I updated my blog with videos on how to do some things (nothing fancy.)

Hello everyone, I haven't been on here a lot lately because I have been busy. I wanted to stop by and let you all know that I did update my blog with some new stuff. I put how I make a ponytail holder/scrunchie mini video on my blog and some other things like that.

I do not get paid to make video's and I am not very good at it (I am only saying this because I had ONE lady really tell me my stuff was bad, sloppy, and a waist of her time.) It's either me taking them by setting the camera down or my 6 yr. old son holding the camera as I do it. It's free tho and I like to share how I do things. I never say my way is the "RIGHT" way or "ONLY" way.

A matter of a fact my dear mother-in-law says I am one of those "Jack of all trades and master of None" type of person so that kind of says it all..lol... (I myself have learned to tell her that I could stick to doing just one thing but that would be boring to me and in my eyes I wouldn't be getting educated on other things in life. So, it would be limiting myself. Not only that I told her that how would I know what I like to do if I never try it and just stick to doing one thing in life..lol.. Guess what, she didn't have much to say after that..lol.. I do like my mother-in-law really but she can be a handlefull at times. I guess I can be too tho.)

Your more then welcome to come by and check out my blog and how I do some things. If, nothing else maybe you'll get a laugh (I do have a funny video of my daughter when she was young. It's really funny.)

Dora Renee' Wilkerson

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