Anyone know ??

Oh how lovely! I can just imagine how wonderful it would be! :o)

Peace! Gemini

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I love it!!! That sounds so perfect, and such wonderful descriptions of it all. :o)

I believe I have some garden fairies in my own yard as well. We have some beautiful purple Morning Glory growing along the fence outside the computer room window where they never grew before. I was sitting here looking at them this morning when about five little squirrels went walking along the top of the fence behind each other like they were in a parade. :o)

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Aww, I'm sorry to hear that you're having problems with the medications, Ophelia. I know how horrible that is to have a bad reaction to medications and how they can make you feel worse that you started out feeling. I hope it all settles down and that you feel much better soon! *hugs*

Peace! Gemini

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Thanks Gem:) It is settling down a bit now.

Big hugssssssssssss

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OH, dear, Ophelia, what a nuisance! I hope that the nausea is worth it when the antibiotics kick in.


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Oh dear poor you, I do hope you start to pick up soon and feel much better..


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Oh Gem your Morning Glory fairies are working overtime for you, aren't you the lucky one? Obviously not wanting these blooms disturbed by those little pixie tricksters they asked some squirrels to patrol it all for are very honoured in your garden then.

Shame about our dogs being scared of the thunder isnt it, my boy is scared of it, whilst the girl couldn't give a monkeys and snores her head off through it all...still when it is passed and the next day you see the new blue sky and those white fluffy clouds that look like they've been newly washed it makes you see what a pretty world we live in with a paintbox before our very eyes...

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Once the nausea kicks in I can't keep anything down at all. ie no more antibiotics either. Last year when I had that awful infection I was on IV for months if you remember.

This time I only took 3 days of oral antibiotics and even though I had to stop taking last Tuesday them I am still having trouble keeping anything down. What a lovely picture I paint:))

Anyway.. enough! The redness is subsiding so who knows.. even that couple of days may have helped:)

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Thanks Cher:)

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Mine it was the mullberry bush... must be because we had mullberry bushes around and not too many cobblers.

I only know the first two verses, but here are some more:

Round and round the mullberry bush The monkey chased the weasel, The monkey thought 'twas all in fun Pop! Goes the weasel.

A penny for a spool of thread A penny for a needle, That's the way the money goes, Pop! Goes the weasel.

A half a pound of tupenny rice, A half a pound of treacle. Mix it up and make it nice, Pop! Goes the weasel.

Up and down the London road, In and out of the Eagle, That's the way the money goes, Pop! Goes the weasel.

I've no time to plead and pine, I've no time to wheedle, Kiss me quick and then I'm gone Pop! Goes the weasel.


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Amanda Tikkanen

Not sure why Google put my reply way down at the bottom and not with the post I replied to... ah well, not important.

random verse:

Queen Victoria's very sick, Prince Albert's got the measles. The children have the whooping cough, And pop! Goes the weasel.

and a different version:

Half a pound of tuppenny rice, Half a pound of treacle. That's the way the money goes, Pop goes the weasel.

Up and down the City road, In and out the Eagle, That's the way the money goes, Pop goes the weasel.

Every night when I go out the monkey's on the table. Take a stick and knock it off Pop goes the weasel.

A penny for a ball of thread Another for a needle, That's the way the money goes, pop goes the weasel.

All around the cobblers bench the monkey chased the people; The donkey thought 'twas all in fun, pop goes the weasel.


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Amanda Tikkanen

Yes, I was thinking that the squirrels must be keeping watch over the Morning Glory blooms. I put a meal of broken up bread, chips (crisps), and cut up apple out for them and noticed one of them first thing this morning sitting high on the fence with a piece of the apple clutched in his little paws eating away while watching over the Morning Glory. :o) I'm sure the fairies had a tiny bit of a feast last night too, and left some for the squirrels to have for breakfast.

Yes, normally our older dog (the girl) is terrified of the thunder... she was relatively calm this time around though. The younger one (my baby), the boy, is normally just a *tiny* bit concerned, but sits near me and I talk to him and pat him.. then he's okay. We have even sat out in the foyer together and watched the storm and the only time he is more concerned is when there is a very loud crash that sounds like something hit just outside the door... then he comes over to lean in against me. This time though, he kept trying to get under the computer desk... possibly trying to convince me to shut the computer down (which I normally do at first signs of a storm) and go sit with him, because once I did shut down and sat on the sofa beside him, he was fine again.

Peace! Gem

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What does the dr say?


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LOL Never heard that version, Amanda.

Kather> Not sure why Google put my reply way down at the bottom and not with

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Hi Gem

Ah the wee folk, and the teeny animal friends, I am hoping for a new fairy next spring, Alum fairies, as I've just planted some bulbs, these have huge onion seed type heads, a lovely shade of mauve, but the seed heads left behind are quite stunning...

I just talk calmly and quietly to my dogs when we get thunder, It must sound like a huge dog growling away somewhere to them...they don't like fireworks either, gone are the days when you only had to get your cats in on Nov 5th, seems to me, birthdays and just about anything people want to have a firework party around here...seems one way of burning your hard earned cash...


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ours is.... Here we go round the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush the mulberry bush, here we go round the mulberry bush, on a cold and frosty morning..

Thanks for all those verses it is interesting isn't it? Cheers..Cher

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Cool. Good luck with your Alum fairies! :o)

Oh, I know what you mean about the fireworks. The "normal" fireworks days here are Victoria Day (used to be ON May 24th, now it's the nearest Monday to it), and Canada Day (July 1st). However, there are people who set them off anytime they want to throughout the year... and occasionally a day or two before and after the "normal" days. Matthew and I often joke that "someone needs to look at their calendar to get the day right", or "Hmmm... sounds like someone found a couple of fireworks that they forgot to set off on ***day". We keep the dogs inside while the fireworks are going off. When it gets a bit much outside though, the dogs will stand at the door (or in Casper's case, with his paws up on the sink looking out the kitchen window) and tell them off in their own loud voices. We *used* to buy fireworks for the "normal" fireworks days when we lived at my parents house with the huge side garden to use for setting them off, but the back yard at this house has three trees in it... too close together for fireworks at all. So now we just go to watch the firemen set off the fireworks for our town on Canada Day, and listen to (and watch if they're near enough) the fireworks on Victoria Day that other people set off at their own homes.

Ahh... Nov 5th... Guy Faukes (sp) Night, right? I knew a couple from Wales who had a huge field beside their house at the edge of town. They would set up a HUGE bonfire there on Nov 5th, and invite friends over to join in the fun. :o)

Then of course we have the fire/ambulance/police sirens to contend with from time to time. Buffy doesn't bother with them and she sleeps away in the laundryroom, but Casper *sings* along with the sirens, much to our amusement. I tell him what a lovely singer he is, and he happily wags his tail and sings some more with his head held high and lips pursed to get those notes out just right. LOL

Peace! Gemini

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lol Gem, I can imagine your dog singing, My lucy sings sometimes, what with them and the cat, now that's one daft moggie for sure, he sits infront of the tv and then starts pawing at things moving....right funny to watch...especially if it actually is tennis on, or something, looks like he's actually playing in with them...


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See, there you go! I have heard said (and I know for a fact that it isn't true) that animals cannot see things on TV, or even reflections. My little dog who passed away the month before Matthew was born, ran barking at the TV one day when a dog ran across the screen... it hadn't been barking either, so it wasn't the sound that caught her attention. Also, when we went to visit my oldest sister one time and brought Tasha along with us she wandered off into my sister's bedroom where we heard her carrying on something awful. She didn't have a normal bark, but her tongue would twist around which sounded like she was trying to say human words (we used to joke that it sounded like she was cursing). When we peeked in the bedroom, there she was having a long drawn out conversation with... the doggy in the full-length mirror on the closet door. It was the first time she had ever seen herself. ROTFL

Occasionally I hold a smaller mirror in front of Casper (Buffy doesn't pay any attention to it at all) and he will tell the other doggy in the mirror off. hehehe

Peace! Gem

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

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