ping Ping PING Megwen

For goodness sake. Mark says you get to make the announcement and if you don't do it soon, I'm going to just pop. Aunt Polly

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Polly Esther
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Me too Polly! I wonder what time it is over the pond?? Maybe she's sleeping. WAKE-UP MEGWEN!! WAKE-UP MEGWEN! (Do you think she heard me??)

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Well it's 6am over there right now (10pm on the west coast), so unless she's a very early riser....

Polly, if you know, don't keep us in suspense.

I hate the waiting bit, I managed to surprise everyone with number 1 and number 2. With #1 it was about 10.30pm local time when we let my parents know, but they couldn't sit on their hands until morning and pretty much everyone else was already in bed, particularly those in different time zones. With #2 we had the embarassing situation of my parents calling our home, not getting an answer, calling my cell, not getting an answer and being glared at by the hospital staff for having not turned it off, then DH's ringing and glaring turning in to almost yelling. They were coming down to visit and were calling us to give us an ETA and had no idea I was in labour and would have a grandaughter by the time they got there.

It was the total opposite 3rd time around, scheduled c-section, so they knew exactly when it was supposed to be, they were staying with my sister and no one had planned which cell phone would be rung, so apparently they sat down to dinner with them all lined up on the table and then stared at them for quite a while, as it was about 2hrs after the scheduled time when we actually managed to ring them.

Don't know if it's my parents personalities, or the fact they it's their daughter having the baby that makes them act like that, DH's parents don't seem anywhere near so interested (DH's dad didn't visit our first for several months, which was wierd considering he was his first grandchild).

So Polly, Megwen, Mark, or maybe even Jo, spill the beans! Hospitals sometimes have WiFi, I looked back to my birth announcement and I did it from google groups on DH's computer.

Cheers Anne

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Anne Rogers

Oh, I didn't realize Megwen was to post Jo's news. I guess it's a good thing my internet was all goofed up yesterday or I would have been the tattle tale. Megwen had a bit more info than me, so I would have needlessly alarmed everyone with the news that things hadn't gone smoothly without the full details. I'm so glad the situation has been remedied and I hope Jo bounces back quickly. Kathyl

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Sorry folks, I hadn't realised that I was to get the honour of making the announcement. I'm staying with my brother at the moment and his broadband connection was playing up yesterday! Then when I( managed to get to my mailbox the company was doing some maintenance so I gave up about 10pm yesterday evening. Mark's message came through about 11pm by which time I'd gone to bed!


Temporarily in Stirling, Scotland (about an hour from the Hospital that Jo is in!)

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I can keep secrets. If you are giving someone a litter of kittens for Valentine's Day or have invaded Ballahongguwalla, I won't tell. But ! the news about Jo and Mark's anxiously awaited precious baby son was about too much for me to keep quiet. Aunt Polly

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Polly Esther

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