shaping a lace pattern...

i was working on this pattern for a few weeks

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and after muchn heartbreak and starting over again and again i finally got the fabric into a lovely place and reached the shaping part. i completey messed the shaping up,oh i don't know, three times? i put the yarn away in anger for a year. but i want to start again! i love this sweater and i have so much yarn for it that i bought! can someone give me some preactical tips for how to shape a lace pattern?

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For a complex pattern (lace or otherwise) I often chart the shaping section before I work it - it helps me to envisage it and to stay on track once I'm started. So take the pattern chart and a coloured pencil, work through the pattern shading out the decreases for the edge (or neck etc.) - this will show you where to start the pattern on each row.

Don't work on complex stuff unless you have some calm, quiet time. It's very hard to concentrate on a complex pattern and have a conversation or watch the kids etc.

You will get this pattern sorted I'm sure and you'll be so elated when you do. It's lovely by the way - good taste!


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Vintage Purls

The only trick I can see is that the pattern says that the lace pattern is knitted on the right side rows and the shaping is done on the wrong side rows. I do love the pattern - good luck!


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That is a beautiful design.

I totally agree with what VP suggests as I too have found the easiest way with lace stitches is to chart them.

One other thing I do at the end of each row is to check back across that row to see that every "knit 2 together" has a corresponding "yarn over" so that you neither lose, nor gain, stitches across the row. It takes a little extra time but is easier (and less dispiriting) if you can pick up any mistakes as they happen - having to unpick more than one row is soul destroying.

Good luck with finishing the tunic and it'll be lovely to see some pictures when you have succeeded.

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