The Daniel Collection - website update

Ah the measured reply of the self-righteous. This from a country where "guns dont kill people - people do". As for your pics Al, even Holland sent them back - rare for nobody to want them but then again there are all sorts of surprises. I had wondered when the usual dross poster(s) would surface. And as for teaching me a lesson - you're nowhere near big enough. Wanker - hmm perhaps the true colours are now showing. Did you manage to type using both hands?

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Yawn - usability is embedded in most of the tomes. Petty school yard challenge - oh dear. Apology accepted as I need to look at other responses and move on. Again, clearly my sites "offends thee" - so dont go and look elsewhere for your turning inspiration. Oh and how about some of your work - where would I look to see this?

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By George, he really is a troll!!

Al K, is it you?

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Lobby Dosser


Thank you for what is probably the most balanced, readable and well considered post amongst some of the rants above.

Taking your points in turn.

Yes the scrolling is counter-intuitive - and something I will fix. But if people do not have sufficient initiative to work out how to use it - then perhaps they would do better looking elsewhere. I dont write for muppets - this is not a commercial site and I dont work on the lowest common denominator, from what I have read so far, would lead this to be demeaning!

I am genuinely surprised at the load times you mention - none of the pop-up images exceed 30k (I think) whilst some of the pages might go to this. I think in the circumstances that it may well be a server issue. I have a 2MB line which regularly clocks 1.4mb speeds - and certainly get nowhere near the lag you are reporting.

The close on click is a common dreamweaver extension and one which you (or I certainly) see commonly on sites elsewhere on the web.

You comment re copyright highlights differences in approaches and probably national legal systems. Personally I subscribe to the right of control of what is, I think, intellectual work so perhaps the solution is to stick a clumsy and obtrusive copyright symbol in a repeated pattern all over them.

Then again perhaps another solution is

a) restrictive access b) country barring c) host on my pc - that would allow much more site access flexibility d) take the site down - and carry on collecting from UK turners, albeit "spreading the word" with personal visits to the collection in our home from interested parties.

On a more serious note - if you tell me which picures you particularly like I will very pleased by way of thank you to send over a higher res file(s) for your personal use. This should mean that you get a better quality print and a desktop image that better shows the piece off. All this without the piece dimension cluttering the image as well. Not to mention the ability to crop, clean, tweak to your hearts content. And no, I wont be doing anything malicious - just a genuine offer by way of thanking you for your words - probably the most reasoned here. Contact me through the site and I will be pleased to oblige.


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"Injured ego", "petty school yard challenge", "must not be your career if that's your attitude" - wow you really are most impressive. I dont think the tone of most of your presumptive analysis of my personal and professional situation merits a response - you can shoot yourself quite well in the foot without any further help. Jakob Nielsen - ring a bell or just a thud?

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The site has been this way for a while now - and to change the scroll bars would likely throw those are already used to it - cumbersome, I would disagree, counter-intuitive yes that is fair.


PS Derek's comment (see below) is constructive. Others are not but seem to reflect USENET manners - and people seem to be surprised to get a reply in like vein. Now why, I wonder, would this be? And why would they not expect likely phrased replies?

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At the risk of again incurring the wrath of Johathon...

I've just invented a new automobile. When you turn the wheel to the left, the car turns right. When you turn the wheel to the right, the car turns left.

When you step on the pedal on the left with your right foot, the car accelerates. The pedal on the right makes it stop.

The turn signal is also a little unusual. When you push it away from you it starts the right blinker and toward you the left blinker.


Clearly, everything you need to drive a car works. But, would you buy it?

While the above is extreme, some may remember cars with the starter button under the gas pedal. Others had a switch on the dash which you either pushed or pulled. Today I can't think of any exceptions -- you turn the key. The industry has learned that sameness is a virtue and renting a car is not quite the adventure it used to be.

Windows is, for many of us who are in or have been in software development, a pile of ill- considered, poorly implemented trash. But, the one good thing about windows is that there have been a number of standards designed and almost forced on programmers so that all applications have a very similar look and feel. The menus, mouse movements and clicks all do pretty much the same thing from application to application. When one wants to print just about anything on a windows machine, regardless of who wrote the application, the method is the same. To copy or paste text, the method is the same. The sameness is not a negative -- it is good and makes running a well designed, windows application intuitive. One doesn't need to relearn all kinds of things when using an unfamiliar application.

I hope, though, that the above will not be considered to be a criticism of Jonathon's site -- just a commentary on the world in general and how people prefer familiar things.


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Bill Rubenstein


Had any experience in a boat? Especially one with a tiller rather than a steering wheel? Push it to the right (starboard) and whad'ya know, the boat turns to the left.

And Mac vs. Windows.

Perhaps clones are good things - then again, some people value differences.

No criticism taken - or indeed intended by the above, just another angle on your points.


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Lobby asked,,,,,

No. I've been unable to get a reaction this big since I went to Batswannna. Jonathon may be a skilled troll but me and Bill Rubenstein are still going to take him out if he ever dares to show his face stateside. He's a big man behind that keyboard but he's no match for my Napping Panda style. I've studied with Bok Choy masters the world over and Ive dealt with his type before. One minute in the ring with me and he will regret ever having disparaged the name of this great nation. God Bless, Al Kyder

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Al Kyder

Hmm. Memo to self - take fly spray to deal with annoying insects when in the US next (although that may be overkill). Ok that takes care of your little strike force - and I wont even start on "this great nation".

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Y'know, this is what I hate sometimes. If I had just gone to the website without reading this thread, I would have marvelled at the incredible beauty of the turning and admired the look of the website. But, I would have had to switch browsers and possibly computers as it works very poorly on Safari an a Mac (my primary browsing machine). I would have been irritated at the interface mechanics but might have tolerated it.

And I did look at some of it. But I had this sour taste in my mouth because you, sir, are an asshole. I might normally find some forgiveness because hey, you are proud of your work and some of the replies have been blunt and not terribly well-put, but your consistenly nasty replies are a shame that the great work shown is in any way associated with you.

You have a flair for giving a great look to a website, but you

*seriously* need to tame your ego and learn to look at what people are saying. They are right, even if it was not well put.


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Paul Kierstead

Bill, Very clever way of getting the point across. I hope no offense is taken but if it is, so be it!

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And your considered opinion to the above Jgklr2732 would be? "No offense - but if taken then so be it"


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I just gave up and went >about my

Absolutely right.

an attempt to make a

Hmm interesting use of language. Kissing up to pretentious collectors .. noted with interest.

That assumes you perceive one - the psychiatrist is in?

Oh I have fairly low expectations based on personal experience here and elsewhere. Pleased to say they have not been exceeded. And as what I have "to offer" is clearly not to your taste - feel free to exercise your hard won freedom of choice.

As for famous? Einstein and Hawking are famous, turners are simply people who put their trousers on one leg at a time - please!!!!

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What does reply sent off-list mean

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no name given

Hey Bill tell that story you e-mailed me about Shirley Cuff. I can't repeat it being a man of God and all but it really had me tickled. Nothing cleanses the soul like a really filthy joke about Jonathon's wife. I thought I was going to split my side when you got to that part about her knickers. Ewwwwwwww!!!!!!

God Bless, Al Kyder

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Al Kyder

What are you talking about and what does this have to do with his website!

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no name given

Nothing to do with his website, everything to do with his character. I suspect he's up to no good lureing young women to his studio when Shirley's away at her prayer group. I shudder to think what goes on there when no one is around. Filling thier impressionable heads with stories of fame and glamour all the while setting his trap to ensnare them for use in his filthy little game. He's a collector all right and not just of turnings. It will all come out when his dealings with the Utah Faction in thier bigamist conspiracy are finally made public. God Bless, Al Kyder

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Al Kyder

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no name given

I've just a read a couple of your posts and was wondering about your character...

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no name given

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