The first rule of woodturning...

  1. do't use oak, use maple or ash
  2. My bandsaw is probably cheap like yours, but it cuts fine - the cut is more a function of the blade than anything else - and maybe having some quality guides - I think I paid more for the guides than I did for the whole saw.
  3. if you turn a goblet, you don't need to turn it around - turn the bowl, then the handle, then part off, use a HAND SAW (not the band saw) tu cut it or you may split it - use a fairly fine blade. Remember to leave the walls thicker than you would for a goblet, also leave the stem pretty thick or it will break.
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handle. If you follow your idea there will not be enough wood in the handle to hold the goblet whill hollowing out. turn out the goblet cup the use a styrofoam ball to put between tailstock and cup and the turn the hanlle part. Walter

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Yea, I got a little hand scollsaw... I could use that.

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Pain Devine

Oak is cheaper than Maple or Ash here... In fact, I can only find small pieces of maple and ash... like 1x6s and stuff. I can get 6x6 chunks of oak all over. In fact, there are oak tress all over my backyard if I wanna get out the chainsaw. But, for an ice-cream scoop, I'll just get one of the

69cent scrap pieces they sell at home depot.

Maybe I'll get a new blade... I'll look into it.

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Pain Devine

There's a mistake. Women never forget. She'll say "Nice bowls. Where's the scoop I asked for?"

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Lazarus Long

This sounds like a case of letting the little head do the thinking for the big head.

I d>I think we can all agree that the first rule of woodturning is that you

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Lazarus Long

I've watched this run through a lot of ideas, but as a spoon carver, I would just make a scoop with shave, gouge and scorp, paying special attention to the orientation of the long grain, because ice cream scoops do some real prying. That's the thing that would worry me most about such an item.

That, and why anyone would want a wooden scoop when warm metal is so demonstrably superior.

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In my case, the heads are about the same size.

I'll let you figure out what that means... ;-)

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Pain Devine

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