And the Winner is ...

Me !!!!!!! An my sister. I am holding the unemployment tribunal's findings in my hand .... we won. The way the decision is written, it finds me more credible and he did not show a preponderence of evidence to show he was not at fault, a well as his bitch fiance ! I am shocked at the rest of the statement. because it shows the mediator to have acurately seen all the underlying stuff for what it was, exactly and found his testimony lacking. While I was in the hearing. I had thought I had answered some of the tougher questions a little too meekly. I could have verbally ridden him out of town on a rail, and the fiancee too, but I chose not to come on like I was trying to screw him out of something I wasn't due. The stuff I didn't say, was the worst of it. My sister did. She went in with her guns blazing. So in the state of Nevada, if there is more than one party, at the same time with a similar complaint, they use the info compiled by all the hearing to make the ruling. I don't care how it was cooked up. I got it. I love the partwhere hey called the running of his business "awkward" ... yeah you mean. he didn't know what in the fruit loops he was doing ? Man o Man I bet his ears are burning tonight, and the fate of the fiancee must surely be in jeopardy !! Again folks, thanks for all your positivety !

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Wonderful, Rainbow - congrats!!!

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Kandice Seeber

I hope this also means the end of his 'blackballing' your future employment prospects ... That was really below the belt.


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Deirdre S.

You go girl! I'm happy for you. I've been through the same thing and the whole process is so unnerving!


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Amen to what Deirdre said!! Congratulations!


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No Deirdre, It doens't mean the non-compete and balckballing is over, but what it does mean is that I am looking at this theu the words of the mediator, so much more eloquent than I, and have been empowered to take that on. And as I have already said, am literally shocked that words not spoken were the loudest. I didn't have to get mean and nasty, and yell and cry and scream and behave lke what he thought I would do. I just thought he was so much smarter that they would listen more to hi, and then he stepped in verbal mud puddle bigger than he wanted to. His behavior in regard to me, at the hearing was mostly childish, because this is how he behaves. He addressed the referee with respect but not me. Alot of this has been talked about here. All of you folks, don't even know the half of what I put up with at that place. Nothing will change for those ladies at all, if anything, it will get worse. Reviewing all the stuff we've had to for the hearing, we had so much more than we needed to nail them. And over time there, have seen these folks behave in ways that has become illogical to us, in regard to what we have seen at places we applied for jobs. We know now how nasty an extreme their behvaior havs been toward. Speaking up, and taking a stand, really put us in trouble, we will probably be most of the next 12 months repairing the damage this has done to our reputations and our finances. Because i had never really worked in the public, but mainly for myself my view of a corporate job was something I had only ever read about. I never knew people coud be so nasty. Yes, I am just a naive little thing. So, I decided that I might haveto get some kind of part time job. But i am going to chse carefully. Part time ? Well, that is only untill I can promote my family entertainment business above what it is now. I going to use part of the settlement to re-up all my licenses, that I had to pass on when we lost the job originally, and secure my insurance back and I am going try to not go to work again for anyone but me. This is never happening to me again !

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Wow, Rainbow-- I came into the group at the tail end of this process and it sure sounded like you had a lot to go through. I'm so glad it went your way. This can't have been anything but stressful and it's great that they saw where the truth was, and that you won.


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What a relief this must be for you. Congratulations!

IANAL, but now that you have a judgement in your favor, with the documentation you kept, you may well have cause for legal action. And, remembering what your current lawyer told you about your chances of winning, maybe you should look for another one who specializes in such cases.

  • TL *
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Tante Lina

I'm very happy for you, Rainbow! Sarajane

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A reasonable, self-controlled person is pretty much *always* more credible than a screamer if the witnesses aren't hopelessly biased to begin with.

It is possible to express anger and a sense of injustice without becoming as malicious as the person who injured you, and that gives you a far more powerful place to stand than they have ...

I'd say your experience of this is worth slotting away for future reference.


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Deirdre S.

Maybe. But perhaps you have planted a seed that sticking up for yourself is something that might be possible.

You never know...


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Deirdre S.

Yes. And self-empowerment pretty much depends on our being willing to weigh those consequences, prepare for them, accept that they will indeed happen, even if they are unjust -- and then take action, ready to face what is up ahead for us because we did take action.

Like rainbow saying "It will take 12 months to recover from this" and then outlining what she will be doing in those 12 months, to get to where she wants to be: in control of her own work-life. That strikes me as a powerful, and at the same time, realistic place to be after this event.


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Deirdre S.

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from Deirdre S. :

]That strikes ]me as a powerful, and at the same time, realistic place to be after ]this event.

it is. and more power to her. i wasn't negating her effort at all.

for me, i thought it was worth it, at the time. that it backfired due to incomplete information and former employer being more vicious than expected showed different results. hopefully, it will work for her.

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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Didn't think you were.

Just trying to state a general principle about sticking up for yourself effectively. If you don't go in expecting the rest of the world to part like the Red Sea, and give you 'perfect' or 'fair' results, and instead are prepared to face some losses in the process, you are showing more wisdom and maturity than you would be going in all idealistic and naive about how easily you will get 'justice' because you are right, and they are wrong.


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Deirdre S.

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "laura" :

]You and Rainbow are both very courageous people. And knowing when to stop-- ]and understanding what to expect once you do stop-- makes me think you are ]awfully smart, too.

in *my case*, i did the only thing i thought i could at the time. it wasn't courage at all - it was desperation. i never conceived of still being unemployed five years later, without benefits of any kind, and being almost as stressed now as i was then. i honestly don't see how i could have done it any differently, but i had no idea the consequences of winning a court case would be so long-reaching.

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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I agree...

And IME, when dealing with such people, it is a better use of your energy to *get out of their clutches* than to try to defeat them.


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Deirdre S.

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "laura" :

]Perhaps these ideals really do exist, but if so, they must exist on a scale ]that is much larger than we can envision within the context of one span of ]existence on this little tiny planet of ours.


----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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One of the things I ran into, as did Vicki, is that Workers' Comp is designed as a tool for the employers, and most of the workings are run by the lawyer, and it's laws favor the employer. Like disallowing a lawyer to take on a case for even half their normal rate, while lawyers for the employer can be paid beau coup bucks. Like having a max of $178,000.00 payment for life long total disability.

Typically, if your case isn't too bad, you can get a satisfactory (relatively cheap) settlement. But if you have been badly injured and are in dire need, they fight you tooth and nail and high paid lawyer.


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Christina Peterson

I'm with you on the whole of this message.

For me, it is important to stop asking "What should happen?" and instead observe what *does* happen in other instances like the one you face now.

That means you stop expecting racial justice out of the KKK, or your unhealthy job or home environment to behave like a healthy one.


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Deirdre S.

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from Deirdre S. :

]That means you stop expecting racial justice out of the KKK, or your ]unhealthy job or home environment to behave like a healthy one.

well, maybe. i'm not sure it's a good thing to stop HOPING for it.

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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Bill of Rights - Void where prohibited by Law.Regime Change in 2004 - The life you save may be your own.

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