OT: Need a creative kick in the toosh

I sat down at the craft table, looked around, got up and said "whats the point."

I haven't crafted in three months (digitally or normal) and really don't know how to get back into the swing of things.

Anyone else have that problem?

My craft table is very clean. dust free.

Yikes. Kate

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I was just looking at Crystal's Esty site thinking I need to get creative. I have SO many pictures and what have I been doing this year? Making cards.

I too, need a kick in the tush!


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King's Crown

Kate, sorry you havent been crafty lately. I have spurts of time when I dont touch my desk either! I have been mostly into making cards lately. I have a ton of p ictures to scrap and just dont have the motivation to do it. I start my vacation next week. Maybe I can get some done then!?


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Linda C

Maybe what we need is to go back to the LO challenges like M-C used to do for us. One a month is better than none, right? When I was clearing off my shelves I ran into a photo I had enlarged to scrap of one of my granddaughters. I had forgotten all about it. I laid it out on top of the totes in the corner I have to put away yet so I will remember to do the LO. I decided that it has to be done before the end of the month or else I'm not allowed to purchase any more scrapbook supplies until it's done. I think this will be motivation enough as the next crop group meet they are having a yard sale and I can't miss that!


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How about trying a new technique? Or taking a class? And if neither are available, how about trying something from a website? Heroarts has some great ideas and videos on their website for ideas?

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Or one of their main crafters is Jennifer Mcguire-she has tons of ideas on her blog to get your juices flowing again:
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I took their class at Scrapfest this year, can you tell I'm still excited about it? even though I'm exhausted from three days of scrapping? Do you have a friend that scraps or wants to scrap? Sometimes getting together with friends and doing it makes it more interesting and fun. And I've found if there is someone I can enable, er mentor into the hobby-it helps me find my passion again. It will come back, I swear. I was in a funk in March-I'm totally back at it now! Kathy

a-scrapbook> I sat down at the craft table, looked around, got up and said "whats > the point." >

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What if we take turns hosting a monthly scrapping challenge? That might get some spice back and get the creative juices flowing for you Kate. Sometimes if someone presents me with an idea or project then it helps get the ole gears a grindin and I get my mojo back.


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I too have not scrapped in while. I did do a few pages in July. My muse must have given up on me. Jacqui

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Thanks for checking out my Etsy site Lynne!


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You aren't the only one. It's been since probably march since I did any scrapbooking. And that was only 2 pages. The only thing I get done is my Christmas cards for the challenge and then I only get the 3 done for the requirement. I need motivation and time. Where's winter?

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Please don't rush winter, but I am having a hard time scrapping too. Its been a whole lot longer for me, about a year. I go in to do something then I end up reorganizing. What am I to do. I think I'm ready to try one of you guys' challenges if one gets started. I'll keep an eye out.

Tam in IL

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I have no trouble sitting down and popping out 2 or 3 cards at a time but to sit down and do a layout or a scrapbook page I can't do it. I scrap in spritz. I can do a page tomorrow then not do one for another

3 months. It's not due to having nothing to scrap I have plenty of photos to scrap. I was so aggervated, I wanted to sit down the other day and make a page from our day trip up North last month and my printer is out of color ink, so I went to Staples and they gave me the wrong ink. It's the ink for my printer but for some reason my printer doesn't recogonize it, it usually get regular ink this time I got photo ink and my printer doesn't like it. GRRRR. Back to your question, no you are not the only one. But I do envey you for having a clean desk, I seem to clean mine just to mess it again (same thing with making the bed makes no sense to me why make the bed just to get into it later). LOL!


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