OT: You are NOT going to believe this, just my luck!, warning long and ranting!!!

Okay, so you all know the saga of my gallbladder adventures. It continues! NO!!! you say! Well, the good news is I'm feeling a little better every day. Though by the evening I'm really exhaused and hurting. Thursday is/was THE DAY. I went and had blood drawn this morning for tests before THE surgery. Took care of some business that I needed to get done. One of them was go to the dr.'s office to find out why the paper work I'd submitted for work hadn't been filled out. (I faxed them and apparently they are now charging $15 to fill them out, so they were waiting on my to come in and pay. Never mind there isn't a notice and noone called, it's been over a week!) Got that straightened out. Got by the safety deposit box to retrieve adoption papers so DS#1 could get his learners permit changed over to his adopted name and renewed. (I'll eventually need a chauffer after all! LOL ) Got home from letting him drive nearly 30 minutes from the state police headquarters. At 4:30 the phone rings, it's the surgeons office.

It appears that my insurance company (which isn't an insurance company but a "benefit management company") has denied approval for my gallbladder to be removed. Seems I don't "meet the criteria". I was stunned. Even worse, the "medical director" has to talk to the surgeon before he can approve it, the "medical director" won't be back in his office until JUNE 6TH!!!!! In the mean time, I'm burning sick leave, need to have this thing out, something else looked at (that I'm really concerned about) This is sooo typical. I tried to call the department Chief to see if he had any bright ideas or could get the city finance guy (whom I believe sits on the board of our "benefit management company") to pull some strings for me, but he'd left for the day. (it was done shortly after I hired on and my DS #2 needed surgery but had a "pre-existing condition". One phone call by one of our captains that was friends with the finiance guy and all was paid for) So tomorrow......

I plan to camp out at the firehouse our Union President is assigned to in the morning. I will have a cup of coffee ready for him so I can butter him up. Our "prez" knows alot of "people" so maybe he can make some phone calls and move this along. I am so fit to be tied! I was furious when I first got the call. Though completely out of character, I was very nice to the lady that called me, part of the don't shoot the messenger policy. Now it's almost, almost amusing. It's so the story of my life! Nothing is easy! In

1994 I was having female problems. Turned out to be a cyst on my left ovary that was hemorrhaging. I didn't meet the "criteria" for the surgery. The dr. pushed the issue and it was approved. 10 months later, more female problems, they approved an emergency exploratory surgery. Nothing found. Two months after that low and behold I have more cysts on the other ovary, hemorrhaging. I didn't meet the "criteria" for more surgery, never mind I was at the ER every couple of days doubled over in pain, vomiting from the pain, never mind I was bleeding to death. Dr. again pushed the issue it was approved, oh guess what? The "ovary" they were looking at wasn't an ovary it was a cyst that had a cyst on it that was hemorrhaging. The ovary had gotten twisted behind my uterus, which somehow had gotten inverted, covered with cysts. They approved not one but two sleep studies for me. When the Dr. prescribed a CPAP machine because I stopped breathing over 100 times an hour while sleeping I once again didn't meet the "criteria". This Dr. wrote a nasty letter, magically it was approved.

I would love to know how a Doctor, someone who has actually seen the patient can prescribe a treatment and be over-ridden by someone behind a desk reading guidelines. Makes no sense to me! ARRHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for letting me rant/vent! I'm sooo frustrated. I'm going to bed now.....

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Oh my! Does it ever end! I would be furious too!

Hang in there! Prayers being said that things will all work out quickly!


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Jacqueline Rogers

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Jacqueline Rogers

No it doesn't seem to end! I just can't seem to cut a break! LOL If it weren't for this kind of luck I'd have none at all!

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Thanks Jacqui! It just seems to never end. DH said before we got married that he (and I'm sure many others too) just thought that I was being "over dramatic" about stuff in my life. But after he married me, no things really did happen like that. Figures.

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Oh Kenda, I sympathize to the max! It is so frustrating to deal with insurance and health maintainence organizations !! I think we all are tired of this. I cannot believe that this country cannot come up with a national health care program. So many people are uninsured and others underinsured and the rest have to deal with hasseling from the health care providers. I hope you get this taken care of .I will keep you in my thoughts!!

Hugs, Sabrina in Kentucky

a good friend is a life long treasure

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I'm so sorry to hear you're having to fight so hard to get health again. Just what you need huh someone kicking you when you're down. Keep kicking back Kenda!


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King's Crown

If the idiots down at your "insurance company" are local I'd go down there with all my medical records and start reading them REALLY REALLY LOUDLY (heck rent a megaphone).

I always found, when I was part of an HMO, throwing up on the desk of my "case reviewer" helped when I had horrific migranes. I loved it when she said "what can I do to help you?" I said between throwing up "sign the f*****in papers for my treatment."

When I had another attack of migraines and she wouldn't allow the treatment, I always called to say "I can just come by" gag gag cough cough. Needless to say the authorization was faxed within minutes of my conversation.

Healthcare is a joke in this country. I'm sorry you are having so many problems Kenda. If you want me call and light a fire under your "insurance" company with a good 'ole NYC attitude, I'll be happy to play "attorney" to find something out for you.

If your "case worker" is out until June 6 who the heck is covering his/her case load until then?


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Oh goodness Kenda!! So sorry to hear this.. Prayers being said that things work out.

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Beware of what you wish for! I've lived in Canada and then here in the US. Yes it is great to be able to go and see a Dr and not worry about paying. I can only imagine what my son's hare lip and cleft palate multiple surgeries would have cost had we not been living in Montreal when he was born. However, it is very hard and takes a long time to get in to see a specialist or get tests done. Much, much, much longer than in the US. My brother, who is not making progress with his Bells Palsy, recently said that he had to wait till September to get in for the scan and followup he needed. Fortunately the RN working with his doctor walked by and took the lady aside so he got it more quickly. Also, Canada is losing more Drs to the US because the government plans can't afford to pay them enough which adds to the problem. So yes, it is great to have nationalized medicine, but there is a trade off. There is always a trade off!


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LOL@Kate! I know it is not a laughing matter, but your solution to your problem made me chuckle..it IS a shame you had to go to that extreme to get some help! Linda C

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Linda C

Sorry to hear about all of the crap you had to go through! I know how painful cysts on ovaries can be, believe me! I was very fortunate at the time I had my problem to have a great doctor and good insurance. I wonder if your benefit management company is told to deny all claims at first, and then see who actually pushes it? I wouldnt be surprised at all. Reminds me of what happened in that John Grisham book, The Rainmaker.(good book, by the way) Hope things will be looking up soon!! Linda C Illinois

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Linda C

M-C, I know most people don't want to deal with the government and because of my dealings with Medicare...I understand. Right now, the doctors here are involved with a class action against the leading health care providers because they are not paying them enough money and controlling how they take care of their patients. In a way, I guess the providers are taking the place of a national healthcare plan. I guess having really good health care is the price we pay.Sometimes it sounds like those catch 22 things in the army.

Hugs, Sabrina in Kentucky

a good friend is a life long treasure

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Kenda I'm so sorry that you are getting the run around from your insurance company. Be persistant and document everything. I'm praying you get the surgery soon.

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Yep, sounds like a beauracracy to me!! HMO and medical care in America - LOL!! It is a crying shame that as the richest country in the world we can not get, do not have and the rotten politians do not give (OOOOh wanting to rant!!) a hoot in a holler!! VA included as ya'll see in the news even from today's soldiers over there. GRRR, the system absolutely stinks.

Anyhow Kenda I can feel for ya and I sure hope you can get it worked out. Take care of yourself and let dh do some of the FRETTING!!!! Maybe he can raise a few rackles of his own!!! After all, as men we know how ya'll can be when feeling low, lousy and useless!!

(running and ducking and trying to avoid the boomerang!)


10 for 05

OKC Dave

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OKC Dave

Since I spent all day on the phone with various people and the surgery did not get certified (meaning the "benefit mangagement company" won't pay for it) I had the surgery canceled for now. We can't afford to lay out $9,00 + for the procedure. Half that is due upfront. So now I am just waiting on Monday when the medical director is in the office and talks with the surgeon. However I'm sure I'm not first of the list of phone calls he has to make, he's been out of office for 2 weeks. So once he approves it and the surgeon is of the opinion he will the surgery will be rescheduled, it'll be another 2 weeks after that before I can get in. Feeling depressed now. Think I'll go cry, might feel better, or at least release some of the tension I feel.

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You and me both Lynne! After today they know I'm around. The city finance guy had not only our union president breathing down his neck but THE fire chief as well. He sits on the board that "governs" my health care. He ran into the same problems I did, could only get voice mail for those people. He's not a happy camper. Welcome to my club!

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LOL Kate nice going! I tried the stopping in at their office. They were just down the street from my boss' office. Locked up tight as a drum, only employees could get in. And none in sight.

My case worker yelled at me today and hung up. The one missing in action is the "medical director" aka doctor. And apparently noone is covering the cases that need reviewed. When I asked why not that's when I got hung up on.

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