OT You guys are NOT going to believe this!

Okay... I totally give up! Our lives are meant to have one thing after the other happen... but this one takes the cake.....

You know how we had problems with the filter for the swimming pool (almost taken care of now, just have to figure out if a couple of missing screws will do it or if we need a new sealer), and then our foyer roof leaked like a basket all over Matthew and we had to set out tubs to catch the water after moving the blanket box made by my uncle into the livingroom. Here is the latest....

Although I have been on and posted in the newsgroup since this happened on Saturday, I held back in telling this one... simply because I couldn't believe it myself, and I was stunned that it had happened.

So... Saturday we had Vet appointments for our two dogs. We have to do them in stages, and Casper has to go last when they are about to close so that no other dogs are there as he is *terrified* of the place. So we brought Buffy out first, with Casper in my room looking out the window fretting himself because he *knew* what was happening as Buffy never goes anywhere without him following afterward... to the VET.

Buffy's visit went without a hitch as she absolutely loves going to the Vet... did I tell you that she's a little *special*? LOL When we got back, Matthew put her in the house and let Casper come out so that I could get his harness on him. Matthew took his leash and I went to the driver's side of the van. Matthew got in the back seat of the van *before* Casper (bad move), and Casper took off in a heated run toward the back of the van... his leash hit the sliding side door hard, snapping it open so far that Matthew couldn't pull it shut. I held Casper's leash while Matthew stood outside the door tugging hard on it to get it to shut. All of a sudden the door came off the runner and hung there almost on the ground. I put Casper inside the fenced in back yard while Matthew tried a few times to lift the door... that wasn't the problem, it was that he couldn't get it back on the runner.

I came into the house and called my nephew to see if he'd ever dealt with that sort of thing before (he hadn't), and he said "If that were me, the dog would be GONE!" Yeah, I don't think so... I'm not getting rid of Casper because of a stupid accident.

Anyway, I contacted the garage (where the mechanics know me and I have dealt with for years) and one of the owners was the only one up there (for 15 more minutes before he was closing up) and told me to come get a loner vehicle and they would have to come down at the beginning of the week (they aren't here yet) to wire the door and take the van to the garage to see if they can fix it. Whew, long sentence! LOL I got the loner vehicle, Matthew let Casper get in FIRST, and we took him to the Vet fretting all the way. I have to stand in front of him holding his face and talking to him, Matthew holds his chest area in a hug, and the Vet gets back farther to *try* to hear his heartbeat... which she can't do because as soon as he feels her touching him he starts growling. Oh by the way, we have to put a muzzle on him because the Vet won't go near him otherwise... although she did say last year, and this year that he is behaving much better than he ever used to... at least now his hackles don't stand up and he doesn't bare his teeth anymore. He mainly cries, whimpers, whines, and growls all at once and shivers all over. He's my big baby! ;o)

Anyway... now that it has sunk in, and I know the garage is going to deal with it, I can actually laugh about it. I always knew that Casper was strong... but I definitely didn't think he was THAT strong to knock a sliding door of the runner. Matthew says he will definitely have to remember to let Casper get into the van FIRST from now on. LOL

So... they say things come in threes... think we've met our quota yet? LOL This is number three of THIS time around, so hopefully things will get better now! :o)


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Oh, Gem! You need a break, you really do! Here, on a lighter note, the third thing DID happen, if you want to talk generalties... MJ was found not guilty on all counts. What IS this world coming to? Count that injustice as number three, and you're DONE, I'd say! Hugs, Noreen

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Noreen's Knit*che

Our third thing did happen... to us.

1- the pool filter 2- the foyer roof 3- the van side door

It's just so bizaar that it's funny! Like the time I was having an extremely bad day and a policeman backed into my car denting the fender... I burst out laughing in his face! As my Mom always said... "If I can't laugh, I might as well be dead!"... I take after my Mom, and that's a compliment to myself! :o)


PS. This latest thing doesn't even have me remotely concerned as the garage I have dealt with for years will just put it on my existing bill and I don't have to pass out any money right away. It's just a "yeah, so.. something else happened". LOL

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Yep, we even joke about it in our house, Gem... like most people say sXit happens... well we 'haughtily' say, like with hot potatoes in our mouths, Crap Occurs. Yeesh! enough! Hugs, Noreen

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Noreen's Knit*che

Hi Gemini,

When I read your story about the dog and the van door, I was wondering what kind of dogs you have. I have a Shih Tzu - Poodle mix (ShiPoo) and I'm always interested in other people's dogs .

You certainly have led an eventful life lately ! I hope it quiets down for you now.

Rusty in CT and Dusty too

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Hi! :o) Buffy, our oldest dog (13 years old now) is a black & white Border Collie mix (we don't know what she's mixed with). Casper, our youngest dog who will be 4 years old in July (the big powerful brute who broke the van door), is a white Golden Lab / Shepherd mix. His mother is a Black Lab / German Shepherd mix, but she was smaller than our Border Collie mix, so Casper obviously takes after his white Golden Lab father for his size and colouring. :o) He has a longer nose than Golden Labs, and longer floppy ears too (from the Shepherd side, I assume).


Someday I'll have a website again and put pictures up for all to see. ;o)

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There you go, I got so busy talking about my pooches that I forgot to thank you for the good wishes.... So, thank you! :o) And, eventful is a polite way of putting it... it certainly hasn't been dull.


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My family used to have a dog, Clancy, who was a golden lab/shepherd mix. We always suspected he had a little greyhound in him too because he was pretty skinny (until after living with us a couple of years. LOL!) and would run in circles around the outside of the house over and over. He had the longer, thinner nose as well and his ears sort of stood up but flopped over at the top. The ears actually had a life of their own - in the wind they would flap back and forth (which is surprising because they weren't actually all that large!) and we have several pictures of him with one sticking straight up and one flopping down. He was a great dog - very cute and VERY active and mostly crazy. I can't even begin to describe all the damage he did to our house and belongings in the 7 short years we had him (he succumbed to cancer at an all-too-early age).

I would love to see a picture of Casey someday to see if he looks anything like Clancy!


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Laura J

Awww, he sounds cute... and very much like Casper. Those ears sound like Casper's too... they do tend to stand up somewhat, but often are straight out at the sides and flopped at the ends... and he often gets what we refer to as "flop-over ear" and will come to us to fix it. ;o)

When we're all outside (his favorite time) he runs around the back yard at such high speed that Matthew and I often joke that he looks like a white tornado zooming by. There have even been times that he's been running so fast that he's almost laying down on his side.... and in the winter when it's slippery, he has wiped out on more than one occasion. But he loves it, and will get up and go again. Of course when he does wipe out in the summer, he ends up with grass stain on his white coat... quite comical looking. ;o)

If you'd like, I can email you a picture. It actually has two pictures on it... one of Buffy, and the other of Casper. His nose looks humongous on the picture (like those newer stuffed dogs they have out now with small bodies and HUGE heads) because he tried to get a closer look at the camera. Of course once I snapped the picture and the flash went off, he told me off in no uncertain terms. LOL

If you'd like me to email the picture, just send me an email mthecarpenter at xcelco dot on dot ca (the one I go through to get to my newsgroups) and I'll send it off to you. :o)


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Gemini, your dogs sound like they're so much fun for you. Casper must be a pretty big boy with the Shepherd/Lab mix. (Well, sure, if he can take the door off of a van !)

Buffy the Border Collie mix - any dog with BC heritage just has to be smart and going every minute. With the two of them, I bet you have a wonderful time, and a lot of laughs.

Thanks for sharing your pets.

Enjoy !

Rusty in CT

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LOL My thoughts exactly! When we had him at the vet on Saturday they said he weighed in at 73 lbs... Buffy was about 52 lbs. When he stands beside me (often, I'm his *most favorite* person) and I put my hand down, I can touch his lower back without stretching to do so. Buffy is a lot shorter (Casper towers over her and drapes his head over her back... which she doesn't like), but Casper lets her think that she can take him down when they play in the yard.

She chases him, but can't actually keep up with him, and then he'll stop and put his head on the ground with his butt up in the air, and Buffy puts her jaws around his neck "pinning" him. They only ever fought twice... in the house thank you... and Casper put her in her place in seconds. She had the nerve to touch his rawhide bone and he took her by the scruff of the neck and swung her back and forth roughly. Matthew wouldn't go near them, but I went over and pulled them apart.. he thought I was nuts to touch them. LOL Casper picked up his rawhide bone and walked off happily, and Buffy was "smiling" and wagging her tail all over thinking that had been great fun. LOL

Funny how many people say that Border Collies are one of the smartest breeds around. Yes, she was quick to learn to "sit", "stay", "say please", and "lay down"... but other than those things she really isn't all that smart. Fast... oh yes, when she was younger she would fly around the yard... but she has slowed down now, she is 13 afterall and that is human years.

Casper on the other hand is very smart and alert. He watches everything you do very intently, and he catches on to things very quickly and often by himself. And he often amuses himself when no one plays with him. hehehe He is definitely a clown!

We love them both... but Buffy is Matthew's, he picked her out. I am Casper's, because he picked me out... and melted my heart, so he is mine too! ;o)


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Hi Gem,

I'd love to see a picture - I just emailed you with the subject "puppy picture". Is the "flop-over ear" kind of like the ear is turned inside out? Clancy used to get that too. Though I have to admit that one of our favorite tricks was to turn his ear inside out on purpose and then blow in it or gently tickle it while he was sleeping. What can I say, we were obnoxious teenagers at the time :)


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Laura J

:o) Yes, "flop-over ear" is exactly that... his ear gets turned inside out, often for no apparent reason. We'll say "Uh oh, flop-over ear!" and he'll come to have it fixed. By the way... we tend to tickle or blow very gently in and at his ears (from the back) sometimes too. I also tickle between his toes... makes him chew on his toes for a couple of minutes. hehehe

We cracked up laughing the first time he ever did a "stand-up itch", and a "lay-down itch"... where he'll either be walking along and suddenly stop and instead of sitting down to scratch, he just lifts his leg and scratches while still standing up.... or be laying down and be too tired to bother standing up, so he just lifts his leg and scratches while staying on his side. I had never seen any of our other dogs before him do either of those things before... it looks so cute.

Also... when he was very tiny (a couple of days after getting him) I was at the computer one night and heard what I thought was a chainsaw, but it was dark out. I glanced down and there was this tiny ball of fluff laying beside my feet letting loose with a VERY loud and long moan. LOL He also tends to "hold on" to my foot, or my leg or arm while laying beside me... and if I pretend not to notice him, he'll slightly tighten his grip with his toes until I say "Oh there you are!" and he *smiles* his doggy smile and wags his tail slightly. He loves to have his "Casper / Mama time", or "Family time" with all of us on the couch together. :o)


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