The Niggers are fucking this country up

Today, we Christian Separatists are accused by the accusers that we are hate-mongers, racists, and other names designed to be derogatory and bring the common white man or woman to their knees to the Jewish propaganda machine of mongrelization and to compromise their beliefs. While I am an adamant racist and while I would tell that to Jesse Jackson and his "rainbow coalition" to their faces in front of 30 million n****rs, Jews, and other mongrels on nationwide television that I am, just like our Savior and God Jesus the Anointed One, that is not the expressed point of this article. The express point of this article is to talk about misconceptions about hate and its relation to positive Christianity. (I would recommend to the ignorant reader concerning race to study Separatist literature on the vital subject of race and its relation to a true Christian). The common view or philosophy among today's intellect is that hate is bad and man has no right to hate other men, or rather, other man like beings. (They are also misguided on what a man is). We live in an age where the personal rights, beliefs and actions of men are protected beyond reason and you can be sued for simply calling a man a f***ot and the scum of the earth. Such types are protected under various laws and general public opinion. It is common for the racist to be excluded from this class because he is a "hater" or "hate-monger", for anyone who holds race as an important matter suddenly becomes a racist, and all the money spent by Jewish, Humanistic freethinkers to make the world full of "freethinkers" and all the "rights" afforded to those who belong in this class do not apply to the so-called "racist". This is very hypocritical, especially by their own standards. I found this hypocritical situation on a PBS propaganda program about a group of people calling themselves the KKK, who moved into a Montana town and the city grouped together to get rid of these racists. They printed up posters with the slogans "Stop the Hate" and placed them around town. This is the common phrase used by the backers of race-mixing and haters of God to fight against racial morality and knowledge. But the question should be: "Who are the real haters?" If an effeminate homosexual "church" were to move into town, there would be no "stop the fags" signs up around town to fight against these haters of God's Just Judgments, decency and natural order. I tell you that Jews and the Jew-lackeys are the real haters. They are the ones who hate our race and want to kill us through mongrelizing our race and who are committing racial genocide against us. They are the ones who hate us for loving our race and being committed to its preservation. They are the ones who hate us for following our God's commandments and Just Judgments, one of which is to be separate. They are haters of God and are promoting the destruction of His special people and promoting and practicing exactly what God has called abominable. They are the haters. They are spending billions of our own tax dollars trying to kill by race-mixing those racially pure of our race, who are the potential children of God. They are, in truth, haters of nature and all natural decency. As in so many other times, the Jews are once again guilty of the same old trick of accusing their enemies of what they themselves are guilty. But one thing that does not fit their program is that we are equal opportunity "haters". We equally detest mongrels, Jews, etc, and also Whites who throw their birthright away and refuse to bow the knee to our Savior Jesus and be regenerated by the Baptism of Fire, because those who are not Christian Separatists because they refuse to be are therefore haters of God and all that He declared to be just, or they are mongrels whose blood has been mongrelized somewhere down the line, which makes it impossible for that person to even believe in the True God. Either way, that person is mongrelized in mind, body, or both. They cannot understand this and may even claim that it is impossible to tell if someone is absolutely racially pure, but our Heavenly Father Who provides all has provided a way for His children to discern between the counterfeit and the genuine children of God. If one is a true Christian then he is filled with the Holy Spirit and therefore has to be racially pure, all the way back to Adam. But what do the Scriptures say about hate? I might add that any Separated Christian who bases his authority on the Word of God only adheres to the Greek record of the Scriptures penned down in the Septuagint, and which were read by the Ambassadors, the Anointed and primitive Christians, and on the Greek New Testament. The best English and truest translation of the Greek into English is contained in the Anointed Standard Translation and these facts cannot be scientifically disproved. Now, let us get out our Bible and study this important subject. Let us first find out if God is capable of or does in fact hate anyone or anything, because it is a popular reasoning or rationalization that God does not hate anyone, and therefore we are to love everyone also. I have heard so many times the blasphemous and lying statement that God loves everyone. Even once after I told this f***ot that God hates fags, he told me that God does not hate anyone! Anyone who claims this or holds this diabolical mentality is stupid and completely ignorant of the Scripture, because nowhere does the Scripture teach this; it does, however, teach the opposite. Some may feel offended by my words, but as Pastor V.S. Herrell accurately put it: "We care not who we offended, nor shall we cater to women." I simply tell it how it is. The Government of God is not full of cowardly timid men who are ashamed of God's Word and Truth and we do not compromise to please anyone. So if you feel offended, then that in itself tells you that you have been following some false god and you more than anyone need to pay close attention to what is about to be revealed to you. Let us look in the Septuagint (LXX):

"Neither shall the transgressors continue in thy sight: thou hatest, O Lord all them that work in iniquity" (Psalms 5:5 LXX).

Here we see that God does indeed hate. He hates transgressors and as we see all throughout the Bible, transgressors of God's laws or violators of what He has declared just describes a lot of people. So let us look at some of them:

"The fear of the Lord hates unrighteousness, and insolence, and pride, and the ways of wicked men; and I hate the perverse ways of bad men"(Proverbs 8:13 LXX).

"For he rejoices in all things which God hates, and he is ruined by reason of impurity of soul. The eyes of the haughty, a tongue unjust, hands shedding the blood of the just, and a heart devising evil thoughts, and feet hastening to do evil - are hateful to God. An unjust witness kindles falsehoods, and brings on quarrels between brethren" (Prov. 6:16-19 LXX).

"Thou hatest, O Lord, all them that work iniquity. Thou wilt destroy all that speak falsehood: the Lord abhors the bloody and deceitful man" (Ps. 5:5-6 LXX).

"The apparel of a man shall not be on a woman, neither shall a man put on a woman's dress; for everyone that does these things is detested by the Lord thy God" (Deut. 22:5 LXX).

"There shall not be found in thee one who purges his son or his daughter with fire, one who uses divination, who deals with omens, and augury, a sorcerer employing incantation, one who has in him a divining spirit, an observer of signs, questioning the dead. For every one that does these things is an abomination to the Lord thy God; for because of these detested things the Lord will destroy them from before thy face"(Deut.

18:10-12 LXX).

Every word or statement of principle in the Bible is the Word of God and is truth contrary to modern day "freethinkers". The Bible, the true Scripture preserved in the Greek, was written by God. While physically the Scriptures were written by the hands of men, the thoughts and ideas and words which the hands wrote down were the thoughts and ideas and words of God, the literal Mind of God indwelling them, the Holy Spirit. The mind controls the body, plain and simple. How a man thinks is how he acts. This is an important subject which I do not have time to go into now, but I suggest Pastor Herrell's books The Justification of God and The Genesis of Evil . This is something the slaves of the Jewish diabolical mentality, a.k.a. freethinkers, can never understand because they only know what is physical in sight, hearing, and touch, and they cannot comprehend the spiritual realm, even though they claim that they do so. The bottom line is that even though God's Word is truth and final, we are told to establish true testimony by the mouths of 2 or 3 witnesses (Deut. 19:15 LXX). Since, I have just shown you six of the dozens of instances in the Scripture which state that God does indeed hate, then we have all bases covered. God does indeed hate. Now, the Judeo, romantic, apostate religion that many are calling Christianity teaches that the New Testament is full of love and Jesus our Savior loves everyone. Many of them say that yes, the God of the Old Testament hated, but Jesus in the New Testament does not hate anyone. He is a new kinder God. But this is blasphemous because the Scriptures say that God never changes, but is the same yesterday, today, and forever. While it is true that we are commanded to love our racial brothers who are separated in truth and are members of the Body of Christ and therefore not enemies of God, we are not to love His enemies and never are we to love animals and mongrels. Only insane individuals, as they are declared to be by God, are capable of teaching this or believing this. So, we see in the New Testament that our Savior also hated:

"But you have this, that you hate the works of the works of the Nicolaitians, which I also hate"(Rev. 2:6 AST). "So you also have those holding the teaching of the Nicolaitians, which I hate"(Rev.

2:15 AST).

In fact, we see numerous examples all throughout the Scriptures of God's hate for His enemies, which can be read by those who study unto the approval of God. The Word of God is what cleanses our minds from the Satanic garbage that pollutes it and regenerates us. In order for the Word of God to make its effect known it is 100% completely necessary to study and search the Scriptures. Once you do this you will find the truth concerning this subject.

"I have loved you, says the Lord. And you said, Wherein have you loved us? Was not Esau Jacob's brother? Says the Lord: Yet I loved Jacob, and hated Esau, and laid waste his borders and made his heritage as dwellings of the wilderness"(Mal.

1:2-3 LXX).

"Even as it has been written: "I loved Jacob and I hated Esau"(Romans

9:13 AST).

"Your fasting, and rest from work, your new moons also, and your feasts my soul hates: You have become loathsome to me; I will no more pardon your sins"(Isaiah 1:14 LXX). "And I let none of you devise evil in his heart against his neighbor; and not love a false oath: for all these things I hate, says the Lord Almighty"(Zech.

8:17 LXX).

As we can see there are quite a few things that God hates: transgressors, the unjust, liars and perverse men. Let us look at some perverse ungodly men that God hates in Ephesians 5:5, I Timothy 1:9-10, Revelation 21:8, and I Corinthians 6:9-11: Homosexuals, mongrelizers, whoresand w**re-mongers, effeminates, the unpersuaded, liars, the greedy, pharmakeia promoters, idolaters, father, mother and men murders, the cowardly, drunks, revelers, prostitutes, blasphemers and thieves. The list could go on and on. In today's Judeo-"Christian" churches, much emphasis is placed only on the New Testament and their apostate teachings of it and so the average, brain dead white man and woman know very little of the Old Testament except for what their lying preachers told them. So I would like to bring up some very surprising truths concerning our God, the only true God: He is a God of war, whether on this physical earth or in the spiritual realm. Our God is a consuming fire, and contrary to churchianity's image of God as some effeminate god who loves everything, the Word of God declares otherwise. It declares, in fact, that He does hate and the record shows that He can be absolutely ruthless. A quick study of Joshua should awaken the Judeo to that fact. When Israel attacked Jericho, they killed all living. When they attacked Gai in Joshua 8:25 they killed all men, women, and children. In fact, just scan over chapter 10. I count 13 cities or countries in which they killed every living thing, by the command of the Living God. Look at Joshua

11:19-20. God hardened the kings' hearts just so they would make war with Israel and then all be killed. I guarantee you, no cowardly effeminates were a part of their army.

"Cursed is the man that does the works of the Lord carelessly, keeping back his sword from blood"(Jer. 31:10 LXX).

Well, one would say, "So what, God can do whatever He wants, and how He wants. He is allowed to hate because He is God, but we are commanded not to." This is a falsehood. The Scriptures declare that there is a time to hate:

"To all things there is a time, and a season for every matter under Heaven ... a time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war and a time of peace"(Ecc.

3:1, 8 LXX).

We are commanded in total context to hate the enemies of God, for it is impossible to love God yet love those He hates.

"Have I not hated them, O Lord, that hate you? And wasted away because of your enemies? I have hated them with perfect hatred; they were counted my enemies"(Psalms

139:21-22 LXX). Look what happens to those who gave heed to the ungodly and those hated by God:

"And Josaphat King of Juda returned to his house at Jerusalem. And there went out to meet him Jeu the prophet the son of Anani, and said to him, 'King Josaphat, do you help a sinner or act friendly towards one hated of the Lord? Therefore has wrath come upon you from the Lord"(II Chron. 19:1-2 LXX).

It is impossible to love God yet love His declared enemies, for you are either with Him or not. There is no mysterious middle ground. The misconception and lie that God does not hate and that we are not to hate or that it is "unchristian" to hate is a Jewish lie used to effeminize men, mentally castrating them to the point where they cannot distinguish between God's friends and His enemies by rendering them incapable of fulfilling God's will on earth. We are commanded to hate evil and the things that are in contrast to God's Word and this includes the man or woman that commits them.

"We have hated evil, and loved good ..." (Amos 5:15 LXX). "You that love the Lord, hate evil; the Lord preserves the souls of His Separated Ones; He shall deliver them from the hand of sinners" (Psalms 96:10 LXX).

Now I want to make it clear that Christian Separatists do not hate n****rs or other things created by God, that is, pure-blood Negroes which are not in the white, Christian society but are in their own land and are not being used by the Jew to mongrelize and kill our race. One thing people seem to forget while attempting to elevate the Negro to our status or standards is that they are beasts created on the fifth day of creation. And when God made white man and woman He told them to exercise dominion over the creatures that He had already created. It is utter stupidity to try to elevate animals to the status of white men. We do not hate what God created for God pronounced what He created good, including pure blooded Negroes. But they are no different than a monkey or tiger. What we hate is when mongreled-in- mentality white men, Jews, and other mongrels attempt to kill our race through mongrelization and their attempt to make animals equal to man. For they are the true haters, haters of God, His Just Judgments and the race He has created to conduct His divine will and who hold His Holy Spirit, and haters of each individual white man that is a tabernacle of the Mind of God, fulfilling His purpose in the Body Politic of Christ. Worship of God through service to race.

charlie the drifter

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charlie the drifter
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You know Jesus wasn't white, right?

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Julia Sifers

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