Ot - :o( Requesting good thoughts, please.

Although this is *very* minor compared to most requests for good thoughts, etc... I would still like to ask for good thoughts (if you happen to think of it) for me, as I just found out this afternoon (after dealing with the extreme throbbing pain since Monday) that I have an abcessed tooth. The dentist wants to take care of the infection first before thinking about doing a root canal on Monday... so he gave me a prescription for antibiotics to try to help that, and told me to continue taking the extra-strength Tylenol for the pain which I've been doing every four hours since Monday.

I've had a couple of root canals done before, so I'm not terribly concerned about that... I have just never experienced such extreme pain in a tooth before, having been blessed with extremely strong and good teeth. Even when I had an impacted wisdom tooth that needed to be removed, it didn't hurt

*this* much. The pain I am experiencing from this is radiating downward to my glands under my jawline, and back to my jaw itself, and a bit forward to other teeth as well. When I went to a dentist 1 1/2 years ago for this same tooth (because my gums had retracted from it and some nerves were exposed) I was not impressed with that dentist. He was nice enough, but even after taking x-rays and telling me that I had a cavity in there, he didn't drill and fill... he just basically smoothed a layer of the filling material over the exposed nerve at the bottom of the tooth. 1 1/2 weeks later it popped off and I returned to him thinking that he might actually do it the right way this time... not... he did the same thing. Eventually after a couple of months the "filling" popped off again (that is the side I chew on normally), this time I decided not to bother going back to him again... I wish now that I had gone to a different dentist, but because it wasn't hurting, I ignored it and just let it be. This past Monday it started feeling tender, then later that night and into Tuesday it began to throb. I couldn't find my dental card from Ontario Works, so I couldn't go to a dentist without one.... so I kept popping extra-strength Tylenol every four hours while looking for the card.

I still hadn't found it this morning, and I had a doctor's appointment anyway so I knew he would be giving me another prescription.... so I stopped in at Ontario Works and asked about a replacement dental and drug card. I got it, and went off to my doctor's appointment. As I was leaving there, I mentioned to the receptionists about my tooth and about how I wasn't impressed with the last dentist I had been to. They gave me the name, address and number of this dentist I went to today. First the dentist's receptionist was going to have me come back tomorrow (I have an Ultra Sound scheduled for 8 AM), but when I mentioned my concern that it could possibly be an abcess... they booked me in for 1:45 PM today. Sure enough, when the x-ray was done it showed a definite abcess.

The dentist says it doesn't look like there is a lot of that tooth left because it had cracked since I had seen the last dentist, but he won't know for sure how much of a *good* tooth is left until he gets in there and starts cleaning out the abcess and the decayed parts of the tooth. He said "If there is enough good tooth left to save I will save it, do the root canal and build a tooth up around the good part of the tooth. Unfortunately, if there isn't enough of a good tooth left, I can't really do anything about it because I'm only human, and it will have to come out." :o/ If he *has* to remove that molar, that means my other bottom teeth could start to shift and space... so I am really hoping that it doesn't come down to that. Funny thing is, the back side of that molar feels and looks normal... so I'm hoping that it *is* good and strong so he can build on it.


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Oh dear, you have my sympathy and every good thought I can conjure up. I hope you make it through the weekend OK

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The Jonathan Lady

Thank you, Jan, I really appreciate it! I am definitely shutting down the computer now to go rest. I only took my medication about 1 1/2 hours ago, and it took at least a half hour for it to kick in, but now I', starting to feel some throbbing again. I am only supposed to take it every four hours or so... so I have to suffer for a while longer before my next round. :o/


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My sympathy. I had a dental abcess followed by root canal etc. two weeks ago, but I was able to take super-power pain pills as well as the antibiotics. They don't so much take away the pain as leave me "high as a kite" and "feelin' no pain", with the result that nothing gets done as I can only either lie on the couch or go to bed.

Hope the antibiotics take hold soon.

Olwyn Mary in New Orleans.

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Olwyn Mary

Oh, dear, Gem, poor you! I hate needing dental work! Last time I had an abcess, I put off going to the dentist for months, until I literally couldn't chew. I will definitely pray that it is not too painful getting it fixed, and that it will be fixable. Good luck!

Higs, Katherine

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Hi Gemini,

Oh, I can't feel your pain as I have dentures, but remember when I had toothaches years ago and they were no fun. Take the meds like they say so you can deal with the pain. Prayers going out to you.



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Ouch! You poor thing!

One of my friends had a tooth abcess about the same time as she had a baby, and we were all debating what was worse - the abcess or labour. (I think labour was considered a teensy bit worse.)

I hope the dentist sorts it out for you.

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Penny Gaines

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Gemini How is your TOOTH ?? mirjam

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

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First of all, thank you to everyone who sent out good wishes and kind words to me. They were all appreciated. :o)

And in answer to Mirjam and Pam... I went yesterday and had the root canal done. He put a temporary filling on it (with medication inside), and I have to continue taking the rest of the anti-biotics that I was given last Thursday until they are all gone. I have another appointment on Thursday, where the dentist will remove the temporary filling (and likely remove the medication), then replace it with a permanant filling. Mind you, I woke up at 5:30 AM today in extreme pain... likely from the drill and all irritating the tooth more yesterday. He *did* tell me it would be tender when the freezing wore off... which, by the way, took

6 - 6 1/2 hours for it to wear off. He had the right side of my jaw so frozen that I never felt anything at all that he was doing.

Anyway, still not feeling wonderful, so I really won't be around much until I am feeling better. I have to go find something very soft (or soup

*again*) to eat... can't wait until this is all overwith so I can go back to eating regular food again. Even the homemade macaroni and cheese (with canned diced tomatoes in it, like my parents used to make) for last night's supper... I was having a hard time, and ended up swallowing more without chewing than I actually chewed just to get some food into me.

Okay, be around from time to time... and once this is cleared up and I'm feeling better I will be on here yakking away and you won't be able to shut me up again! LOL

*hugs to all* Gemini
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Can't be soon enough Gem, hope it all settles quickly once you get it fixed Love, higs & lots of nourishing virtual smoothies Christine

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Christine in Kent, Garden of

Tagging on to say I hope you'll be feeling much better soon, Gem


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Must have missed this post somehow....I totally agree with Katherine, oh poor you, hope it is sorted for you soon

hugz Cher

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Gem, I hope you are feeling much better today.


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