Well what the heck!

I was going to restart the word of the day today. I was going try and catch up on some of the gardening I am desperately behind on. I was going to polish up the last bit of quilting on a bag for DD1's air mattress. Just a canvas sack with batting so it is protected from pokey things. An excellent opportunity to play with assorted patterns and stuff.

Instead, DH decided yesterday morning that I needed to see the doctor. Of course it makes perfect sense to go after the fever has broken, and I have coughed up most of the goo that was clogging my chest. Oy! And of course we had to spend forever sitting at the clinic. At least an archeological age in the waiting room, and acouple of epochs in the exam room. And then the PA decided I actually needed to see a doctor, so I got to sit and wait for a few geological eras longer. I swear I saw a glacier go racing past. Finally the doctor decided I had "a touch of pneumonia", wrote me some prescriptions that I didn't want, and sent me toddling off. Of course DH came in with me this time, and got to hear that I am supposed to rest and take drugs. Of course the doctor, who looks like she is still wet behind the ears, couldn't be bothered to actually read my chart, and of course she prescribed something I ought not have. DH went and fetched all the stuff and then nagged it into me before I had a chance to look at the literature. So I got a full dose of codiene syrup between 1 and 2:00 yesterday afternoon, and as a result just woke up about half an hour ago. Usually our pharmacist catches mistakes like that before I am poisoned. You bet I am going to call them up tommorow and express my displeasure. I don't think she meant me to rest quite as much as I will if I take the stupid stuff, especially since it means sleeping through the times I am supposed to take more of everything.

I am _so_ ditching the scripts and going back to OTC guaifenesin and homegrown ephedra. At least I know that that won't do bad things to me, and oddly enough it seems to have also fixed the wierd twinging I was getting across my ribs (a completely seperate thing that I get sporadicly). I'll have to remember that affect because nothing else has ever worked on that and usually I just have to suffer until it is gone. Wish I knew if it was one of them or the combination, I may experiment in the future.

I convinced DH that sitting in a comfy chair doing handwork is resting. I had to threaten him with a bodkin, but he did decide to agree with me on that point. I think mostly because I have spent the majority of the last half hour working to convince him that it is not his fault that the doctor is lazy. Plus he knows that the odds of keeping me in bed after a 14 hour nap are not good.

NightMist now my days are all messed up...

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Sure hope you get to feeling better soon, in spite of the perscribed medicines! Barbara in SC

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Bobbie Sews More

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Well I got ahold of a live human at the clinic and had a chat. Ended up talking to the original PA, and he took responsability saying he should have alerted the doctor to any sensitivities before I saw her. I'm just happy that they had not prescribed one of the antibiotics I am allergic to in addition. The combination would have probably either landed me inpatiant or killed me outright. As is they told me to lay off the codiene but keep taking the antihistamines. Apparently based on the fact that I got sick on a trip south they are wagering on the allergic rection notion. PA said he bets I am allergic to live oak. Seems that that particular allergy is wicked on the lungs, and actually can cause pneumonia. Looks like he at least read up on the possibilities. Or they see a lot of it this time of year.


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Good for you! Although it would have been better if this had been prevented, you have given a good solid nudge (or kick in the pants) to those health care workers as a reminder to remain ever vigilant on their job. It's good you called back.

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