're speedy

Some days you use more force than is necessary

Some days just drop in on us

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