My exiting weekend

Well, Friday we went to look at a house... and I'm working on getting a PT job that I can work while in school (found a good prospect even!). I WANT THIS HOUSE! If we don't get this, we might rent as the place we are in is falling apart around us and we just can't keep up!

Yesterday I went to Hocking Hills State park. It was 0-15 degrees out and we hiked about 7 miles total. I'm so sore... LOL.. I'm a big girl and I kept up with everyone too! My legs are still yelling at me! Anyhow.. I borrowed a kick butt camera this weekend from school (nikon d70) and took that along and took sooo many pics... waterfalls and the snow had just fallen that morning earlier... it was a wonderland! I needed to shoot for an assignment at school, and I only have a few things I need to shoot today and I should be done.

Here is the most awesome news...our school went full digital. Which means I had one semester to come up with the money (about $1500 dollars) to get a digital camera or I'd have to drop out. Well, I went to the president of the school quite upset as I'm doing awesome in school and I could in no way just come up with that kind of money...Well I convinced them to finance the purchases for students (the paperwork will be done tomorrow!) and we all get new Nikon D70's and bogen tripods for $1500 dollars! I will pay about 60 bux a month for mine for 9 months since I'll lose my living expenses for school.. so I'll be a bit poorer and will stretch more... no more supplies for a LONG while, but heck, I'll probably sleep with this camera under my pillow! LOLOLOL

Its still bitterly cold here (its 1º out right now!) so I'm gonna go turn the oven on to bump the temp up... the poor furnace can't keep up!


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Here is hoping that you get the house you want and the job you want and that you don't squish the camera while you are sleeping. Glad things are going your way! I hope we get to see some of your snow pictures!

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I'll bet the scenery was wonderful!

Don't get a neck ache with the camera under your pillow! LOL

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THAT explains my neck ache!!!!

*goes looking for icyhot*
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*MC passes Jean one of those IcyHot containers that look like underarm dedorant* There you go, DG keeps on buying them. I've got a 4 year supply!
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thanky! and yuppers hon.. I get to KEEP it! :D

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Oh I hope you get the house and job you want! *crosses finger, toes, and anything else* Congrats on getting the school to finance the cameras...WOOHOO! Just make sure you don't accidentally hit the shutter button while you're sleeping. Might get some interesting pics that way! LOL

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Deb in AR

I'll keep my fingers crossed on the house for you. I'm sure it will work out. Looks like things are going your way. Sounds like a beautiful and fun weekend you had.

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Oh wow Jean! Sounds like you guys had a stunning time :) Hope things work out for that house you're eyeing! And way to go on that digi-cams!

Judy, SA

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