AD: Wild and Wacky Stuff Up! - Tink

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Well, maybe they're not as wild and wacky as some other beads, but they're a far cry from the Zen Violets and such that I've focused on lately.

A couple of months ago, I read the book "Wicked". It's the story of Elphaba, the Wicked Witch of the West... from her point of view. I was swept away! Then I discovered "Wicked", the musical! Fabulous songs, but my favorite is "Defying Gravity". Why am I telling you all of this? Well, I've had an Elphaba vessel in my head since then, and every time I try to make it, I fail. I think I have succeeded this time! It's a very labor-intensive blown piece, taking about an hour and a half. The colors are Lime Green and Black...

Kaleidoscopic Hollow created with purple, black, lime and aqua...

Also some Celebration beads, which I haven't done in a long, long while...

Thanks for looking!

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Elphaba! Crap! I love it! Crap! It's Sold! Double crap!

Kaleidoscope is gorgeous too...and sold!

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Elphaba Blown Winged Vessel

OMG OMG I love it!!!!!!! It fits so perfectly!

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Deborah Barilleaux

*blush* Thanks, guys! I have struggled with this one. Several didn't make it, as I mentioned. But I simply HAD TO DO IT! It just LOOKS like Elphaba to me :-)

I do have four beads left, and they are favorites of mine. The clear hollows with "buttons" are so difficult for me to photograph, the pics never do them justice.

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Just *perfect*. Whoa. ~~ Sooz

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Dr. Sooz

Who got it? ~~ Sooz

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Dr. Sooz

It's on reserve for a non-RCB customer, and if she passes there are a few more folks waiting. I'm glad it's being well-received, as it turned out just as I pictured it would!

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Not me. (walking away with a tear running down my face...and stomping my feet)

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I just finished reading Wicked last night. Tink--that vessel is dead on. You rock!

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You finished that book fast girl! Wow!

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It woulda been sooner but I got started beading, and well, the muse had first shot at me!

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Well what did you think?

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OMG it sucked and I can't believe you made me read that crap! *sorry, evil twin alert*

I loved it! And for a very odd (to me anyway) reason. Like everyone else, I always thought of the WWoftheW as the bad guy--and I thought this book would make me see her as a good guy. But it didn't. I came away feeling very neutral about her--which was totally unexpected. When I say neutral, I mean she came off as just a regualar person to me--not someone to see in a bad or a good light. I've never had that happen before when reading a re-telling of a story, and so it was a most pleasant surprise. Thank you again for giving it to me, Starlia! (I would kill or at least maim to see the musical)

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I know exactly how you feel about her. She is no longer a character with a small part in Oz. She is real and has real problems, real fears, and real love. I hated Glenda at the end of the book though. Snotty witch.

I would also maim to see Wicked the Musical. I hope it goes on the road soon.

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I'm taking it with me my trip.

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Cool! I took it with me to Paducah the other day, LOL. It's only a little over an hour drive but I couldn't leave it at home--I was at a good part!

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Glinda NEVER struck me as a good guy. I don't know why. I wanted to slap her repeatedly by the end of Wcked.

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I'm gonna have to go out and find this book!


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On Thu, 26 Aug 2004 3:53:00 -0400, starlia wrote (in message ):

Years ago (before the book), as an exercise for some college class, we had to argue the Wizard of Oz from each character's point of view. I got to be the Wicked Witch of the West. (Yahoo! It was the meatiest part by far) You can imagine how I played it: "What the frank? Why are all these midgets and that bee-yotch Glenda protecting the person who killed my sister? She killed my sister and dared to strip her corpse for the shoes - what's up with that? Some kind of fetish, I'm sure. And where are the cops in this town, anyway?" (No wonder she tried to take the law into her own hands)

I read "Wicked" when it came out, and really enjoyed it. Since I don't like adaptations of books, I wouldn't want to see the musical.

Glenda has always been a jerk in my mind - "Here Dorothy, solve all my problems and get your sorry ass back to Kansas - take the little dog with you, too!" Just because she had a nicer wardrobe than WWotW, Dorothy shouldn't have assumed she was actually good. Some of the evillest people I've ever met dress very well.

And (you knew I have to say this) Toto doesn't get enough credit. He is the driving force behind the whole movie, and should have gotten top billing. Toto rocks.

Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V

You are too funny. I agree...Toto never got top billing and he was a vital part of the wonderful story.

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