OT: Airborne

i'm still here and kickin. my MIL told me about this medicine she took when she had a cold. it's called Airborne. tell you what this stuff works. yesterday i felt so well, i didn't have to lay on the couch at all. i usually get a cold only every few years. but, when i get one, it's bad. i have been religiously taking this Airborne and it has kicked it in the butt!! you just drop a tablet in a small amount of water and drink it 3-4 times a day. hope everyone had a great weekend.


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Funny story about this name--a friend of mine lives out in the country on a dairy farm, where they used to have a colony of cats (until a bobcat changed that :*( -- anyway, one day her husband bought a leaf blower home, and she was using it to clean leaves and junk out of their carport (open garage area)--well, one of the little kittens had gotten behind some stuff out there, and sure enough, he went airborne as soon as she aimed the thing toward him!! Didn't hurt him, just kind of shook him up a little, and the little booger came right back for more, guess he was a thrill seeker at heart. ;-) Of course, they had to name him Airborne after that. :-)

Glad you are feeling better! I've heard about this stuff for airplane travelers, but this season I'm seeing it advertised for regular on-the-ground folks for colds and things. I'll have to pass this on to DH next time he gets the sniffles.

Carolyne in TX

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i've been telling fellow teachers about it. It really does work!

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I also use Airborne even though there is no evidence that it actually works. I do think it has shortened my colds and nipped developing colds before they hit me full blast. I have asthma and I tend to catch colds frequently. The only thing that worries me is the what the glass looks like after dropping a tablet in it.....there is a coating that is hard to remove and I wonder what it is doing in my stomache!

If you check Amazon they run sales on it alot. I usually can get 3 rolls for $9.99 delivered (I have Amazon Prime so I get free 2 day shipping) which is much cheaper than buying it at the drugstore or Walmart.

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Scout Lady

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