One hump or two?

Sorry, but when I tried living on nothing but dates, and more dates, for a week, they worked the other way. I know they have a reputation as a laxative. For example, they really do help ease a diet of white bread. But, try eating nothing but dates and water for a week and tell us how your tummy feels!

After a week of dates, my tummy needed all the Ex-Lax that we had in the truck, and then I went back to eating the military MREs : ( Maybe it is just the dates of Al-Hufuf. (I bought a 30 kg wooden crate of dates there.) Maybe it is the fact that my dates were dried, rather then fresh. With all the smoke from the burning oil wells in the air, it never really got that hot during that summer of 1991, and we had plenty of water, so I do not think dehydration was much of a problem. Maybe, it was the fact that we were pretty active, so I was hungry and ate a lot of dates, but those dates sure plugged me up. My partner ate crackers and canned tuna fish when he got tired of MREs, and he was OK. I was OK when I was eating MREs, so I do not think it was the smoke. I was OK when we got into Hofer Al-Batin (north of Al-Qaysumah) and I was eating hotel food (Actually that was some of the best food I have ever had in my life. Somebody in that kitchen knew everything there is to know about grilling lamb chops!)

Hofer Al-Batin is also the home of the great Bald Hills Dairy Camel Herd. I bought half a liter of camel's milk at the little store at the cross roads. ( Mostly they stocked dates, flour, and lamp oil.) The camel's milk was a whole lot more powerful than the Ex-Lax. And, I had looked and not seen camel's milk in the BIG supermarkets in Al-Khubar and Ad-Damman where I had bought provisions.

I have never tried living on just raisins or prunes. In my early climbing days, I often lived on granola that was half dried fruit, including raisins, prunes, or dates, and there was never any problem at all. But, there was lots of nuts and grain with the dried fruit! But, in my one experience, dates in excess, plug! : (

If there are dates around, I eat them! But, I do not try to live on them!


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Aaron are you sure about your facts....dates and constipation...?? certainly not for me..Ha, ha


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Els van Dam

Aaron you must be special. At the end of WWII the allied forces dropped food packages from airplanes to the starved Dutch people. Dates were on of the foods we got.. Dates are very healthy and have lots of vitamines, and are also for most of us, a laxative. Naturally most of the time when you eat dates it is part of a meal, and not the only staple you eat.

I guess you beter stay a way from dates and date squares....yummy and matrimonial cookies as well


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Els van Dam

On Tue, 23 May 2006 04:00:55 GMT, spewed forth :

Sometimes it does. I've fudge in or out an extra stitch at the end of a few rows. In the case of the knit-and-tinked-three-times row the pattern was OBVIOUSLY f00b3d and was not passing the Galloping Horse Test.


The sweater I finished a couple of weeks ago has two decidedly different sleeves because I just forgot one one repeat. I did wonder why I was having to make so many plain rows at the bottom before the cuff, but eh, nobody will notice. I hope :D


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On Tue, 23 May 2006 03:51:13 GMT, (Mirjam Bruck-Cohen) spewed forth :

Yep, the shawl is in time out until tomorrow. This morning I made two right-side pattern rows and then I discovered I have an error again which I haven't yet located. Grrr. It *really* shouldn't be this hard!


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Camels walking over roads Is Not funny , There were so many accidents her of people suddenly `meeting` a camel [esp at night] that ther was a suggestion , to paint stripes of some returning light color on the camels back , side and front , like a car .... I know the Camel department people i could reffer you to them ,,, The icecream was Developed by a Dutch speaking woman ,,, mirjam

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

Wooly ,, but now you wrote it down [ about the mising pattern]YOU wil know and Notice it every time ,,,, :>:>:> mirjam

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

Was just reading Aharon`s description and wondered , in my Supermarket and in Hrealth shops ALL people use Dates for easier toilet going , this is the first time in years that i see any one saying it didn`t work on him .... well there is always an exception .... We have here many dates , my Favorites are the Yellow ones that come off the trees and are hard as stones 24 hours in the frezzer and they are like icecream , soft and smooth and Honey sweet .... Apres WW2 food was hard ,,,,,i remember being hungry . If Aharon wants to understand that ,,,, Please go to my work ,,,on my site " Soldier give me Chocolate Soldier give Chewingum " ,,,, mirjam

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

Those clever Dutch people...LOL


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Els van Dam

Sorry Aharon i am not going to discuss ,, anything that starts with "try eating nothing but ...." It leads me into places i don`t want to go. You might have a different reaction to certain foods than most people ,, it happens, but for most people Dates do the easing ..... If you bought a Crate of 30 kg ???????? and had it in a hot place [like your car] You moght have eaten Dates that fermented .....This has another effect on people ,,,,, mirjam

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

Ah, you found the knitting black hole. I've read of people blocking unfinished work just to be able to see how big it really was.

Cute! and so true.


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Richard Eney

On Wed, 24 May 2006 04:01:36 GMT, (Mirjam Bruck-Cohen) spewed forth :

Oh to be certain, I know all about the unmatched sleeves. I won't reknit either one, however, and I'll enter the sweater into at least one county fair this year - probably the one where everybody thinks self-patterning yarn is just the best thing since sliced bread and wouldn't know mismatched if it walk up and shook their hands :D


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I love dates. I eat them all the time- maybe 6 or 8 pounds per year. (Less this last year, as I have learned how to dry figs from our fig, and I like dried figs as much as I like dates. Maybe more this coming year as I see that a blue jay just got the first almost ripe fig of the season.)

I do eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains. So, I just never noticed dates doing anything to my digestive tract except when I tried living on nothing but dates.

Before I went to Saudi, I had done a lot of reading. Some 19th century explorer had described an extended journey where they had subsisted on dates and camel's milk for weeks and weeks. There I was, in the same desert. I had to try it : ) What good is going, if you do not have an adventure? I just did not have the as much camel's milk.



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I'm hoping this is the case at our local show - I have entered cross-stitch for the past 7 or 8 years and just a couple little knit items. This year it looks like it will be more knitting, so we'll see how the judging goes. I know the cross-stitch judging in the past has been quite . . . how should I say it . . . eccentric? (nice wording for "they don't know what the $#!% they're looking at!)


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Ha, ha........Date god sounds like a pun


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Els van Dam

Hummmmmm some adventure....LOL ??

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Els van Dam

You spun a FINE yarn Joy,

The judges in DeKalb county, Tennessee, USA have been GOOD to ME, so I daren't complain that they don't know what the $@!* they're looking at.... but I laughed out loud at your wording! Noreen

who popped in and couldnt resist! :D


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Do the people that eat dates for "easier toilet going" , also eat a lot of other fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans? Or, do they eat mostly white bread, white rice, meat, dairy, and such and foods with less fiber and roughage in them? That is the laxative effect a matter of the dates providing some fiber in the diet, or is there a chemical effect?

I am very lucky that I have never been hungry. But, the summer of 1991, when I helped remove hazardous waste from the Desert Storm Theater of War, we were eating military food that had sat in ships for 5 years and in sun in the desert for an additional 6 months. The military had long ago taken what they wanted and we got what was left over. A diet of dates for a few days did not seem so bad, it seemed like an adventure.

Were we really hungry? No. But I expect that today, most of the readers of this group would turn up their noses at the contents of those brown plastic pouches (MREs). For example, if we wanted a cup of coffee, we dumped a packet of dry "instant coffee" into our mouth and washed it down with a couple of swallows of water. That was better than mixing the coffee powder with water and trying to drink the nasty result.

The military had disturbed the "desert pavement," and every breeze stirred up a dust storm. What ever we ate was going to have dust and grit in it. Open an MRE, and by the time it got to our lips, it had dust and grit in it.


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Fudge?!!! How come every thread in this group ends up talking about food? : )

Good idea!!!!!! Different cuff patterns will help dyslexic me tell right from left : )

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It is something in their `content ` , that does what it does ,, Camel milk is lovely , no cholosterol !!! mirjam

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

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