
ANyone heard from Pami lately. I haven't seen a post from her in a bit. Hope she is resting and taking care. Taria

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Last I could find was on the 18th. I plan on emailing her if I didn't see a post from her soon.

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Darn Darn Darn as Herman Munter would say on The Munsters...

I thought yesterday was my last chemo but it's was the last for CAV. I found out yesterday I need to go another 4 times every 3 weeks to get Taxotere by IV. Docetaxel is a cancer (antineoplastic) medication. Docetaxel interferes with the growth of cancer cells and slows their growth and spread in the body. Docetaxel is used in the treatment breast and lung cancers. I will be getting chemo until the middle of October and won't see hair until the chemo is over. Alan and I thought it was the last yesterday as I am so exhausted form this chemo already. They have to be agressive with me because of my age and 3 positive nodes. I asked basically yesterday what if I ended my chemo and it only gave me a 40% chance of killing the cancer.

Today I will rest and I am sure the effects of this last chemo will hit me soon. I sleep most of the day when I need to. Makes me wish I bought one of those Craftmatic beds years ago. I really thought I could get a new boob by Christmas ....maybe next?... gives me time to shop around for a good plastic surgeon. It's nice to know that if you lose a breast to cancer you can get a breast reconstruction of your choice. The other day I watched 90210 and it was on breast reconstruction for women with cancer. It's totally amazing although it will never be like your own. Hugs, Pami

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First off, I want to send lots of hugs and kitty kisses to you Pami ((((PAMI)))). Now, a story about my DSisIL Dona (who had a very pragmatic outlook on life). Dona had a radical mastectomy as a result of breast cancer. Once she was finished with the chemo, etc. the Dr. asked her if she wanted to have breast reconstruction. She opted not to do this for several reasons: she was in her mid-60's, she had been married for over 40 years and her DH wasn't worried about her boobs, she had *very* small breasts to begin with and finally, she said she wanted one of those rubbery falsies so she could keep it in the freezer. Then, when it was really hot in the summer, she could take it out of the freezer and pop it into her bra and it would keep her nice and cool for hours! She was a real hoot -- she had no hair for about a year so she bought all sorts of horrid clown type wigs :-)! She lived in a very small, close knit little town in Northern MN. Everyone knew she had breast cancer and knew why she was wearing all those strange wigs. She did have some funny stories to tell about when the tourists came through, tho' :-). CiaoMeow >^;;^<

PAX, Tia Mary >^;;^< (RCTQ Queen of Kitties) Angels can't show their wings on earth but nothing was ever said about their whiskers! Visit my Photo albums at

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Tia Mary

Darn, darn, darn....but hang in there Pami!!! We're all cheering you on. This too shall pass, but just not quick enough. Lord, give me patience and give it to me right now!!!! KJ

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That's a great story...I also joked about clown wigs ...hehehe Pami

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Thank you KJ...Alan and I thought we'd celebrate but atl least it's a half way mark...the first 4 went by quick. At Halloween I will still be bald. I love to give the kids candy and dress son said I could be Mr. Clean so I wonder if there is a T-shirt out there...hehehehe I hope I have strength for my Christmas cookies this year...last year I made tons of them...but this year they may be bakery cookies. Pami

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Pami, please hang in there! Don't give up the treatments yet. Easy for me to say, I know, since I've never gone through this -- but remember that we're all there for you, even if only via cyberspace. Try to keep your sense of humor (Mr. Clean for Halloween sounds good to me!), and don't worry about Christmas cookies. The bakery will welcome your business, and you'll get the rest you need right now. {{{Hugs}}}

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Sandy Foster

{{{{{Pami}}}}} Keep hanging in there. Continuing healing prayers flowing your way from here.

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TerriLee in WA

Prayers and hugs continue for you, Pami, from Louisiana.

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Donna in NE La.

((((((Pami)))))) Hang in there, darlin'!

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Kate Dicey

Well, @#$! I'm just so disappointed for you that I think I'll just have a temper-tantrum in your behalf. This is trash collection day in the Swamp. I'll bang and slam the garbage cans really loud and maybe kick a few just for you. Slam a few car doors. Back in my mosaic days, smashing ceramic tiles with an ax was a great outlet. There are probably a few left in the back of the shop. It will take me just a while to move forward to being encouraging. I'll be back. Polly

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Polly Esther

{{{{{{{{ Pami }}}}}}}}=20

Do you have any old dishes you can throw?? I Don't blame you for being flustered! I would be, too! =20

But hang in there, girl; sounds like you hit a milestone in your treatment nonetheless...just a bit can do it!!=20 We're with you all the way.


-------------- You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.=20

--Mae West=20


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Good to see you posting Pami. Hang in there

((((HUGZ)))) from OZ

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I'm so sorry that your chemo was not over as you had expected. Okay, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you've made it this far. You can do this.

Continue to be easy on yourself, and snuggle under the hug quilt. It's full of positive thoughts. (It's okay if your husband joins you for a little snuggling under the quilt--I'm sure there is enough hugs that quilt for him too.)

Hugs, Michelle in NV

pami wrote:

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desert quilter

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