scrapbook damage? (red wine spill!)

Last night something horrible happened-- I spilled red wine on a friend's Creative Memories scrapbook. None of the actual pages were damaged, but the page edges that bind into the book are all stained. Do any of you have any suggestions for a way to salvage the pages without having to redo all of the work? We were thinking we could cut the pages off of their binding edges and then fit them into some sleeves or pockets, but I'm not sure if something like that exists. Any suggestions that anyone might have would be greatly appreciated!

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If all else fails, scrap a LO about spilling the wine on the pages and add it to the end of the book. Then give her a bottle of red wine for Christmas. I know this isn't the kind of help you had in mind, but--just in case nobody comes up with anything else. I hope you find something to repair it. My friend borrowed a book from another friend and dropped it in the bathtub. She spent weeks trying to find the exact same one to return to her. It seems they came with red covers and black covers, so she tried to find the right one. After all that work, her friend said, "Oh, I don't care. I didn't even want it back." :-) If worse comes to worser, maybe you and she could spend time together rescrapping the book after the holidays. Sending good thoughts your way.

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The album I made for my friend's baby this past summer was sleeves that took

12X12 page inserts. Sounds like a good compromise. I like the idea of scrapping the wine spill story and how you fixed the album.


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King's Crown

Thanks for both responses! I love the idea of making a special page for it... unfortunately my friend didn't have a sense of humor about the whole episode. :-( Trying to make amends without seeming like I'm taking it too lightly! Many thanks, & happy holidays!


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Sorry to hear about the mishap. I would buy her a nice post bound album and cut the wine stained pages out of the existing book clipping both hard edges off. Slip the pages into the page protectors. I the stains still show, I'd make very thin borders to hide the stains. Make sure that you take a picture of the scrapbook as is with the stains before you start for that LO everyone is talking about.

I am sure that in time it will become one of those moments in time that you and your friend joke about!

Hugs, M-C

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I think I would have been pretty upset about it too at first. Hopefully, once she sees that you genuinely want to fix she'll come around. My friends break things and I have to fix them. But if one of them would go through the cost and labor of fixing something I would be happy.


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King's Crown

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