OT - TV show "LOST"

Are there any RCTYers from the U.S. who watch this show, and who are addicted like I am?

If so, I would like to have a short correspondence by e-mail just to compare tonight's episode that was shown in Canada with what you saw in the U.S. The preview they have been showing all week had a scene in it that was not in the episode tonight..

If you can help, please e-mail me at sdennis at mts dot net so we can chat about it. (smile)

Shelagh A "Lost" freak

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Me, me me!! Addicted to this one and Prison Break.. however, I missed last nights episode as DH had claimed a special he needed to watch on another channel, and of COURSE I didn't record MY show... slaps self, knocks coffee over, cusses... Noreen

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I missed it too! Tivo didn't record it because it wasn't getting a signal. I didn't know that until I sat down to watch it. Gotta find a recap on the web......


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Yep! Saw it, loved it! I'm a Sayid freak, so if that's the scene you're wondering about, let me know. It wasn't much at all, really.


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Teacher Gal

Okay - here's the thing (and I like Sayid too).... In last week's preview, they showed Locke trying to enter the set of numbers to reset the clock, and he was having a problem. The alarm was going off, etc etc. In last night's show in Canada that particular scene was not shown... so I'm wondering if the problem is a result of what Michael did, and that scene of Locke freaking out will be in the next episode. Was it shown in the U.S. broadcast?

Here's another thing. CTV did not show the next preview, which I eventually saw on ABC, as well as on one of the many Lost websites. This preview looked good too. I think Eko is a religious man, and it looked like he was destroying Charlie's stash. It's going to be frustrating not having a new epi until January 11.


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You missed a barn burner Noreen. One of the best episodes yet - it just flew by!


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It was a good one! If you need any links, let me know.


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*Six weeks*, Shelagh... and watch your mouth missy... no cussing at me for teasing you! LOL

Gem - OB

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I haven't had a chance to look yet. Do you have the links handy?


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This one is a message board for discussion
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Those should keep you busy for a while ;>)


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Thank you Shelagh!

I just read the transcript of the show at the first link so now I'm not so lost :P


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The bit with Locke trying to enter the numbers was shown; he almost royally screwed up and entered 22 instead of 23, but caught himself in time. He had been distracted by discovering Sawyer lying on the ground after Kate had left her shift watching him. She was supposed to enter the numbers.

Remember it now?

As for the next episode, yes, it's seeming pretty obvious that Eko is religious, seeing as how he was reciting Psalm 23 during our preview here in the States.

I personally like not having an episode until January. Too much time away from knitting and quilting Christmas presents when it's on!


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Teacher Gal

We saw `lost` here as well i saw several , as it was in an uneasy hour to watchm and i must say i lost interest after several show....i would peep in, at times , but it didn`t really Sink in as a `must see` show... I am rather facinated by CSI , By Nature films ... etc,,, White house [ or is it called west wing ] . mirjam

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

Nope - but I'm going to go back and look at my tape to see if I did miss it. I remember Jack discovering Sawyer face down and the alarm beeping, but not the scene with Locke. There are so many ads with this show that I wouldn't be surprised if some of the scenes are shortened or left out. The Canadian network allowed 65 minutes for the show, and I have only 46 minutes of the actual show on tape. The rest is advertising time.

I'm off to rewatch the tape and see what was broadcast here (grin)


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Here I am with egg on my face (big laugh). I should have watched the tape first. I found the scene with Locke with no problem. I don't know how I missed it, except if I blinked I would have missed it.

Did you notice in the preview when Eko was reciting the Psalm, he said "even though I walk through the SHADOW of the VALLEY of DEATH"????????????????? Heh, heh, heh,,,,, a little play on words!! Here's what I think was going on.... just from the preview..... he was walking toward whatever the "monster" is, there was the explosion, Charlie screamed at him not to go there, and Michael shot at whatever was coming at Eko..... we'll see if I'm right about it.


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Mirjam I love some "fantasy" shows, and Lost does it for me. I also enjoy CSI and CSI Miami. I used to watch West Wing all the time, but have grown tired of the new cast, except for Jimmy Smits (I think he's yummy). Love a lot of nature shows about birds and plants, but not when they show animals killing animals. ;>)

Anyhow, I think I should get going to bed - it's 2:15 in the morning. ;>)


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Hello Shelagh,

I agree and watch almost the same shows.

Hugs & God bless,

Dennis & Gail

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Spike Driver

Not a biggie. Personally, I had to really think about it to remember where it was in the episode to tell you!

Whoa....didn't notice the word order change in the Psalm there....nice catch.

I think Eko is the spiritual man more grounded in reality, and Locke is the spiritual man who's more of a mystic. When confronted with the "monster," Locke first called it beautiful, remember? Second time, he was dragged nearly into the ground, so he's a bit more reticent about confronting it. Eko, however, seems ready to stare that beastie down and get to the bottom of it.

There have to be near a hundred veiled Biblical references on the show thus far, and having Eko recite the Psalm makes me wonder if we're not going to get more blatant references. Or, perhaps, Eko's bright enough to figure more of this out.

Personally, I'm still freaked by the end...."Dad?" *Shivers*


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Teacher Gal

What series/episode are you chaps up to? IDH and I have been watching Series 1 on DVD and we're just up to episode 9 I think.

When we were introduced to a character called John Locke I thought "That's an odd coincidence", but when I discovered episode 4 was entitled "Tabula Rasa" I realised it must not be a coincidence at all. John Locke was a philosopher associated with the tabula rasa approach to humanity's basic goodness or evil. Tabula Rasa means blank slate, and Locke thought that humans weren't either intrinsically good or evil, but were all capable of either good or evil, depending on their circumstances, upbringing and choices.

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last night I watched an episode which introduced a character called Rousseau. Jean-Jacques Rousseau is often contrasted with Locke, since he believed that humans are intrinsically good, and only turn to evil if they are somehow corrupted from their natural state. This is called the Romantic position.
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now I'm waiting for a reference to the Puritan belief that humanity is fundamentally evil and can only become good through chastisement and redemption. Perhaps there will be a character called Hobbes, a philosopher associated with this belief.
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own impression is that the writers are espousing a Romantic viewpoint, since every character who has been shown to be acting badly has always had a reason in their background for doing so. So the writers seem to be telling us that people are basically good and only do evil when they have been hurt by bad experiences. It also leads to some musings about the nature of the "monster" in the jungle. If the show has a metaphysical basis then perhaps the "monster" is also metaphysical - perhaps a manifestation of the Freudian "id", or thanatos, the death force (Locke said it was "beautiful"). And I am reminded of the quote by Friedrich Nietzsche: "Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." The scene where Jack and Sayid (yum!) torture Sawyer makes me think I might be on the right track here.
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every few episodes they like to turn everything you think you know so far on its head, and I wouldn't be surprised if something happens soon which makes all these ideas wrong. Since I've given wikipedia links to the philosophers I've mentioned, you might be wondering why I don't look up "Lost" in wikipedia and see if it explains everything. Well, I want to figure it out for myself! If you go and look it up or if you already know the answers to my ramblings, please include spoiler warnings so I can keep working at the puzzle on my own.

I hope I haven't bored you all with philosophical musings in a yarn group. Just say the word and I'll shut up!

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M Rimmer

Wow.... when I used to have a chat channel on mit, a few of us would often have philosophical discussions, but never anything quite so detailed as you just posted here. Our talks were mostly about how we felt about whatever the subject was that came up. So I found your posting very interesting. I have never watched the TV show "Lost" though, so I really can't join in the discussion about it. I am just reading what you few people are saying about it. :o)


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