first 4 me: sss (2nd sock syndrom!)

On one of the three pairs of socks I've currently got OTN, I, for the first time in my life EVER, have succumbed to second sock syndrom on one of the pairs... I just can't seem to finish the darn thing. I do a row here or there, but I'm totally bored with it. The suggestion lamp is lit! Noreen


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On Mon, 17 Apr 2006 21:55:21 -0500, yarnwright spewed forth :

Just choke it up and knit. View it as a job, the pay when you're finished is the time to work on something you want to be working on.

Wooly With four pairs on needles now...


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...and how many shawls? I have two... methinks that's why the boredom with the one pair of socks... the other two don't feel like sss like this one pair... Noreen

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...make comparisons between knitting up a pair of socks and a pair of mittens? glad it is not knitting a sweater in the round? ...knit outdoors in the spring sunshine on your front porch? ...enjoy the feel and color of the yarn again? ...put your stitches on holders, and don't knit the second sock for a year or two? ...start knitting another pair of socks? ...ask someone else to finish it for you? ...knit the second sock among your community knitters? ...knit the second sock at a very long and boring public speech? ...knit the second sock to one of your favorite re-run movies? ...take a vacation, and knit the second sock(!) (?). this cool article about a special cast on for other socks you'll knit up later? ...

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Millie James

Oh Noreen Noreen, this is NOT good, try convincing your mind, that the sooner they are done the sooner it is finished with...once they are done that's the end of it. Your problem could be that you have other more intricate and interesting bits on the go....but aren't a defeatest are you?? No you aren't ... so just get it done.. How about keeping this one last one in the kitchen then whilst you are waiting for the potatoes to cook, or the kettle to boil, pick it up and knit it then. Or make a point that this will be knitted ONLY when the news or a certain program you enjoy, is on tv..

Cheers.....Cher fourth pair this month just finished. So c'mon Noreen you are letting the side

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Hi Noreen,

I don't have sss, but I haven't started my second revised crocheted sock for entirely different reasons, no time! OT at work and maintenance at home, and I wish I had the time lately to say I don't feel like working on it, much less having 3 pairs OTN! Just think of the years of pleasure you'll get wearing those socks and pledge to work on it maybe 5 rows a day and before you know it, it'll be done!


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HAHAHAHAHA!!! Why did that strike me so funny? I laughed hard. Good advice! Pamjam

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LOL! Great suggestions here, Millie! My favorite, though, is to knit it during a very long and boring public speech. Noreen, I know how you can't stand Shrubya; so next time he's dominating the air waves with his boring yet infuriating crap, jes knit the hell outta that second sock!!!!!! Hahahaha! Eve :o)

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Now, that's the BEST suggestion I've read yet, Eve, grin! Noreen

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